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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Waiting for sunset on top of my Coniston in Resolve:
  2. Sadly, that is true; I was wrestling with that set early this morning. I left it in place but the LOD and baked on shadows are disappointing.
  3. Interesting! I have an alt who is having no luck finding a great location in the 1024s. Thanks!
  4. I am trying things that I think should be still within the rules and regs but consciously testing the "letter of the law" a bit, knowing that I may find things returned. Fingers crossed...
  5. My 512 Gatewood on a 1024 lot (and I also measured the top roofie/screeny thing to be sure the whole house was less than 15 meters tall):
  6. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dreamworld Reef/111/18/28 Here you go! I visit often; as Emma mentioned above, their differing wood choices come up fairly regularly on popular items.
  7. If you are exploring the Newbrookes or just like sleek, modern, dark furnishings, hurry over to WRONG and grab their $L60 Weekend deals: (sorry, I should have zoomed in but neglected to; the sale items are kitchen, bed, jacuzzi and pergola)
  8. My contribution to the discussion, enjoying the lake view from my new rooftop terrace in Huygens:
  9. I am sorry for your disappointment but you reacted very graciously. Thank you for letting us know what you learned.
  10. I have come to the realization over the past couple of weeks of hopping and now Newbrooke (s)hopping, that the most important thing to me in a Linden Home is the location and setting and, if those are right for me, I can be happy in almost any theme of LH.
  11. How did Linden Lab that today is my birthday?? Thanks, LL!! I did a bit of GoH but will stick with my last roll in Newbrooke (on Seldom Scene) while I get a feel for the homes. Such fun!! 😄
  12. Happy to see that you are getting some stretches in and not just working all the time!! 😆
  13. I have been sailing up and down the central waterway in the chalet regions for the past couple of days while I wait for the Newbrookes to release and started thinking how lovely it would be to catch a chalet along the waterway. Most of the waterway regions are not released yet, some not even named yet but some regions in the southern/middle portion are available. So, the virtual universe smiled on me just now (FYI, this is in Trampledon) : 😄
  14. Well, I decided to do the survey, sure took long enough, LOL.
  15. Thanks for the research; somehow I am not feeling reassured...
  16. I just received this yesterday, one for each of my accounts. It seems to be asking some very personal questions so I wanted to make sure it was for real before I decide whether or not to participate. Just trying to be careful and the sender does seem to be SL. Thanks for any insight you wise forumites can offer!
  17. I sent an alt out hopping while I wait for Newbrooke. I confess to never being attracted to the Chalets before but then she landed this really lovely site so I think she will stay there till it is time to hop again. 😄
  18. Standing at the edge of West Branch, waiting for Newbrooke...
  19. Yes, especially to the last names! I would happily pay to get one of the previously-used, no-longer-available last names! Please, please???
  20. All of the above! I love TPing around to the yellow parcels on the map and do it on a regular basis, just for fun!
  21. Is that a Tardis phone booth??
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