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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Trying out new body bits and costumes at a club that is new to me:
  2. Lol, I can totally relate to that! My Comfort Food in Books series is now over 50 books long.
  3. As a 4th generation mystery book reader, I went through most of those classics in my teenage years. Now I enjoy scouting out books that use the mystery genre to explore current technological and social issues.
  4. The sound of screaming and loud gnashing of teeth reverberates inworld...........
  5. Bluesy Sunday night on the dance line............ Tiggie is getting good at dodging feet........... but now he has had enough..................
  6. I think Aardvark might be my favorite new store: novelty with a side of naughty, LOL. https://gyazo.com/d331ac726de54fa268f3dfd8b0a5242f
  7. Those interior and exterior photos are SOOOO lovely!! Is that your home?
  8. I love your kitchen but Christmas trees and snowmen already???
  9. Never! The poor boy gets tons of exercise running all over SL. Oddly, I forgot that his new friend's name might include a banned word to the forum software but I was able to edit back in the initial "P". As for the cookies, there are three or four more "flavors" so I need to make a return visit, LOL. 🍪🍪 🤣 🦉
  10. Scouting goodies at the FLF-o-Ween at the aptly named Shadows sim: Tiggie made a new friend whose name seems to be Lil P****: And I found a yummy cookie to eat on the way home:
  11. For most of my early years in NYC, a favorite haunt was the Russian Tea Room for their Red Caviar Omelet. Yum!!!
  12. Dear Casidy, teachers like you are a blessing to every child you encounter and never doubt that they will remember you and pass those blessings on to their own children. I am also totally in awe of you that you had the guts and determination to fix your own furnace; I cannot even imagine it! You totally rock!!
  13. I hope you are right in that a new theme is on the horizon but I think, given the unpopularity of the existing Bellisseria fantasy theme, a new fantasy theme is unlikely. Or, I hope it is unlikely.
  14. Hangout? "HANGOUT"??? Yikes..............🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️
  15. Thanks for the suggestion; I need to be out for a few hours but will look into that when I get home. 🙂 ETA, later: yeah, I had applied a tattoo to the Maitreya clothing layer not realizing that layer takes itself as seriously as it does, LOL! I am teachable, I swear! 😆
  16. Pretty sure this is a BOM issue but I don't know what to do to fix it. I recently went BOM with my Maitreya body to better feed my obsession with tattoos. Last night I put on a mesh top made for Maitreya (not BOM) but saw this. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!!
  17. Thanks, I confess to photographic cluelessness so I took a screen grab of that and will try it out!
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