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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. NO idea why but I was just an orange cloud who never rezzed till I discovered I had no shape and remedied that.
  2. I was having trouble yesterday, crashing constantly and never rezzing even when I got in. The problem might have been local internet, who knows? The interesting thing was when I logged in this morning and STILL was not rezzing, I went to edit my shape, on the off chance that might kick me into rezzing, and found I was not wearing a shape at all, which I did not think was even possible!! Found a shape and put it on and problem solved! Always new adventures to be had in SL! 😄
  3. I love that outer shell since it addresses the one thing I am not that fond of in the treehouses; will that be in your shop soon? (fingers crossed!)
  4. I hope you warm up and FYI this adorable soup and sandwich set has been on sale before, I believe, as I have it from the past and use it frequently.
  5. LOL, thanks for that and the pics above; I have stolen them and intend to copy your ideas!! 🤗
  6. I would pay to see that!! 😜
  7. Tiggie and me, greeting the day from the back deck of our new Treehouse. Thanks, Lindens and Moles! I did notice that, every time I hopped this morning, I ended up in the trunk of a treehouse; after reading Quartz's comment about, I understand why, LOL.
  8. Where are you? Did you get tossed in the clink for inflicting bad puns on us??
  9. Tiggie and me, greeting the day from the back deck of our new Treehouse. Thanks, Lindens and Moles!
  10. Yeah, the dismount is hilarious!
  11. Trying out new body bits and costumes at a club that is new to me:
  12. me too!! It is just yummy and warm! 🤗
  13. Lol, I can totally relate to that! My Comfort Food in Books series is now over 50 books long.
  14. As a 4th generation mystery book reader, I went through most of those classics in my teenage years. Now I enjoy scouting out books that use the mystery genre to explore current technological and social issues.
  15. The sound of screaming and loud gnashing of teeth reverberates inworld...........
  16. Bluesy Sunday night on the dance line............ Tiggie is getting good at dodging feet........... but now he has had enough..................
  17. I think Aardvark might be my favorite new store: novelty with a side of naughty, LOL. https://gyazo.com/d331ac726de54fa268f3dfd8b0a5242f
  18. Those interior and exterior photos are SOOOO lovely!! Is that your home?
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