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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. I had exactly the same thing happen to me this morning!
  2. And this looks like a blast, if you would like to get dressed up in a different way:
  3. I am aware of but not familiar with Bay City but notice of this event there tonight dropped into my email this morning from the always wonderful Inara Pey: https://modemworld.me/2023/12/31/bay-city-new-year-2023-24-prim-drop-in-second-life/
  4. Sunday at 3pm SLT, DJ Harmony will return and be at Fogbound Blues Club. Sure, the club gets crowded but we all have fun dancing on the danceline and even my little ginger cat, Tiggie Forever, is part of the gang. There is always room on the danceline!
  5. Blueridge and her man Wolf are getting things started a day early!
  6. If I understood any of that, I am sure I would be very impressed!!
  7. Wow, you are old!! /me ducks and runs for cover............
  8. Sooooooooooo............ two of the Yummies dared me to dance nearly nude on the Fog Line tonight............ then those dirty dogs chickened out but I don't care; the breeze feels delightful on my skin and the beat comes right through the fog. So there!
  9. Excellent, another MurderBot fan! I am about half a book ahead of you, finished Exit Strategy and am about to start Network Effect after a couple of years hiatus in another genre. I should put books #5, #6, and #7 on my early 2024 reading calendar; what better way to while away the gray winter hours than in outer space, saving colonies? And don't forget the stories, Compulsory #0.5 and Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory #4.5, just the right length for a snack or lunch break. 👾 👾
  10. I enjoy your finished images and would also value seeing the image with which you began your journey.
  11. Yikes, poor baby!! But we know he survived............ 🐕
  12. LOLOL, do I hear @Love Zhaoying racing in from another room to save his kitchen??
  13. /me rubs her still-tender tailbone............. yes, yes, they ARE fun............
  14. /me pats Luna's trembling head......... now, now, my Sweet Summer Child; Frigga will return to us, the spirits have ordained it......
  15. Wow, gorgeous and SPOOKY; I don't think I would be able to sleep there or would even be willing to spend the night!!
  16. I worried too but, checking her profile and recent posts, she is here and active in other areas. So, I hope she is well! We are just spoiled.......... so spoiled!
  17. Lovely! I think you are a lot like me; I "decorate" the outdoors of and around my Linden Homes but the interior decor is an afterthought. What EEP are you using? I am still debating what my favorite EEP is for that rather dry landscape.
  18. Thanks, BJoyful!!! Here are many more that Juicy (juice651) took:
  19. Thank you for the adorable Christmas card. I enlarged it and am displaying it atop my new home. (FYI, this photo is using the EEP NY House Boat 2 which was a gift to us from Nando Yip a while ago.)
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