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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Yum! I love a sweet-smelling, clean man between my........ uh......... sheets.........
  2. The lesson I am hearing is to stick with the classes at the Photo Salon and scout the "manly" sales each weekend. And take him out of his mothballs more than once a year and work on him a bit...........
  3. @Cinnamon Mistwood and @Scylla Rhiadra you are both so good at styling your guys, the body, the hair, the clothes, the pose, the setting. I feel so lame; my poor boy never gets let out to do anything and never gets primped. How did you learn all that?
  4. If you have an extra, you know where to send it...........
  5. Tasty indeed! I would take him out for a spin any day!!
  6. Kier in his spacecraft, all set to leave the solar system...............
  7. Don't be so even-handed that you are boring!! I suppose Kier could strip down for a slang fest if needed..........
  8. Moonlight Mantras with Luna at Shambhala Beach. My daughter was listening and enjoying the mantras from the next room and I can see that she is so relaxed now that she is asleep..........
  9. TIL that if you fly high enough (this was taken at 4850 mtrs), the rainbow I made in a photography class has an "eye" shape that I did not expect.
  10. Kier (now Kieran Blackwood) was my first alt I think and started out his life as a female but quickly realized he was male and stayed that way.
  11. A friend asked if I would like some zucchini from her garden so, of course, I said "sure, bring me a couple" thinking I would toss them on a salad. So why am I feeling more as if I am witnessing an alien invasion than dreaming of lunch??
  12. Totally agree and have said so before. Is there some coding or backstage/under-the-hood reason it would be difficult or impossible to do?
  13. When? Is there a Shambhala Sanctuary calendar? (Just took a calendar class yesterday so I am busy subscribing to all the best SL groups that publish their calendars!)
  14. Yikes! "Here by myself because I was stupid." I can read whole novels into that! [friendly hug.....]
  15. Thanks, Luna, we had great fun and thanks for the amazing tour; my TP history is bulging, LOL. This photo made me want to make one quick request of everyone posting their own gorgeous photos here: I would always love to know where you and that amazing spot in SL were photographed, so, if you are able to share the location, please let us all know. Thanks to Luna and thanks to all of you!
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