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Emily Peridot

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Everything posted by Emily Peridot

  1. i was surprised to not see any variation of "peach" or "peaches" on that list so hopefully that comes up someday
  2. does anyone know why my reborn suddenly has the left nipple permanently invisible ? ive tried resetting the alpha and body , redelivering , taking everything off except the reborn , reinstalling firestorm and nothing seems to fix it . the linden body dosent have this issue edit nevermind i reset the cache and it fixed it
  3. spankers breaking !!! feels like my ones from pretty liars need to be redelivered every other week cuz of some issue
  4. does anyone know why this viewer insists on resetting my hover height every time I take a step ? I've tried adjusting through appearance and the firestorm preferences button , but it persists making my feet sink into the ground
  5. The head skin has to be a visible improvement over my current one for me to even think about it, then I have to get used to it by wearing it for a few hours, THEN I'll directly compare between the new one and the old one to see if I really do like it more. I've tried two new head skins since my current one, only to end up discarding both of them because they just weren't "me".
  6. I installed my first ever SSD last night, so trying it this morning (after reinstalling everything), every game loads darn near instantly and a lot of SL's lag and loading issues seem to have vanished. Truly a blessing.
  7. Soft crash. It hangs on the teleport screen, I click cancel and suddenly everyone is gone. Cue a guaranteed disconnect about 10 seconds later. Maddening.
  8. Firestorm crashing on teleport AGAIN causing me to lose my avatar changes AGAIN and also randomly deleting items from my inventory database AGAIN. I swear to christ I've never had this many issues with a release of any other viewer I've ever used.
  9. I hate those stupid pesky annoying mosquitos. They were buzzing around me trying to bite me. All. Day. Long. I walked outside for a little while, and when I walked back inside I literally thought to myself, "huh, I bet there's a mosquito on my left arm" so I looked down, and lo and behold, a mosquito was biting my left arm just as I thought! I don't think I've ever smashed one of those little annoyances with more fury than I did that one.
  10. This new version of Firestorm deciding it wants to crash every other teleport is getting really old, really fast. Did not happen nearly as frequently with the previous one.
  11. This is me in 2020, with a mesh body but still using the system head: This is me in 2024, four years and a ridiculous amount of iterations later:
  12. When I take off clothing/bits/whatever, and the Reborn body leaves those parts alpha'd out, necessitating attaching the HUD to correct it. And it happens so often!
  13. I saw these lovely photos, was in awe at your setup and trying to figure out exactly how you separated the rooms, and then I just so happened to stumble upon your room divider on the marketplace. You are awesome, thank you for doing that.
  14. New hairstyle, new house, new furniture, aka more things to pose and experiment with.
  15. Positive: fiinally getting around to getting one of those Linden homes, and having a place for my avatar to sit that's not the same ol public rezz zone I've been using for the past 5 years (I get hit by a surprising number of cars). Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to decorate the dang thing!
  16. I've tried to use it for about half an hour, and in that span of time I've frozen and crashed three separate times for reasons I cannot understand (maybe my phone is not good enough). Accessing the chat menu is clunky, and there doesn't seem to be any inventory access (or maybe I'm just blind). But I understand this is an early access beta and it's not feature complete, so I look forward to seeing what it looks like further down the road. For now, it's kind of a pass. Ps: my avatar actually loaded in this one so it already has that over other mobile viewers.
  17. I'm celebrating the 4th of July with some.... dust balls??... at Social Island
  18. Yup, I had it purchased long beforehand, so when I when I found this 4th of July outfit, I had a eureka moment. Finally, an outfit that fits my bat! ^^
  19. I've always been short, which has caused issues when using animations with other gigantic people, but I feel like I can have more realistic proportions that way and so tiny I will stay for the foreseeable future. Firestorm viewer says I'm 5 foot 5 apparently, not sure how accurate that is but I'll take it.
  20. I like to put full outfits together and mix-match parts before deciding on what I want. If my clothes disappear in the time it takes me to do that, I'm not making the effort to grab another demo nor am I buying from your shop now or ever again.
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