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Drakonadrgora Darkfold

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Everything posted by Drakonadrgora Darkfold

  1. oh I understand more than you think. we just dont agree on the same methods is all. which is fine by me.
  2. no I never said that people who were sad that their friends 'did' die were pansies. there is no proof that alyanna su is dead. she might just be taking a break from the forums and the internet because other real life issues are more important at this time and people need to accept and deal with the fact that these forums and sl is not the most important thing in everyones life like some seem to think or act at times. people are allowed to leave or disappear for no reason and not have to explain why or expect others to get all boohoo they are gone, please come back we miss you. she will be back when she is ready and capable and not before. people need to learn to give space to others if they take a break from sl or the forums. i punched them in the face on purpose they needed it, there is a time when being upset and sad does no good. and sometimes you do need a shake up to snap out of it and not false empathy or sympathy or pity aka toxic positivism aka it will be all right, it will get better, at least its not as bad as it could be. and some of the people on these forums 'do' have big egos.
  3. Actually i am doing fine other than a very irritating eye allergy at the moment.
  4. Whaaa I am taking my ball and going home to play by myself and you cant come.. that is all that post sounded like.. an entitlement minded forumite who cant stand they are not on top of the world and everyone has to bow to them and their views.
  5. Yeah, there are a lot of fake dumbinants in sl that think that just by putting a label or title on them makes them so and everyone has to bow down to their wishs. They are just jokes and deserve no respect from anyone at all. You get them in all flavors, Masta's and Dumbinants and wannabe owners that have no clue how bdsm works. they are just flakes and fakes and just obsessed with the fantasy of being a dom because they watched 50 shades of no way in hell or read the books of gor and think that is how bdsm works.. Not my Dom dont try and order me around or use any sort of honorific or pet name with me. show no respect, you get no respect. respect is earned not given freely. Them: Im a Master your my sub now obey me!(when clearly im not theirs) Me: Another idiot has joined the ranks of the wannabe sl doms and masters..
  6. I know its childish and immature, it just shows they cant take what they dish out. They want to mud sling but keep their clothes all clean and then cry foul play when dirtied back as if their rules are the rules that everyone has to go by when they are not.
  7. there is a point in time where civility no longer has a place in a discussion if you have not learned this yet, then you still have more to learn about life. start firing bullets be ready for the hail storm that might come back your way. never said everyone has to be rough like me. just dont expect me to be soft like you or others. never said being vulnerable made you weak, but if you think someone has to cowtow to your opinions or views or be seen as mean or rude or a troll, thats a you problem not a me problem. to those who I trust i can be quite vulnerable and open. those who I dont, well you get to see the stabby, stabby, stomp, crush, destroy side of me if pushed. I dont pull punches if its not warranted. and some of my punches were not warranted at being pulled just because someone else thought they were. some here on these forums are a bit uppity because of their time here and think everyone should treat them special, sorry thats not the case. heres a little secret you might not know and probably dont care about. im actually a submissive, but also a brat, not the nice kind of brat. if you think this is me being rude or mean.. you really know nothing about me at all. nor do I really have to care what you think or feel about me either or how I respond here. that again is a you problem and not a me problem.
  8. my pet peeve forumites who cant handle someone not playing by their rules who think they are special or important or awesome and should be respected because of their over inflated egos or age on the forums or number of posts or reputation point level. and then someone comes around and pops their little balloon and they cant deal with it. cant stand the heat stay out of fire. dont come slinging mud if you cant stand to be dirtied yourself. think the forums will remain your cozy little place all the time. no its not going to happen. times change, all things change, nothing stays the same forever. if you cant handle people disagreeing with you on any level at all on any topic at all, maybe your not really ready for the internet as much as you think you are or play at being or try and make others think or believe. be careful who call or insinuate is a troll. you just might make that person decide to become one because you labeled them such enough times they dont care anymore. at that point all your insults to them will mean nothing, all your attempts at trying to seem better will fall to way side and you will just reveal yourself as a troll as well. all your vanity and ego will turn inward on you and eat you alive as you try to fight something you cannot win because you have become what you hated. you might think your better than them. in the end your not and never was. just it took them to make you see just how evil or dark or rude you could get if pushed far enough. in the end you have only yourself to blame you failed, you lost and they did win even if you cannot see it or accept it. thats the major problem with taking anything to serious on any forums anywhere on the internet there will be someone you will not like or agree with and you cannot change them or force them or intimidate or bully or shame or embarrass them. they have been there done that, been through it before and no longer can be hurt by those who think they can. prod them goad them attack them, label them make snarky or witty or sarcastic comments about them and it means nothing at the end of the day to them. you begin to mean nothing, your opinion your views, your values, your ethics, your ideals.. nothing..you become nothing...you become a nipc in their life. nothing you say then will or can effect them anymore. but you will continue to try because you still think your better when your not. that they have to play by your 'playground' rules but they dont. you can either run and hide or continue to push and attack either way you still loose. Never personalize or internalize anything said by anyone on the internet. If they dont know you and have not walked in your shoes, their words mean nothing, have no power, no control, no effect but what you chose to give to them. If you get angry or upset or mad at what they do, that is YOU problem and not a them problem. Your just not ready or capable of understanding that yet.
  9. security orbs more for you to choose from. security
  10. but that requires extra time and effort to manage it and its not automated... security sytems. pick one and give it a try, see if it has a demo first.
  11. for some, but for those who have trusted enough to be hurt badly it becomes hard to trust or believe again freely or openly. some do not cope with it well, so become aggressive or defensive about it. like a pet peeve ya know.
  12. some do, but some can be mislead by others. it happens all the time. so for some its not as easy. those who want to trust and believe to easily will and do get hurt by it.
  13. How about I go no where because you do not have the right to tell me how to behave and never will. Your time in sl means nothing, it does not make you special or important or great or someone anyone has to respect.. except in your own little delusional world in your head. I have been here for 11 years.. woooo.. you have been here 5 more years then me. So what big deal. actually no its not and never was except to you maybe. If you know what you are doing you would use the powers given by LL to keep people out that you dont want in. If you dont its your own fault and no one elses. That is why those powers exist. If you dont chose to use them, that is a YOU problem. No one has to live by your morals or ethics ever because you think or say they do. If you cannot handle it then leave or you will be constantly upset and angered by those who chose because is their right to not do so.
  14. some may say they care but do they really or is it just a mind game they are playing with that person. you never really know, so should not ever trust them further than you can toss a semi with your bare hands. some only act like they care to bee seen as good people, when really they dont. everyone is here for their own reason and not everyone reveals that reason to everyone else in fear of what that other person may think or say about them false care, pity, empathy, sympathy runs rampant in sl and on these forums, so does toxic positivism.
  15. to some it 'is' just a game and nothing more, its not a social platform where any sort of social morals or rules apply. do not assume ever that everyone thinks or feels or believes as you do, or you will be constantly upset and hurt or angered by those that dont and wont.
  16. then set the ban lines to prevent that from happening. use the access list to only allow those you want in.
  17. Never said that. Just there are many men and women that are into rape play, its a kink of theirs. And yes many women that are afraid of it are sexually repressed or have high morals or ethics, what some would call prudes or teases or were maybe abused at one point and now have become sexually repressed. Funny thing is some that were abused actually use rape play to help them move on from the trauma of the abuse. And there are a lot of men and women willing to help them in that area of their life.
  18. There are tons of those kinds of people in sl. You can find them by the thousands in the kidnap and rape groups. And there are a lot of females who actually like the idea of that. its their kink. Not everyone here has high morals or ethics or is inhibited by sexual fears and repressions of sexual desire.
  19. The rules of society do not apply here in sl. its a virual world where anything is possible. NO ONE has to live by your view or standards or morals or ethics or ideal or values here ever. Stop thinking they do or will or you have any right to tell them that they have too. As long as they abide by the TOS and the community guidelines they do not have to do what anyone anywhere thinks or says or wants ever. Your values are not as great or special or important to everyone else but YOU. Realize and accept this or you are yet too immature for SL and the internet. I dont need your permission to go where I want where I want because I want. If you dont want me there you DO have to do what is needed to prevent me from doing so, tough if you dont like that. YOU have no right to tell anyone how they have to behave or what morals or ethics they have to live by here you only get to decide for yourself no one else ever. Do NOT ever assume that everyone else is like you or cares what you think or feel or believe ever. Most here DO NOT. You are not even a person to many people, you are a name on a forum, you are a name on an avatar, you are npc(non-player-character) or nipc(non-important-player-character) to them; if you cant handle this, its a YOU problem not a them problem. You have no special rights or powers her but what LL has given access to you to use. NO ONE has to care if you dont like them or want them around you. YOU DONT get to decide that for others, other than by the means given to you by LL. YOUR likes are meaningless to those that dont care and they wont suddenly care because you got on your high horse and said 'play by my rules or im taking my ball home and you cant play with it anymore." Not everyone is going to care or get upset or anything like YOU seem to think they should or would. Tough if you dont like this. If you cant stand the heat stay out of the kitchen. oh and Doors do not imply stay out when closed. its just closing off one area from another for any number of reasons. It doesnt always mean stay out or your not wanted.
  20. No one really has the right or entitlement or privilege to tell anyone here in sl. "hey I dont like that behavior stop it!" and really expect that person to have to comply with their wish. If you do and they dont, its a YOU problem not a them problem. Either do what LL has given you the power to do or accept that people will behave how they want no matter if you think its right or not; and not everyone cares if they make a few people upset or unhappy with their behavior. Not everyone is sl is a people pleaser.
  21. That is where you use the access list and not be lazy about adding your friends to it. then all other strangers 'are' kept out and cannot enter at all. Depending upon the sim and placement of the house it can keep people out if there is nothing close by that they can sittp to, in order to enter the home. Sure locks wont keep a true thief out, they never were intended for that. all locks are for is to only keep honest people honest. its a fake sense of security it provides. that is why you have other things like alarms and cameras and monitoring services that inform the local authorities. in sl this is done with sercurity orbs and similar devices. either use a security orb, or set the ban lines/access list on or accept that randoms will come in even if you dont like it. they dont have to really care if you think its rude or not fair or impolite or not nice. For the most part most people that come here think its just a glorified open world free for all game. trying to complain to them or inform them that its not is not going to change them at all. They dont care and wont care just because you think they should. SL is just an escape from reality and the rules of realty for some people. So they are not going to listen to the morals or ethics of someone else who has decided to think they have the right to tell them how to behave here.
  22. That is actually part of bdsm called eoa aka end of avatar where the person mounted on the wall was their victim and was killed and gave over access of their account to the person storing them in their gallery. Usually those avatars are no longer under the control of the original owner anymore. its a kink/fetish where people are obsessed with the idea of death or bad ends. You will often see them in a group with R. I. P. in front of their name and if you look at their profile it has a long drawn out story over several picks on how they were ended and by who and why and all that drama/erotic story bits. Often the victim is told they no longer have any rights over their account and have to give up access to it or face public and group humiliation and harassment and banning from the group or sim. Often the password or even the email and password is changed to prevent them from logging back in and leaving the area. People do some really stupid things in sl at times because they are easily fooled into believe what others say is true.
  23. in some aspects they are taking it too serious if they didnt want unwanted strangers, they should have locked their doors on their homes or put the parcel to access list only. If you leave it open, you have basically said to everyone 'come on it, the doors open, make yourself at home.' NO ONE has to live by the morals or ethics of anyone else here in sl. You either do what is needed to keep them out or its your own fault if they dont stay out. That is the purpose and reason why locks were made in the real world. And why some homes here in sl can lock the doors to preven people form just walking in and why there is such a thing as the access list, where they cannot come in and are effectively banned/blocked/locked out of the property because they are not wanted there. If your too lazy to use the ban/access list then its a YOU problem and not a them problem.
  24. I edit posts to add more content so I dont have to create a new post. yes it may be upwards of nearly a day later at times but so be it. rarely do I ever remove content from a post. its either to add more or fix minor spelling errors that I felt needed to be fixed at that time.
  25. OP, its simple you ignore them and dont respond, then you mute/block and derender them and they are permanently gone from you sl experience at that point.
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