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Drakonadrgora Darkfold

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Everything posted by Drakonadrgora Darkfold

  1. not being an ass being the truth even if people dont want to hear it. its a proven fact that no one can hurt anyone with their words alone unless that person first allows it. which is why nothing anyone has said here or other places affects me in a negative manner. I chose what bothers me or upsets me, not anyone else.
  2. wrong its the truth and you just dont want to accept it because then you cant use your excuse of being triggered or made angry or upset as an excuse. you cannot be hurt by words unless YOU chose to let it. its a known fact by those who are old enough to understand that saying and what it implies. just most people are too emotional immature to be able to take responsibility for their own feelings and actions based upon what someone said to them so seek an excuse to validate their behavior no one can make anyone mad or happy or upset or angry or hurt by words alone.
  3. For those who think im using the laugh as scorn.. nah.. I actually find what you say amusing in my own way. so keep thinking what you are thinking and making it a you problem and not a me problem. because all you are doing is making emotional choices on theories and not facts. if I dont like you, I do have the courage to come out and say it here or at least send a dm/pm stating so. so if you have not gotten, one its all just speculation on your part.
  4. even if you put them on ignore they can still see what you say and react to it and you will still see the reaction, plus if anyone quotes them you will see what was said then too. and even if put on ignore does not mean they wont continue to reply and others will see it anyways. not everyone that replies cares who does or does not see it. they reply just because they can.
  5. for some but not always for all. its a give and take experience with varied outcomes, which im ok with. i dont try to win everyone over, im not that egotistical..unlike some here can be.
  6. not to annoy but yes to stir up the pot at times or things get stagnant and stale. which makes for a boring life. why should I let anyone inflict their emotional way of relating to people on me?
  7. you dont have to be social to be here or have a reason to be here. no I dont hate myself at all. nice try..i know what I am and accept it. I dont hide from it or shame it or be embarrassed by it. nor can I be humiliated or degraded or devalued because of it. no one but me decides my value.
  8. nice try taking that from that page. simply put, it means I dont care if you think im crazy you cant prove it. but it has been proven that peoples emotions are under their control if they so chose to do so consciously.
  9. words can only hurt until you learn they have no power over you but what you give them, beyond that point they can not ever hurt you agian. its a lesson that most people take nearly a lifetime to learn. it is completely a conscious choice just most people like to claim its not to use that as some excuse or defense for their actions towards others.
  10. i do live alone but that is by personal choice. but I do have family and friends i do interact with and am the same way around them too and they dont try and change me to suit their views of how I should be according to them. before you say or think that is what im trying to do its not.. im just showing the otherside of the coin that people often forgets exists. why because I chose to, because I can. not because I think its a right or entitlement.
  11. incorrect all emotions are chosen reactions based upon past experiences. no one can trigger or make you have an emotion, you chose to have that emotion based upon your past life experience and how they affected you by the choice you made about how to deal with them. all triggers can be controlled if a person so choses to and be mindful of what they are doing and feeling in the moment they are doing so. there is an old saying. sticks and stones may brake my bones but words will never hurt me. It is a very true saying even if some dont want to accept the validity of it.
  12. nah, I dont read the room. as I said before im blunt and brutal. it keeps those away from me that cant deal with it. which is fine with me. im not a socialite or social butterfly nor do i need or want to be.
  13. maybe its blocked to you because its a new account, not sure. give it a few days then try again. if you really put the right date in that proves your 18 or above I think it would be open to you. have you logged in to the viewer and made sure you ticked adult content in that, it might have some effect but I dont really see how or why.. maybe try going to the marketplace and see if you can see any adult items with the account.
  14. there really is no difference between the two. some people like to think there is but there isnt. all emotions are based upon theories and not facts. the only fact is that she has not been on the forums for a time, nothing more. the rest was all emotional theories of what could have happened. if you get mad it is not because the person made you mad, you chose to get mad. no one can make anyone have a specific feeling about anything. if you get upset no one made you get upset, you chose to get upset based upon theories and not facts.
  15. never said I was debating, debating means someone wins or looses or is out to changes someones mind. there is no win or loose to me. its just information and a discussion with no right or wrong way to do it. but some like to think their etiquette trumps others when it doesn't.
  16. its not their place to force their opinion or views or ethics or morals on me or anyone else either.
  17. no, that would be boring but the turning down of the personality would be a nice thing at times. problem is they dont like it if someone gets just a bold back with them.
  18. what does not kill you makes you stronger. i could always go for the gut punch method and not sugar coat anything I say at all. but that would mean I would have to care what someone who does not know a thing about me but how I respond on the forums thinks about me.
  19. thanks for the attempt, but no really other than my eyes burning im doing ok. believe it or not I do appreciate the attempt.
  20. never said I didnt have ego issues. but some are worse than mine here.
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