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Sparkle Bunny

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Everything posted by Sparkle Bunny

  1. well, if people are selling hud-controlled mesh as full bright these days i stand corrected, but there are also full bright photos and even curtains so i think she just likes the effect.
  2. i am all for creativity but i do not understand why my neighbour has taken a perfectly nice (and not inexpensive) bedroom set and EDITED it so that it is full bright. ditto her bathroom. it is baffling. but it is my own fault for camming, i suppose. she hasn't done anything with the garden, for which i am thankful. i cannot claim the moral high ground because one time i left a full bright pot plant on my porch for a week because i had neglected to check how it looked at midnight. in my defence, the pot plant was no mod and i removed it as soon as i realised. if anyone AR'd me for it, it must have been gone by the time the lindens came to check.
  3. i also found paleoquest completely unplayable. i tried horizons and the glytch-catching one, but the original realms was the only Linden game i actually liked. if they brought it back just as a perk for premium users -- access to a deprecated feature, a bit like last names -- i would be very happy with that.
  4. they pretty much have to do something modern to accommodate the Meadowbrook refugees, don't they? open-plan, floor-to-ceiling windows and maybe a built-in swimming pool. other than that, i think cottages would be perfect for a 512. one or two rooms, thatched roof, chimney, window shutters, a choice between timber and stone walls, one storey or two. set in the forest among winding paths and the occasional startled deer. less out-and-out fantasy than Elderglen but with a definite fairytale vibe.
  5. how can they possibly know when everyone who wanted to get in has got in? when the number of people on the sim drops to zero? when they get bored? when they've reached their sales targets? it is entirely within the spirit of Black Friday (and Bellisseria, for that matter, to stay somewhat on topic) to limit the best deals to a select few. i'd love to pick up a couple of items at that price, but with only one premium alt and limited time inworld i realise it's unlikely, and that's absolutely FINE. the people with the resources to get in will probably spend a lot more than i can. it's only fair, just like it's only fair that people spending hundreds of dollars on premium accounts get the pick of the houses while singletons like me are lucky to get an abandon. [i was trying to put together a shopping list so i wouldn't be hogging a slot for too long if i actually did get into the sim, and as far as i can tell a lot of their stuff isn't even on marketplace, presumably because it was too time-consuming and boring to list it. which, again, is fine. i don't NEED any more furniture, it'd just be nice to have.]
  6. trying to get into Apple Fall is the new trying to get a house. but with tp hammers instead of autorefresh. even if they limited people to ten minute slots (which sounds unworkable due to the slowness of the vendors) it would take over a week to accommodate everyone in their group. i don't know why you'd even attempt having a major sale with that many vendors, just chuck your items into single prims or change the prices on marketplace. i'd be willing to forgo redelivery options on a L$50 item, i do it with gachas all the time.
  7. i would imagine all Mole resources are concentrated on Bellisseria in preparation for the next big release, meaning they can't even spare one or two for Realms maintenance. can't say i blame them. i've spent very little time in the Realms since i got a premium alt and a home to decorate. the last time i was there you couldn't collect half the crystals and the hud kept vanishing. i was on the final quest too, wish i'd persevered now and cashed out before they went poof
  8. well i am still seeing a bunch of halloween decor around, but i can also see a) life can easily get in the way of logging in for a couple of weeks and b) not every Bellisseria resident hangs around the forums or is a member of the groups, so you can't expect them to know that their ghosts should have been exorcised by now. (i'd rather see christmas decorations in november than halloween ones, but that's just my personal taste.)
  9. When i got the Sold Out page I did NOT click the back button. I stayed on the page and turned auto-refresh back on. Five minutes later, I had a house. I have no idea whether this would work for other people, I just know it worked that one time for me.
  10. it's summer in the northern hemisphere, you'd expect fewer people around as they are on vacation, out of doors, looking after kids etc. they might have skyboxes. they might have left sl over tilia and forgotten to cancel all their premium memberships. also, if people have multiple homes they seem more likely to hang out in their house than their houseboat.🤷‍♀️
  11. picked up one of the Edgar abandons, haven't been inworld to see it yet but definitely keeping because it is a HOUSE and that's all i care about.
  12. My auto-refresh pinged twice in the last half-hour but every time I go to check it tells me I've exceeded the refresh limit. It's set to 100 seconds, so either my plugin is malfunctioning or they've decreased the limit. Going to try setting it to 120 now and see how I go.
  13. technically it will be winter for 90% of the world's population, though a) i imagine the proportion in sl is more like 70% and b) most places don't even have what i would call winter anyway, so yeah, i said it was weird.
  14. honestly if i were LL i would be busting a gut to get the trailers released by the end of this month, even if it were at the expense of more traditionals. i know it's weird but even in a virtual world i don't want to be camping in the winter.
  15. i don't see an issue with people catching and releasing, because it frees up homes for others who will value them more, and who maybe couldn't get online at the time of release. i don't love that the best locations will end up dominated by those with the time and money to keep house-swapping indefinitely, but it's kind of inevitable.
  16. i'm guessing it was in chat on one of the two big community groups, that's where most of these announcements seem to get made. i found out from the forums so this is definitely not the first time it's been mentioned here.
  17. my soft toys: Glogg, Pinguino, Meep, Pudbun, Sloff, Catanda, Bamboo, Owlipose, Murtagh, Adorable Gift. i would be happy to live in any of those.
  18. apparently Patch has stated that if you need a refund on your premium membership you can get one.
  19. Ruth 2.0 isn't Omega-compatible as the creator of Omega refuses to work with it, I think due to licensing issues, but I think the feet are Slink-compatible. Since it's a freebie it wouldn't hurt to pick one up and see whether it works for you. One of my alts has the Tonic Fine, it was about L$2K I think? but worth saving up for as it has Omega built-in as well as the Slink-compatible feet.
  20. after some initial experimentation with shadow textures i ended up going with charcoal walls in the windlass, much more forgiving.
  21. oh, most successful software startups have these embarrassing groupies who will brook no criticism and think all customers should be in a state of permanent grateful prostration before those who are so kind and generous as to bestow their wonderful product upon them. i imagine LL are used to this kind of nonsense by now, much as they are also used to the abuse.
  22. they are going within SECONDS. your chances are so low it's honestly not going to make any difference.
  23. i've just worked out how to put the most vocally unpleasant on ignore 😊
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