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Everything posted by elleevelyn

  1. this is what you will argue at arbitration should you ever get banhammered the Linden arbitration FAQ is here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Terms_of_Service_Arbitration_FAQ
  2. if you keep up the behaviour you mentioning here then you pretty much on the road that ends in banhammer a often overlooked reason for getting a banhammer is behaviour that affects the enjoyment of SL by others. Linden have over the years interpreted behaviour and subsequent affect quite broadly. Sometimes to the bewilderment of the person banhammered who had previously spent considerable effort informing all and sundry about how they observe the letter of the Community Standards
  3. in the beginning SL was run by Linden potato farmers working at the Linden Potato Farm SL is still run by Linden potato farmers today but who are now working at the Amazon Potato Farm, annnnnd the Linden potato farmers pay Amazon to work at the Amazon Potato Farm, kinda like potato sharecroppers so still potatoes it seems, I think, maybe, somehow
  4. the parcel owner already had road access on the left, 4 metres wide, which is easily wide enough for a driveway/gate to the road. From the pic it appears the parcel owner didn't care for this tho, as they had placed trees in that spot
  5. yes.... but is just that if the wiki said set the prims physics shape to convex hull then Bubblesort would not have needed to post
  6. by default (as you found out) when we rezz a box prim then its physic shape is set to PRIM and the prim's Land Impact is 1. When we rez another box prim and link it to the first then the Land Impact is 2 when we set the linked object to CONVEX_HULL then we are using the Prim Equivalency system and the Land Impact of the 2 linked prims is now 1 Why Linden called it Prim Equivalency rather than Mesh Equivalency I dunno
  7. agree the wiki should be edited. The wiki does say: "This function requires the linkset to use the Prim Equivalency system." But as you say the wiki should expand on this to say that the Prim Equivalency system in this context means set Features \ Physics Shape Type = Convex Hull
  8. by arcane it is meant that unticking the box is arcane. Ticked means LSL Mono (64k). Unticked means LSO the original Linden 16k compiler (arcane) from back in the day
  9. the rectangular parcel is more valuable in terms of best utilising the space, which is uppermost in the minds of resident owners. Irregular shape parcels use up more filler prettifier prims than do regular rectangular parcels i realise that you assuming that the price a parcel can potentially sell for L$ is what makes it valuable; but for the typical resident/home owner the resell price pretty much doesn't factor into their purchasing decision.s And where L$ does factor, it is in the purchase price. That person paid a whole lot less for that rectangle because of the 16m parcels, so a bargain for them. A bargain that will probably get dumped for even less L$ when the person decides to move on, the parcel abandoned even ps add i just make it clear what the effect of 16m parcels is. They devalue the neighbouring parcels. That Linden allow the cutting and reselling of micro parcels, doesn't change the devaluation effect that this activity has on neighbouring parcels. If Linden ever did ban micro parcel trading it would be for this reason, to stop the devaluation of the larger area
  10. i like how you have modeled this. As you pointing out, screens can be used effectively just to up-level this way of modelling, so that we can build on what we see here, in a way in which the neighbours can see our screens in a positive light rather than a negative light if we step the flat screen in from the border by about 2 to 4 metres and place 3-dimensional trees between our screen and our border then our neighbour can see what we see and will be more inclined to build out their parcel in a complimentary way and when we do this then our screens need not be transparent on our neighbour's side one-sided transparent can cause more ugly than non-transparent as when the neighbour can see thru our one-side transparent then they see the L-shape screen corner on the far side of our parcel. Which from their pov looks ugly, so more times than not they will stick up their own screen to screen out our far side screens, when we thought we were being neighbourly by making the near screen transparent
  11. Dear Recalcitrant Old Linden Homes Occupier, GOOD NEWS! To celebrate our 20th milestone, you have been relocated to the swanky new social housing bellybutton estate here : < some random place> Where you will LOVE IT! OK!!! Dear Even More Recalcitrant Old Linden Mainland Occupier, GOOD NEWS! To celebrate our 20th milestone, the Linden mainland parcel buy price has been reduced to L$1 regardless of parcel size. If you gunna keep on being recalcitrant then you can now be HAPPILY MORE Recalcitrant (postcalcitrant even !!!) for CHEAPER buy in !!! How FABULOUS is that !! Dear Grumpy Forum Regulars, GOOD NEWS! To celebrate our 20th milestone, we turning our forums into a ETERNAL HAPPY PLACE, so you all banned ok !! The about 3 forum regulars left will get HEAPS OF LIKES and POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT from the other about two people. Which will be way cool, like way way, totally even !! Dear Even More Grumpy Regular Marketplace Much Loved Valued People, To celebrate our 20th milestone, we going to add a whole lot more technical infrastructure so that you can vent as much as you like for as long as you like anytime you want !! Will be AWESOME !! Going forward into the BRIGHT NEW FUTURE is all about your 1st AMENDMENT RIGHT TO VENT !!! Nobody Linden will listen to all vents and absolutely protect your RIGHT TO VENT. How important is that!! To have your 1st AMENDMENT RIGHTS leveled up like this !!! Dear Long Suffering Potato Computer Users !! GOOD NEWS! To celebrate our 20th milestone, we going to change up the minimum hardware specs to login. This will immediately heal you from ALL YOUR SUFFERING !! This will be TOTALLY BENEFICIAL TO YOUR HEALTH. Is this WONDERFUL or what !! FREE AT LAST from all your suffering !!! Dear Long Time Estate people complaining about random visitors Even More Valued Customers, To celebrate our 20th milestone, we going to claim the middle 32 sqm meters of all your regions for public use. This will GOOD FOR YOU as you will have nothing to complain about anymore, as the 32sqm will not belong to you, so your grounds for worry and consternation will be removed. This will be REMOVE A WHOLE LOT OF ANGST that you currently experiencing ok !!! Dear Boss Linden, can I have a job in the Making Stuff Up department please !! I be really good at the job ok !! Like really really !! even if I do say so myself with humility andl hesitation. Thank you !!! ps. This all said cheekily, Linden have made some major improvements to Second Life since the change in ownership. And while I do still have some pet wants, I am pretty happy with how things have turned out. So am feeling confident that what Linden are indicating is to come will be an actual benefit to SL and us as residents !
  12. to move the rezzed prim then pass the coordinates calculated in llRezObject to the rezzed object with llRegionSayTo in pcode something like // in rezzer: if (object_rezzed) { llRegionSayTo( rezzed_object_id, channel, "pos + rot + offset"); } else { object_rezzed = TRUE; llRezObject( ... pos, rot, offset ...); } // in rezzed object listen( ... string message) { ... parse message for new coordinates ... set object to new coordinates }
  13. i tested this and can confirm that LSL Mono compiler passes lists as Bleu stated, same as the Microsoft .NET compiler does f(list a) { llOwnerSay("function: Mem: " + (string)llGetFreeMemory() + "\n Len list a: " + (string)llGetListLength(a)); } default { state_entry() { list a = [0,0]; list f = [0,0]; integer i = 10; while (--i) { f += f; } f += f + f + f + f + f; // f = 6144 integer elements i = 13; while (--i) { a += a; // a = 8192 integer elements } llOwnerSay("state_entry: Mem: " + (string)llGetFreeMemory() + "\nLen list a: " + (string)llGetListLength(a) + "\nLen list f: " + (string)llGetListLength(f)); // free memory = 2992 at this point // pass a list with 8192 integer elements f(a); } }
  14. yes is pure speculation on my part in terms of how simple something is to implement then this is as simple as any other change to the Belli estate region controls. Belli estate region servers are different to standard estate region servers. Different meaning added functionality. The most noticeable difference, added functionality, is that the Belli server prevents Belli Homes objects from being returned by the parcel owner simple is also relative. As you saying, and with which I agree, there is nothing simple about making changes to an estate/region server
  15. it depends on the direction Linden want to go with the curated inworld experience. As a question: Does Linden want to build a curated inworld shopping experience ? if the answer is yes (it may be no but suppose was yes) then it would seem that there be a mechanism where a shop keeper can acquire the neighbouring parcels. Parcels which are owned by other people for this to be cost/profit neutral to Linden then the rule of one parcel per Premium Plus account still applies. in this case a shop keeper defined as a conglomerate of distinct accounts (all parcels set to same group) the L$ transfer price being anything from L$0 to say L$2 a meter (L$4,096). So that if I have a Premium Plus parcel and my neighbour wants to acquire it from me then I can set it to transfer for L$. Is a one time payment/receipt for me. I still have tier in my Premium Plus which I can use to get another parcel for free from Linden, or buy a parcel I particularly want from a willing seller it can work in a non-commercial setting as well. A couple want to own two adjacent parcels. This mechanic allows them to do this more readily when the neighbour is willing to transfer the parcel to one or other of the couple i don't envisage the transfer ability ever being applied to ordinary Premium 1024 parcels. The non-commercial aspect of Belli 512/1024 is well established and to change this would be pretty much bait and switch. The Premium Plus 2048 parcel tho has yet to be introduced so it could be done from the outset Linden would still have Premium Plus residential, non-commercial areas/regions of 2048 parcels i haven't done the L$/tier numbers exactly, but it may be that Linden can better manage land speculation by setting the max. L$ transfer to less than one months Premium Plus tier, with a min. one month + 1 day restriction on transferring the property from date of acquiring. This is a losing arbitrage bet for speculators is not so much about making money, is more about enabling people to acquire neighbouring parcels more easily than the current method of ticket filing, which does lead to less Support Linden staff needed to manage this aspect of the inworld
  16. i was thinking the other day about Premium Plus and the yet to be 2048 homes. My thought (with no idea if is true or not and probably not) was: has it occurred to Linden to make Premium Plus Homes transferable. And if so then would that transfer be able to be done in L$ within some upper sell/buy limit and some minimum time before can re-sell it (like 2 months, maybe 3)
  17. i don't see this as a bad thing myself for a virtual world whoever owns the copyright to the designs of the Hornet and Wright flyer could expect and get a royalty payment from the platform, the platform extracting the royalty payment from the person "buying" the cross flyer inworld from a SL pov Dear AI, please make me a body like Maitreya but with a bigger bottom than I can get on the sliders with the default Maitreya. Linden till goes cha-ching! Maitreya till goes cha-ching. Buyer, Linden and Maitreya all happy Dear AI, please make my parcel look like in this photo. Linden till goes cha-ching, same does every till of every home and garden creator whose products are automagically incorporated in the build. Everybody happy edit add for AI to be a non-threat then the platform (Linden in this case) should embrace the capability fully. Is like in the olden days when the music industry did not embrace music streaming. Ordinary everyday people signed into pirate streams, until the music industry got into streaming themselves
  18. you might be right that the Linden Mono compiler does this with the standard Mono compiler ByVal means make a copy of the data and then pass the copy to the function. We have to specifically use ByRef (or pointer) to do by reference, any changes we make to the data is on the origin is true tho that ByVal in the way you are saying is how the Microsoft .NET compiler does ByVal. The Microsoft compiler is smart enough to do this kind of late binding. And it may very well be that Linden compiler does the same
  19. Freonil Fang has been doing some work recently on using rotation type to store integer value to save space. Freonil posted on the Scripting Library here about their work
  20. there are quite a few WASDEC combinations that can be used for melee type games one set of combinations is use CONTROL_DOWN "C" as a GAME KEY "C" + MOUSE_DOWN = fire the wand "C" + "A" = Dodge Rotate Left "C" + "D" = Dodge Rotate Right "C" + SHIFT + "A" = Dodge Strafe Left "C" + SHIFT + "D" = Dodge Strafe Right "C" + "W" = Offense Attack "C" + "S" = Defense Retreat "C" + "W" + "A" = Offense Dodge Rotate Left "C" + "W" + "D" = Offense Dodge Rotate Right "C" + "W" + SHIFT + "A" = Offense Dodge Strafe Left "C" + "W" + SHIFT + "D" = Offense Dodge Strafe Right "C" + "S" + "A" = Defense Dodge Rotate Left "C" + "S" + "D" = Defense Dodge Rotate Right "C" + "S" + SHIFT + "A" = Defense Dodge Strafe Left "C" + "S" + SHIFT + "D" = Defense Dodge Strafe Right "C" + "E" = show game dialog menu, or show/hide max/min game HUD when "C" is not pressed then WASDEC behave as normal movement keys, MOUSE_DOWN normal behaviour also "M" = mouselook, behaves normally as well. Just have to decide whether there will be a specific-coded mouselook mode for your game
  21. Elite World: Currently logged in: 346 Pleb World: Currently logged in: 34,600
  22. this makes sense to me about the speed. And you be right I think about float math not being any faster as vector/rotation types are floats so yes, when we are after speed then plain integer types, simulating registers be the way to go
  23. thanks for the info. I still haven't had a chance to go look yet, RL and all that with not being able to split pairs then the player advantage reduced by about 0.4%. So a basic card counting EV (expected variance) of about +0.2%. Which is not bad, as in really bad meaning negative EV
  24. some thoughts on this in pretty much every game both gambling and non-gambling, including free-to-play, there are always players who look to see if the game is on the level. When it isn't then people soon work it out themselves, and/or read the published proofs when any game operator is shown to not be on the level then people don't play it in significant numbers to make the game a blockbuster success for the operator the biggest online game operator cheat is to stack the deck in favour of new players. When you are new to the site then you win more times than you should (statistically speaking). Then as time goes by, your win rate drops back to within the standard deviation people pick up on this when it happens. They think, if the game was not on the level when I first started playing then how can I be assured that the game is on the level now that I am not winning at the same rate I was earlier. And people are never assured as the game operator will never confirm that they are a running a game which is not on the level to induce new players so my advice to any Casino Linden who maybe / maybe not read this, is to never go down this slippery shady road. As when you do then it drives ordinary people away, and it encourages player bot farmers posing as new accounts to frequent your establishment, just for the lols because they can
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