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Miakis Littlepaws

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Everything posted by Miakis Littlepaws

  1. Tweaked the facial features somemore. and finally got something that fits the AVI(L) HUD Master: Skin Tone Pale Asian Osaka with Face - R4.4 better Hairstyle is the [^.^Ayashi^.^] Kauna hair. I'm using the male version, as the female version is more suited to girls with breasts, which I doesn't haz. So the male version works better on me
  2. Just sitting quietly on a bridge at Livingtree
  3. Hairstyle is a combination of the *ARGRACE* SHIGURE, and the tails from the *ARGRACE* Sarah I got the base shape from the Demo of the Catwa - Hanako Head. And just tweaked it.
  4. Made some more adjustments to my other child avatar. Mainly, facial features
  5. *Boycots the making of The Murder Of Peter The Rabbit*
  6. On this account I use, either the Meshmerized Tweenster body. Or the AVI(L) Mesh Body On forrestchild I use the Tonic Fine Mesh Body
  7. Had to alpha parts of the body. But I managed to get some of my Wretch clothig for Kemono, too work with the Tweenster Body \o/ Sneakers are an unrigged pair, from the ABC Ape Catcher Outfit
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