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Everything posted by FairreLilette

  1. IDK either but I do know I tried snus once...ewwwwwwwwwwwww. I don't know how anyone could like it.
  2. I'm in this boat as well. I was planning to spend (some) of my stimulus money on SL but that is on hold now until I see what's what and 'if' a family member who builds computers can even get ahold of a card for me. I also had just built a Tiny/Dinkie club and haven't had the grand opening yet. If I can't see nor use the viewer, I will close everything for now. What else can I do? Why have something I cannot fully see and it's murky.
  3. What if they have a contract for such and such period of time? The increase doesn't change me. I may splurge during sales times for some extra lindens on an as needed basis and the $1.49 charge has already been there when I do. What I save on the sales far makes up for that once in a while extra linden buy splurge where I'm charged an extra $1.49 because I want more lindens than my once a month buy wherein I'm charged a total fee of $1.49. I've always paid an extra 3-4.5 dollars in fees during sales times, but, again, what I save in the sales far outweighs any extra fee of 3-4.5 dollars. During Black Friday last year I saved 20000 lindens as some were 75% off. So, I saved about $80 dollars.
  4. Wow. The thing is, with my brother-in-law, building so many computers as he has, he may have a card that might be use-able for me or he may know someone who does have extra cards (maybe). Because if someone had extra cards and knows about the prices some of these are fetching, they may have sold them. I will ask and see what I 'can' find out from my brother-in-law. Thanks for all your help, this is just very unfortunate timing for me. I can use SL but without materials. My old GPU cannot jive or connect with EEP and materials for whatever reason, most likely because it's integrated and does not have the ability to update. *sigh* with COVID life now, it's been a lot of stress all around.
  5. Yes, I have a traditional desktop and it's custom built but not by my brother-in-law; a friend had it built for me at a fairly famous American computer chain store. I have to do some Spring cleaning in real life this weekend but I will be going on Catznip as materials are just not going to work on EEP for me at this time, even with the viewer update this morning. I can view MIDDAY and EEP okay on the new LL release this morning but materials are still borked.
  6. No (meaning I don't know anything about computers), but to me the first photo does look foggy or a bit murky to me. But, this, that I just found, looks like it would be for me because I'd love a bigger screen: I don't know much about this graphic card though.... https://www.hp.com/us-en/shop/pdp/hp-pavilion-all-in-one-27-d0240t?source=igodigital
  7. I use a 19" flat screen monitor. It's a world of difference in viewing SL. At least those are not too expensive right now as I just looked at the prices. lol I hope this price gouging dies off soon. There's sharks in this card business now and I don't like dealing with that kind of situation.
  8. Thanks! My brother-in-law worked for Canon Copiers for years and has built computers in his spare time for years and years, so he is the one I will go to replace this if he agrees, that is. He has his own busy business now so it will depend if he can or not. But, do you know if I will need that item to the right that says 'you may need this too'? Did your wife need that?
  9. I don't know about right now...there is crazy price gouging going on right now for many reasons - COVID, bitcoin to name a couple. Hopefully, the card and chip mess will end in the coming few months. Twelve hundred dollars for a graphics card. No, not me. lol Some are going for three thousand dollars.
  10. Thanks, yes I found that out...it's not the texture limit set at 512 that was causing my problems and I can render larger textures than 512. My problem centers around my older AMD graphics card as it does not update and it's integrated whatever that means. Certain AMD GPU's can update for certain games but not older ones like I have. At least I think this is the deal so far, no update for my GPU, it's not updateable. If you look at my second post on page one I was mainly looking for a possible bug solver for AMD and EEP which I thought there was but possibly not for my older one. So, I plan to go to Catznip viewer until I can sort this all out and get a new GPU.
  11. I love seeing the pictures and it makes me excited LOL, but then EDITOR'S PICKS is one of my favorites things and is my main de-stress time during COVID. I can go to the those amazing builds and forget about real life completely for awhile as those often take me some place else. I love surrealism too and Editor's Picks often feature surrealistic builds.
  12. Oh. Then there must be a difference in the way it's processed or something. One can be inexpensive while the other not, so probably in the processing then.
  13. Yeah that ^^^^ I took two screenshots of the LL viewer...1st one - does it look a bit "murky"?
  14. This one ^^^^^^^^^ has been my favorite for years. I believe it has the vanilla bean from the orchid plant which makes it so spectacular. Not cooking vanilla, that's another type of vanilla. I'd like to try something new too and am going to try some from this thread as I've used Hypnotic Poison for a long time. As far as bath and body, Perlier is a favorite of mine, an Italian run family company. Two American companies I like are Beekman 1802 (pure goat's milk products some with scents) and Caswell Massey, neither are too expensive. As far as French, L'Occitane is great but I'd like to try that Panier Des Sens De Provence too as it says it's vegan and true to origin.
  15. Thanks, sure. Okay, Jenna it's just about breakfast for me now and then rl store after. I will attempt to contact you after I get back from the store and it's a small shopping I have to do so I won't gone too long.
  16. Yeah that would be terrible. There is too much too loose here when many love to use SL for still life work more so even than as an interactive world. Anyhow, one thing I do really, really like about the LL viewer is all the info you get upon starting the viewer. I wanted to let you know Chic that last week your 52 Weeks of Color was featured on the opening page of the LL viewer and I thought that was great. There is a lot of information on 'that' opening page about things to do and things to get involved in. But, anyhow, yesterday I had rl to do so I haven't downloaded Catznip viewer yet but started the LL viewer this morning and it has an update and I updated it. The LL viewer has apparently updated some of these bug fixes. Okay, as far as the alpha channel and jewelry and other things alpha it's better but not as good as it once was in my opinion as it kind of flickers but the alpha stuff (jewelry etc) doesn't look as bad as it did for photos now. The screenshot below is on the bug-fix LL viewer and the alpha stuff (chains etc) are rezzing now. I also took the screenshot with EEP environment abled - it's an EEP environment I bought and it supposed to be slightly green tinged. But, I'm going to be downloading Catznip today and see if I want to just skip EEP for now or not.
  17. This is what matters really more than anything - there is no demo. I like to look at shapes and skins myself and even use Google Images or FLICKR to pull up a whole lot of skins at once and I don't come across DAZ stuff too much but when I do I do not care for it. I also don't look at tattoos because I make my own BOM tattoos very easily and it's fun, so those photos I haven't seen much of. But, if it has a demo and you think it's something you may enjoy, I'd over-look the morphed face. IMO, the morphed faces are unpleasant because I am here in SL to enjoy avatar art not something that isn't an avatar and morphing detracts from that experience and really how an item might look on a SL avatar. But, I was just thinking this morning how some things are one person's cup of tea while not another. It's just the way life is.
  18. Some people create a complete other life here and that is their "second life". Some may have a partner, marry, have kids, pets, a house, etc. As for some things I like to do - build/create (sometimes this is frustrating and not always pleasant though), go to live music events, go to the destinations in the Destination Guide under EDITOR'S PICKS (amazing builds to find under Editor's Picks and also for photographs), and goof off with friends. Welcome to Second Life from me too!
  19. My Mom used to say similar "when it rains it pours". This always meant she knew someone was going through difficulties. In the previous old version of the FS viewer I downloaded, the alpha chains and necklaces are flickering all over the place like the fourth of July, so "something" is just not connecting with my old AMD and FS any longer. I'm on the LL viewer again right now trying to get back into the swing of things here but then I notice, it's kind of dark. I'm going to try your viewer some time today, Coffee. Thanks for building it. You may be a life saver to some as I need to rest my eyes after a week of tweaking to no avail. It's unfortunate timing for EEP with the card situation. I have a laptop but it's for music and headphones. Working on a laptop for me is misery as they are not ergonomically designed. I need to adjust keyboard and monitor to me.
  20. Yeah, wait it out a bit. I'm thinking this should pass somewhere within 3-6 months as we all head more towards being vaccinated and less lockdowns, or as many of us as possible because I just looked at one card which was pricey and the warranty was sucky. Our lockdown is said to be over June 15th but things could change though and us not open on June 15th. Geesh, with that cryptomining and the price gouging, it probably happened because people needed something to do during lockdown and were willing to pay anything.
  21. Oh, I didn't want those but it's causing price gouging for even the lower end ones since the others are scarce. Doing a quick search the 3060 seems to be going from 400 to 1200 hundred dollars for the TI one which is very erratic pricing to say the least with prices all over the map but I did not check to see what was in stock. What's going on, in general, is price gouging. https://www.google.com/search?q=nvidia+3060&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS784US784&sxsrf=ALeKk01kRsaQl5hLvO1-qEg_xGKBWHjEYw:1618368414113&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwih_8CT3PzvAhX4JzQIHRmdBmMQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1120&bih=626
  22. There are rumors I've heard and also said in this thread, so I looked it up. I wasn't sure it was quite true or not but it says Ebay and stranger things have happened on Ebay. Then, I stumble across a tariff? Supposedly because of lockdown some parents didn't care what they had to pay to get their kids something that really keeps them occupied, so a lot of cards have been said to have been going up and up and for a lot of different reasons, bitcoin is just one of them. My SL friend who has helped me with so many technical things in SL and works graphic design in rl, told me some cards to look at just a few months before COVID hit and before the cloud, as before the cloud I had a lot of lag, and the cards I needed were in the $100 dollar range. I doubt I'll find anything like that now and I am kicking myself about it. But, no...I've never heard of newegg. I'd really like to spend around $250 ballpark or near there. I know you are showing me a high end one from newegg but I'm just stating the ballpark range I'd be shooting for is about $250 max. As of December 31, 2020, GPUs and motherboards are now included in tariffs the Trump administration placed on Chinese imports. ... That means prices are rising by as much as 25 percent for high-end GPUs—including Nvidia's new RTX 3090, 3080, 3070, and 3060 Ti, and AMD's RX 6800 and RX 6800 XT.Jan 13, 2021
  23. No, I don't need it...I haven't really looked yet. I was just wondering how much of a mark-up there might be when one is just reading about how graphics cards are going through the roof and then COVID shortages. I didn't want to pay more than the 200 range myself. GPU, PS5, XBOX STREET PRICES: MARCH 2021 Item Retail price Street price (Dec 2020) Street price (Mar 2021) Current value Nvidia RTX 3090 $1,499 $2,076 $2,985 1.99x Nvidia RTX 3080 $699 $1,227 $2,160 3.09x Nvidia RTX 3070 $499 $819 $1,239 2.48x Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti $399 $675 $1,226 3.07x Nvidia RTX 3060 $329 N/A $828 2.5x AMD RX 6900 XT $999 Did not check $1,841 1.84x AMD RX 6800 XT $649 $1,232 $1,555 2.4x AMD RX 6800 $579 $841 $1,331 2.3x AMD RX 6700 XT $479 N/A $1,169 2.4x PS5 (disc) $499 $1,024 $833 1.66x PS5 (digital) $399 $990 $754 1.88x Xbox Series X $499 $835 $805 1.61x Xbox Series S $299 $471 $432 1.45x RX 6700 XT is based on five, not seven days of eBay sales since it’s brand-new.
  24. Yeah and it looks like a scam. But, COVID is causing shortages too. I will look around asap though. I've also heard bitcoin right now is a sell but who knows. I'm not involved in bitcoin. Retail Price and Street Price Item Retail price Street price (Dec 2020) Item Retail price Street price (Dec 2020) Nvidia RTX 3080 $699 $1,227 Nvidia RTX 3070 $499 $819 Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti $399 $675
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