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Kia Kiyori

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Everything posted by Kia Kiyori

  1. Thank you, OnlyMon - Just found that out on a 'Berry vid
  2. It doesn't matter - I went the gacha route and got a head plus skin (with a heck of a lot of cigars and cigarettes in between) for L$1700 - can't complain about that!
  3. It's only which ones go with which heads that's not clear. I'll just keep hassling Google until it gives in and tells me.
  4. Was just at Genesis Lab in-world store and really don't understand what I'm looking at. (still a bit of a noob with this Bento business) On one wall at their in-world store, there's a few heads - that's clear enough. Further to the right of those heads, is a wall of 'HUD skins', with absolutely nothing to say what heads they're intended for. Clear as mud. (Prices are quite clear though.) On the opposite wall to those two walls, is a bunch of gacha stuff that I'm not really interested in, unless you're meant to play L$4000 worth of gachas to get a head that will only match one of the 'HUD skins' on the aforementioned wall - ? Is that what they're for? I manged to get through the Catwa and LeLutka learning curves without too many bruises (or any, really - they were pretty easy), but Genesis Lab? I mean, for the love of last night's leftovers, why is this stuff so complicated? Or am I just exceptionally dumb? (don't answer that!)
  5. Look out, Vin - you'll need a whole swag of body guards to protect you from the girls now!
  6. Nothing (too) wrong with being Orc...prefer my Dranny chick though
  7. *Update: It's not my graphics card, as it turns out - it's the Firestorm Viewer. I downloaded the SL viewer today just on a hunch and sure enough, water was back to normal, my avi moved freely, and - for the first time since the Oct 16th when this issue began - I was even able to have the graphics settings back up to smack bang in the middle between High and Ultra (in FS, it began struggling since Oct 16 if I go beyond the 'mid' setting). I did join the FS Group, but they didn't know, so I didn't hang around - they have enough people to deal with. Anyway, thought I'd update in here in case someone else comes across the same problem....try the SL viewer first before you're convinced you have to spend a fortune on a new graphics card - or worse - a new pc/laptop (which I almost did).
  8. My first was Eve Slim until I discovered just how heavy they are, so swapped to Maitreya. Unless something really spectacular comes out, I'll stick with it.
  9. So, I took a deep breath and ventured into the beautiful world of Lelutka. Love their HUD - so user friendly!
  10. That's gorgeous Talli! Im so far behind in these threads - got some catching up to do - but what a stunning outfit!
  11. EEEK! - totally forgot to come back and check replies! *red face* I'm so sorry! Just assumed that my graphics card is too old for anyone to bother replying (didn't think it was, though, because I bought the machine brand new in February last year). The whojibotch tells me that it's got a NVIDIA GeForce 820M graphics card and the thingamajig is: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U CPU @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz Ancient? Not so ancient? Something else, perhaps? Please be gentle with me when replying...I really don't speak geekage very well - or at all, in fact.
  12. Frank's and Bogarts; can't beat 'em for good jazz
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