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Everything posted by Aishagain

  1. @MidnightisgoneSomething that would help all the peer to peer support you are getting on this forum would be for you to post your system specifications here. To do that go to the Help tab on the viewer interface and scroll down to "about Firestorm", copy that to your clipboard and paste it in here. You can edit out any personal detail, should you wish to. Given that information, we can better understand your issue and probably advise you on a course of remedial action. 🙂 Whirly has already asked you, I see, so I am merely emphasising the point!
  2. Unless LL have moved Woods from SLS to RC Channel without informing us (me), that is not the case. When the region has been restarted up until now, it has been on a Tuesday. As far as I know moving a region in such a way is most unlikely.
  3. Simply put, 98% script-run means that 98% of the region's scripts are run in each frame that the simulator runs. Now a simulator runs at approximately 45 fps, so 98% of the scripts on a region can run every 22 msec or so. A region with a poor 25% script-run would only run 25% of its scripts every frame, so a script might have to wait 3 or 4 frames or nearly 0.1 second before it could run. For a vehicle script that would make using that vehicle dreadful! You would experience script-lag. Conversely if script-run was 100%, the script could run every frame...c. 22msec. a far more pleasant experience.
  4. It never went above 50% at any time since that restart, assuming the region WAS migrated last week, which I have a very hard time believing. This just does not compute.
  5. That is news to me, @Monty Linden. If that is so then not only do I not see any performance improvement, our script-run, which was usually 60% or better, it is now under 45%. I must say I cannot recall seeing that only a part of Main Server was being migrated to the new format. I just reread Mazidox's post regarding last week's roll and there is no mention of it being only a part of SLS that was receiving a "new configuration", which, by the way, does not mean "new Hardware" in my lexicon. Put bluntly your communication of this change was as clear as mud. Further comment: I see in the above posts that many of the contributors are seeing substantial improvements in % script-run. How unusual then, that I am seeing the converse! If I were a suspicious person I must be inclined to doubt the veracity of your assertion that my region was moved to the new configuration last week. That said you have never given me the slightest hint that you are duplicitous.
  6. OK @Linden Lab: I am calling you out this time. YET AGAIN my region (Woods of Heaven) has NOT been restarted. So, either the Roll was abandoned or it is NOT yet complete! The Grid Status Page announced 25 minutes ago that the Roll had been "resolved"...what on earth do you mean by that? If I had 100dollars for every time you announce that a Rolling Restart is complete and my region (and mine is NOT the only one) has not restarted/rolled, I would be rich...(well richer than I am). This has happened far too often for it to be "just a minor oversight". It is sloppy. A brief conversation via Live Chat told me nothing other than some tech somewhere will have his ears boxed for this. I just have the feeling that LL are no longer in control of SL in any meaningful sense.
  7. All well and good @Monty Linden, but my region, Woods of Heaven, which almost unfailingly is among the first to roll has still not rolled. So you'll excuse me for being a sceptic. ETA 9am SLT: At least your Grid Status page is now admitting that it is taking longer than expected. ETA 2 11am SLT : STILL it is grinding on.
  8. @Jamie WainwrightIf I was speculating, I'd say your issue is related to the plague of failed bakes across SL that we have all seen over the past week. The fact that you could remove and replace said items suggests to me that this issue is more due to slow response by the SL asset servers than a general Internet malaise, as has been reasonably suggested by others. Unless and until LL investigates the issue with some thoroughness I expect these irritating, though not critical, instances to occur during periods of high Internet traffic, since it seems to me that what we have is not a dead asset-server but a failing one. Perhaps if and when the failure goes hard and we have a repeat of the infamous "thanksgiving bakefail", LL will act. I have attempted to engage LL on this matter but have been met with indifference or incomprehension, quel surprise!
  9. @HyperplexedYes it was postponed, even Maxidox's edited notes in the OP give no detail (no indication at what time the original plans were abandoned but according to the GSP it was stopped before it started..!) and Main Server is officially "under Maintenance" still until the job is attempted again tomorrow. @Harry WainwrightYes I do wonder if LL know what the issue is (it is very likely a general internet borkage) but they aren't telling. The baking issue seemed much better today but was still noticeably slow in the PST afternoon. Steeljane42's comments on are worthy of note.
  10. I wonder if Black Friday (and the sales events that began well before Friday) could have such a profound effect on the servers but it would be Amazon servers that would have the load, I guess, so it is not THAT surprising I suppose. I hope LL HAD thought about such a contingency? Today being "Cyber Monday" (eye roll) we might have a similar issue.
  11. Since midweek last week I have repeatedly logged in as a cloud only to rez after about 20 seconds. Occasionally thereafter I've been told I arrived at a location unbaked (a cloud) again, only to reappear after I removed or added any random item. If this had been just me I'd've suspected my connection or some aspect of my AV or Firewall, but over the past few days I saw dozens or reports of this from all over SL, via not just the Firestorm support group but via mesh body and head groups. It seemed that the common aspect is that either the body, as in my case, or the head, or both were using BoM. I saw many avatars arriving in locations where I was as clouds and all prresent saw the same, not just me. In nearly all cases either an appearance update or a relog solved the issue, but there is clearly some issue. I have seen nothing on the Grid Status Page about this, so I wonder whether LL are aware of it at all. ETA 5am PST Monday 29th: Well today I logged in and rezzed instantly, the first time that's happened for almost a week , so I guess that whatever was faulty has been fixed, whatever it was!
  12. Aww lighten up Henri! Niran WAS asked and I thought his response was quite amusing. By the way I used your viewer too for many of my early years in SL and I can confirm that, like me, Cool VL is definitely not new! 😁
  13. @Jackson RedstarA "work in progress"...hmm that applies to so much of SL. EEP is finished according to some and a "WIP" according to others. Search? I have to hope so but I very much doubt it. I tried using it yesterday and it is one of the worst changes I have encountered in many years, excepting EEP. I dislike this "new" search as much as I dislike the LL viewer UI. However, I suspect we are stuck with it. Apparently some TPV functions that used the old search are now broken (certainly this is true in FS) and it speaks volumes that the TPV devs knew nothing about this issue (I doubt if the LL devs even considered the possibility of this). For now we are stuck with it.
  14. @Mazidox Linden I am calling a problem here today. My Region, Woods of Heaven was rolled with the rest (I assume) of Main Server today but since then some very odd things have been occurring, intra sim TPs have been going astray and I TP to the new location momentarily and then immediately a second TP initiates but does not succed. If I cancel it I am locked in place without ANY camera control for up to 30 seconds, after which I can move as normal. This is quite unlike a typical TP disconnect when I have camera control but cannot move and am logged out after a short time. This is NOT normal behaviour. And note these are internal point to point TPs WITHIN a region.
  15. OK the roll is complete and my region was restarted and still on 565008, so just a restart or one of those new fancy tweaks? Still no post from Mazidox or anyone. @Mazidox Lindenwhy no post? ETA: I see the Grid Status Page is telling us that next week's Second Life Server (Main Server to us, the great unwashed) is to be on Monday, not Tuesday. Is this some US notable Day or is there some other reason for this departure?
  16. So, the roll is in progress...but what is being rolled to Second Life Servers? I don't see why we should have to guess. WAKE UP!
  17. And so at 5:30pm PST on Monday 22nd November we have no release information for tomorrow and Wedesday. ETA Tuesday 2:30am and still no post from the Lindens.
  18. Blimey @Marigold Devin You have completely misunderstood my post. I have not the slightest issue with someone asking for help, nor did I suggest that there was any laziness in folk preferring simplicity. To my mind the existing uninstall utility IS the most simple procedure. The actions needed are straightforwardly explained during the process. That is all. It seems that Chic Aeon, posting above, understands this and I would think that Chic would consider herself fairly representative of the majority of users.
  19. I confess to being utterly baffled by some of the comments on this thread. For one thing I saw no-one seeming to understand the difference between uninstalling a programme (an app to some younger users) and updating one. It is very useful to have some elements of a programme's settings saved so that the set-up of the update is made easier and quicker. Also what is so difficult and onerous about responding to a process asking a simple yes/no question? The whole point of such refinements is to give the user a choice! To some, it seems to me, choice is something they neither want nor need and they don't want others to have it either! The instructions given by the uninstall utility are simple and clear. They are NOT hard to follow. For those who dislike these issues my response is simple. I strongly advise you never to use computers.
  20. Post removed due to inability to tell the time. Yes the original post was removed without explanation...seems it was just clumsy rather than nefarious. Should be used to that by now!
  21. I'm not going to harp on about this ...much...but as long as I've been reading these fora, and as long as I've been using computer hardware (since about 1985), I have been forcibly reminded time and again of just how proscriptive and monolithically secretive the Apple Corporations is. Now Microsoft is almost as bad, but the open source community has always, it seemed to me, been at odds with Apple; their "Walled Garden" approach is legendary. Only now are they apparently relenting on even allowing their kit to be repaired! So there are billions of potential users out there? I will wait and see. I am not holding my breath.
  22. There was due to be login server maintenance today at 8amSLT...I thought, yet it seems to have vanished from the schedule and the Grid Status Page. Should we be concerned?
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