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Zeta Vandyke

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Everything posted by Zeta Vandyke

  1. SL itself is no game, its a platform you log in to and from there decide what you are going to participate in. This can indeed be games, or just chat, visit book readings, learn, build, listen to music, do whatever. If comparing with online games, SL is more like a lobby where you log in to and socialize, meet and get ready to "play" the game hosted by that lobby with the people you meet up with, only with access to so much more than just games.
  2. Thank you very much for your time and effort Got the package! Well some look like what I need on MP discription, but end up not functioning as well. Most do have blacklist but also just eject anyone not on a whitelist. But I have to admit, after building for a week, I might have not had the sharpest eye/mind anymore I have an adult entertainment sim, that attracts loads of people that somehow think adult means you don't have to have manners, common sense or any respect for the workers sadly. My current sim was on 260 bans in 6 months. It is! haha. But moderating well and banning the unwanted ones by dozens at start, did result in getting a big amount of people who appreciate the sim without all the freeloaders. So its still fun. Will never get me rich, but not the goals for me. Work is for RL. It does, though 95% of those banned don't intend to tip, they freeload all over SL. And the ones that do, they usualy send a message apologizing and get unbanned.
  3. I have bought quite a few already, some very advanced, some very simple, but even the ones with blacklist have the same basic function: eject everyone that enters if not whitelisted. I want one that functions just as a ban list on the parcel menu, but without having the 300 person limit. So not eject/ban anyone unless they are blacklisted. Any suggestions? Would be a plus if it also has age check on account to eject newly created accounts
  4. Thanks for the help all So far lag still near non existent, with 10 avies moving around doing stuff. I'm a bit hesitant to move, just spend 4 full days building here. But will also be disappointing if I have to move after opening up. If I compare with my current sim location, with 50 script heavy avies on it, the lag is very noticeable when on ground floor where all the avies are, but on sky platform the lag is gone. Seeing how all the breeding horses are way up in the sky, they might not effect me noticeably?
  5. I'm not scoring to high then.. https://gyazo.com/edf83cfb2baf7744f5a1b7d855fc6a08
  6. Oh I'm not wanting to cause drama, all I want to know if it will cause any technical issues or hit limits on my own 1/2 of the sim. Because I would be awfully disappointed if I would have to move my place again after a week of building because I hit limits in some way I'm quite a heavy user myself, 40 to 60 avies traffic, so I will be the last to judge
  7. Im rebuilding my 1/2 sim on a new location, foun dince spot, no lag really. Bene building for a few days now, and just noticed the neighboring 1/2 sim has tons of breedable horses (counted 80 already) https://gyazo.com/2d6f30dbd947327d265e531f49e60a48 They are high up on platforms like these, and I am not noticing any lag. But will this be a problem, crashing sim for example? And do breedables somehow count to agent limit of a sim?
  8. Its mostly a matter of taste I guess. IMO why would I want to have a system avie, based on graphics and technology over a decade old? I used to love my system avie when it was all there was, now its just not up to today's standards anymore. And the amount of different heads from all the creators, and with customization bento and all the shaped, hair, makeup and whatever, you can still be as unique as you want. In my eyes most system avies all look alike these days. With the stretched graphics, and the ugly lines at their nose sides. Again, just my opinion, don't have to agree. I do think its general opinion too. If I look at my adult sim, the mesh ones get massively more clients and tips than system avies, or even mesh body with system head ones.
  9. I am a beer person, but warm beer, that's like... ewww Had quite a few room temperature beers on my drinking trips in the UK, but nope, not my cup of beer. Beer has to be cold
  10. Since this topic originates from 2016, normally its not relevant anymore. In this case though, I am very curious about the people who in 2016 said "no mesh for me" are still without mesh now in 2018 or maybe have changed their opinion?
  11. Most of the clothes in SL nowadays are very short/open/sexy/*****ty. Depends on your definition of sexy/sIutty. If you look at big stores like Addams or Blueberry, its mostly all normal cloth, most they reveal is belly and legs. If that's to much for you to handle, I would stay inside during the summer! Also most female avatars (male sometimes also, but less) are dressed...well, not as they would dress in RL I think the comparison with "how you would dress in RL" is non sense. In RL there are so many conditions influencing what you wear. From social ones to simple stuff like weather conditions, job requirements, body shape and that kinda stuff. The beauty of SL is that you are completely free to look like, and dress up how you want, no conditions, only limitations are your imagination and availability of cloths. The question for it - what's your reasons? For myself in SL I am always looking for high quality cloths (to my standards). Well done models, textures, mesh, good fit on my body. The style can vary from overly revealing to fully covering. Depending on the occasion and mood. When "working" in SL "skimpy" is an understatement. While normally exploring and hanging out, its more casual. Clubbing or certain themed sims its usually sexy with an occasional hint of leather or latex. And looks can change per hour too. do u expect to attract opposite sex and any romantic/sexual inworld interaction by wearing very little? No, I hope to attract same sex Do u sometimes get offended by men hitting on you too explicitly when u dressed like that? Honestly, men will hit on you no matter what you wear. Most of the times its not even targeted on how you look, they just spam "Hi, sex?" to everyone on a sim or group.
  12. And Canada, and Mexico, and every country on the continents they tagged "America". Was not a too serious remark of course Basically "countries" were already long thought up, they just made a few more.
  13. I believe the ARPA was the first execution of the network that lead to the Internet, but it was invented by a Brit, Tim Berners Lee: http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventors/berners-lee.htm Im not an expert though, I just googled Anyway, America itself is just an European invention
  14. Sex camping (AFK) is whats being done mostly. The traditional camping at a store with those camp chairs is hardly seen anymore, and not really profitable either. (not that AFKing is always proffitable, but can be)
  15. I make folders of each style. Not perfect, and lots of dresses would fit in more than one, but so far it works more or less
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