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Everything posted by 2Tessa

  1. Yes they use another account and a script to monitor if you are online or not (even if you choose to hide it in the settings). You can also use a scripted object to directly email you when someone go online, offline, etc.
  2. Normally each set of { } allow a new variable definition with the same name, that within the scope (context), will make the others inaccessible.
  3. This remind me about these cuties waiting in my favorites 😍 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Running-Scorpions-Rezer/6891697
  4. The way the bug behave tells it depends on the viewer not showing the object. Like the object is derendered for some reason.
  5. # is a reserved symbol used by the LSL preprocessor this is why the code following it appear in red https://yslife.fandom.com/wiki/LSL_PREPROCESSORS
  6. What about messages from other scripts? You receive them? Try also llOwnerSay( "your message" ); instead of llSay
  7. SL is an option, and yes we can enjoy also watching a virtual sunset on the sea, listen to the sounds of the virtual environment. One of my favorite place was floating in a pond in a cave in a forest... nobody around, nothing to "do". Same reason some go for a walk in the forest. You just enjoy it as you want. We come here because we have nothing better to do in RL.
  8. Another tool: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Nikkis-ReLink/7285637
  9. This is an old LL cheat to keep up the number of resident online. They are everywhere on the SL map, mostly in desert places, under the sea, etc. 🙄 This is a shot from 6 years ago:
  10. old video, bad quality, hot stuff 😆
  11. You may find these userful: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BikeClone-Tools-Powerful-builder-utilities-Replicater-Cloner-Networked-texture-map-part-clone/2971259 this above include a tool to associate every linkset number to its geometry, position, etc https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Scobas-Object-Duplicator/3393548 I used them in the past to duplicate a linkset where the texture changer was strictly depending on each prim number. There are also systems to save extra informations in the object description or in the floating text ( llSetText, llGetText )
  12. SL have been UNFRIENDLY for new users from the very beginning. What you wrote here is a simple truth. Not recommended if you dislike puzzles and fuzzy engineering.
  13. There can be different reasons, but if the sim have immediate autoreturn and when you cross, the region receive the data about your boat before the information that you are sitting on it, the autoreturn get activated and boom! Slow down crossing can help a bit I think.
  14. Yes, absolutely, under 30 are children. They still believe they are immortal. I am 51 boy, but in RL you would never say that. Strangers think I am 10-15 younger. I am not normal. The most funny reaction: after I said my age the mom of my friend made herself the sign of the cross (she blessed herself) 🤣
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