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  1. @Fenix Eldritch @KT Kingsley I did test it and it seems to work! Thank you! I've just learnt most efficient way to handle link numbers and I don't rely on any data the users or 3rd party scripts change! Hurray!!! ❤️ @2Tessa Thanks for the link! But i won't use it - checking geometry every time i want to change something would take too much both time and script memory.
  2. is that the only case the prim changes UUID? What if avatar the object is attached to moves/teleports to another region? or if the prim moves to another region by physics? or what if the region restarts?
  3. Hello! I encountered some issue, hope somebody will help me.. In order to edit the prims in the linkset (by llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast function or any other) I need to know the prim's link number. The problem is that the link number may change during adding/removing prims from the linkset and probably some other cases too. if link numbering changes, how can I identify the prim then? I heard that people use prim names and descriptions to do that, but the user or 3rd party scripts may change prims' names and descriptions - or sometimes simply the newly added prim to the linkset may simply have the same name as some prim being already in the linkset. The prim may be mesh or non-mesh. So my question is.. when I create my fresh linkset, how to mark the prims so I can always get their link number in order to edit them, even if relinking happens so my llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast function always edits the right prim? What is the most universal and "pro" way to do this? Thank you in advance for help! ❤️
  4. Oh! Maybe I was just very lucky then to get same results. You used firestorm to upload yes?
  5. Hello! I would like to ask something.. how does mesh uploader decides which object from dae file becomes the root? After making few tests I couldn't find any pattern It doesn't choose first or last object from dae, it doesn't choose by the name neither. It can't be random though because every time it chooses the same object for the same dae. Thank you in advance for help! ❤️
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