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Everything posted by 2Tessa

  1. So i managed to modify the dancefloor... i twisted the (flat) pyramid so now the texture is rotating and expanding. 🤩
  2. The color and the atmosphere of sunset do lots of magic.
  3. I personally love to use prims to build. Best of SL is to build interactively. But prims can hold much more information that need to be processed. Bad of mesh is that they need to be created off-world, but they CAN be extremely optimized to save computing resources. Back in 2010 I made a vehicle with 28 prims. Vehicles (or part of them) are physical. Nowadays the edit window can show the DETAILED (real) cost of every prim used, and so the updated "cost" (server weight) of my old vehicle jumped over 450 land impact (!!). Modifying the physics properties I optimized it back to 28 land impact. The current way to calculate the cost of prims is accurate. Some prims can be very very expensive. Prims and Meshes are like programming languages interpreted and compiled. The firsts are best for learning and interactive development. But after development is completed would be best to convert all of them to mesh. This could be made an automated process so after the object leave the creator, it is already optimized for performance.
  4. ( No advertisement intended ) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Prim-Generator-32-prims-become-1-sculpted-prim/2124122 https://marketplace.secondlifecom/p/Mesh-Generator-Convert-Prim-into-Mesh/5445477
  5. LMAO men dressed as women with heels in the sand... you name it 🤣
  6. I don't care about realism but about visual harmony (good taste) pretty cartoon > ugly human But in the end you avi is the result of your choices, that can also be impossible to understand without a contextualization. No need of external validation.
  7. if I had a private island, I would be naked in the sun all the time 🤩 😇 🌴🐬🌄 world locked out
  8. Some information may be too old and become unavailable. Because some information are removed when reaching an age limit. Some accounts can be deactivated, inactive for long time, deleted or waiting for deletion. In some case the data like "last login date" can be unavailable. For example: My first SL account is deleted by over 10 years. The name cannot be found with search, but the objects created by that account can still open the profile of the creator... but the profile show no more data available.
  9. Same problem (marketplace favorites sorting options NOT WORKING) with browser: version 4 application.architecture x86-64 application.buildId 20211215221728 application.name Firefox application.version 95.0.1 application.displayVersion 95.0.1 application.vendor Mozilla application.platformVersion 95.0.1 application.xpcomAbi x86_64-gcc3
  10. Around AI goes a lot of psychological ingenuity. Lots of naive psychological assumptions go with almost everything related to AI. Shaping robots with human form and projecting (in psychological sense) features into algorhythms. Lots of misleading if not plain wrong assumptions on reality goes into this. Humans are still in a phase where they cannot refrain to run to do something once they realize that is doable. And when they succeed, they project all their assumptions and stereotypes on the results.
  11. Lovely car and surroundings! ✨ Just learn to use Ctrl-8, 9 and Ctrl-0 so proportions are ok. 😉
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