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Kimmi Zehetbauer

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Everything posted by Kimmi Zehetbauer

  1. Could be like Arizona or Saskatchewan where they don't have to worry about time changes.....
  2. And some in world get mad if you call them by the system name. I did that when the display name was a bunch of characters I couldn't make out, especially with my ancient eyeballs!
  3. Russ Installing New Garage Opener. B U I L D
  4. Great SL is back up and running! Cookies to the engineers!
  5. I think the mboard software has an auto-lock function, but the admin may want this thread kept open.
  6. Yeti Eats Linden Labs Offices! (Film at 11!) U N I O N
  7. Last summer I shot down 2 nests on the rear of my bar. The one that snuck in through the screen alerted me to the nest. After he ate the gnat, I said thank you and squished him and a proper burial at sea aka the loo! Also had one buzzed a patron that wore super heavy perfume.
  8. Big Ol' Big Boy Yay! (Refering to the UP 4014 locomotive.) I N T E L
  9. And there are a few that leave the SL client running 24/7.
  10. Found Edna Dating Larry Interesting. E D W I N
  11. Meanwhile Kimmi has her Linden friend give a 50¢ tour of the Linden Lab's offices and asked to use a computer to check email. She see's a function to turn on the last names and activates it. Then........
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