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Janet Voxel

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Everything posted by Janet Voxel

  1. Yes, I meant to put that in there for the first question too. Thanks!
  2. Imo, it’s not all that hard to find clothing for Gen X. I’d say 50-65% of the creators at most tier 1 events carry at least one of the GenX bodies. The numbers of creators seem to be increasing. I’ve seen a couple of people say something like ‘why are so many creators supporting a body nobody wears?’ So the truth is somewhere in between ‘I can’t find stuff for it’ and nobody’s wearing it.
  3. At the risk of starting some Dramz, there’s a couple things I’ve been wondering: 1) is this body going to be an instant buy or a wait and see how it does purchase? 2) if this body isn’t as ubiquitous on the clothing market as OG Lara was, will you stick it out with the new body or go back to OG Lara? The first question is primarily for those who never owned Lara. The second question is primarily for the people that wear Maitreya as their primary body, but of course anyone can answer.
  4. Are you wearing BoM lipstick by chance?
  5. It’s happened a few times. I have no problem telling where I got things. I’ll tell you where it gets weird: when they start asking for your shape or to take them to every store you just listed. Not landmarks….take them and show them. Every…..single….item
  6. I think you’re on the right track. In layman’s terms, as the stomach pushes forward, the butt toots back. Its most likely because they share the pelvis bone. So adding weight to the belly affects the butt too.
  7. Hm…I haven’t come across a fatpack by body where it just craps out items. I guess I’ve been lucky where the ones I get just have the item and a hud.
  8. I usually go with the body pack, especially if it’s like 399-599. There’s been many times in the past when I’ve bought a single color and I just needed the same item but in a different color than the one I bought. I usually end up deleting all of the bodies I don’t wear from a single pack. I’m not too big on freebies, but I love a bargain. To me, spending a little more for all of the colors is a bargain.
  9. I mean the thing is, it’s Secondlife. You’re doing something very hacky to approximate a thing that wrecks your body in real life. The thing that tells you you’re pregnant….hacky. Changing your shape…..hacky. Getting an addon….hacky. Finding clothes to fit after you did those hacks…. Limited. You have a couple of choices, none of them are ideal. To do a thing that will only last about a month. Which isn’t very realistic. You just have to live with your options.
  10. I know this really isn’t going to make you feel better, but I just have to say it. Have to! When you’re pregnant….your butt gets bigger. Also…BoM clothes should work.
  11. Yes the belly slider makes your butt bigger. The beauty of Ebody is there’s so many addons. Even a pregnant belly. Bork makes one and it might be another one. You’re better off using that and adjusting your shape as necessary while wearing it.
  12. I just realized the OP is from 2012….
  13. The simple answer: make your own shape. The longer answer: when you use the shape that comes with the head, it’s a generic shape that makes only the head look decent. Vice versa for thé body. So either way you have to put work into one or the other. or if you’re no good with making a shape, buy one that is specifically for your head/body combo.
  14. So I tried out the 4k thing. I’m a big proponent of being super selective about impulse buying things that come out when a new body or head comes out. Creators tend to slap something together for a cash grab. So that’s always in the back of my mind. So I tried out the 4k skin and didn’t really see a difference. It’s a nice skin, really easy to use 4K, just a click of a button. Took the skin off, put the regular skin on, clicked the button. Just didn’t see a difference. I squinted, I got really close to my monitor, made sure I had my glasses on. Did it a few times….yeah don’t see anything different. I tried a hairbase…doesn’t work. You have to use the hairbase that come with it. Which are appliers. Man…I sooo don’t want to do that. I’d rather, just wear the regular skin. So I’m talking to my friend who’s playing around with it too and this is what we came up with: They had to come up with something new with this. It’s really just an update to gin up interest again, but it needed a hook. The head itself was fine, but it just needed that new thing. It definitely would be easier to just create a regular skin than go through 4 parts. I’m not sure this is going to wow people. But it could just be the skin.
  15. It’s really going to come down to how much support Genus gets. It’s really that simple. There are a lot of people that adored the look Genus gave, but gave it up because creator support just wasn’t there anymore. The updates are going out, people are going to at least play around with them. The support creators give is going to come down to how easy it is to create 4K skins. If it’s relatively easy, you can expect more creators to get back onboard. Some creators have flat out said, they won’t be back. A quick glance at Flickr today, says that there are creators coming back. Will it be a couple times, then done? Too early to tell. It’s going to be an interesting fall season.
  16. So, I tried it out. Tested on Ebody and Kupra. Kupra was an existing shape and Ebody, I slapped together today. It looks like they didn't alter the head in a dramatic way so that you'd have to fiddle with your shape when you put it on, which is a good thing. Old skins seem to work just fine, no stretching or distortions. I tried an old shape I had with a genus head and man! The amount of stuff I had on there to make it work right was baffling! I had about three attachments just to keep the eyes from going crazy and for animations. That's not needed now, it looks like they fixed the animations that come with the head so a third party HUD is unnecessary. The HUD has been redone and is slicker and most importantly, you won't click on it by accident like the old one. Neck looks fine on Kupra. On Ebody, there is a fine line...not gon lie. Its very tiny, but it exists, it could be the skin I used, different windlights...it disappears. Someone else will have to comment about the seam for Maitreya. I haven't played around with the HD skins, so no comment there. A couple of quibbles, I think the animations will stop if you're on a sim where scripts are disabled and then tp somewhere where they're enabled and you'll have to manually restart. Or....they just stop. I haven't figured out which one yet, since I just started playing with it for the last hour. The eyes seemed a little funky at first, but the old appliers worked so it wasn't an issue. Not much on the "this is a problem" front. It's good to have different choices. I'm not really going to comment on the length of time it took for this to happen. But I will say, it might be a little too late. So far, only Tres beau is making Genus HD skins and time will tell if other creators jump back on the train. If people can forgive Legacy, then why not? I liked some of the looks I pulled off with Genus, so I'll definitely keep an eye out. What they needed to fix, it looks like they fixed.
  17. If someone can stream while you’re on SL, you probably won’t notice a difference. My husband is usually on Warzone 5.million while I’m on and we’re both fine. We upgraded to gigabit cable a while back because when we were both on TEAMS calls at the same time, bad things would happen.
  18. You can build a pc with all new everything except the monitor for about $1700 and could run SL and Starfield too
  19. I would say go with Avastar. It’s a proven product, frequent updates that try to keep up with blender (I can’t believe Blender 4 is in alpha) and a friendly, helpful community.
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