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Atomic Infinity

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Everything posted by Atomic Infinity

  1. I think FB does not like/allow 'toon' accounts officially (though there are millions on it) so it might have locked it for not being an RL identity. I guess they can't sell the browsing data for a virtual person....
  2. Thank you Wulfie I think your notes there have set the mesher's eyes alight and they have hurried off to adjust things. It does make for interesting collaborations when we each has a different native language, hella fun though!
  3. I am working with a mesh creator on a project that needs a long thin object rigged to the palm of an avatars hand, like they are holding one end of it. (yes we know rigging it is not the normal way to hold something in a hand, but it is not a 'normal' project ) What we are finding though is that in blender it looks fine rigged on the hand, but when uploaded to SL the object mesh becomes distorted at the far end when attached. So we wondered if anyone has seen this before, and might perhaps have some ideas what we are missing to be causing it?
  4. When you have it in-world, what physics shape type is it? like on the features tab in edit, to use your custom physics shape you have to set it to shape type : Prim Setting as convex hull (the default) will tend to fill in the holes of a hollow mesh.
  5. There are some that set up ACS well, I have a bike from Wicked Motors which is a delight as he spent the time to set it up properly. But he is a minority unfortunately. It depends what you want from it too - vehicles set up for racing are compromised on some bumpy old mainland roads, and vice versa. A long distance floaty cruiser is more relaxing but you won't win any races in it. The best thing with ANY vehicle is to try the in-world Demo first and see if you like it. If there is no demo, well there is probably a reason for that.
  6. For Arduenn to tell you is not allowed, but I can tell you its from The Black Forest store on MP Some vehicle makers write their own scripts, and use maths to calculate turning arcs and proper wheel rotation. But I can't tell you where from
  7. I did not use this event before so I was curious - I have pasted your same script into an attached object, tested as a hand attachment, and also as a HUD, but I do not get the same result as you. If I begin turning it triggers the start, then nothing until I stop turning which then triggers the end. Similarly nothing happens until I begin walking which triggers start, and it ends when I stop walking. I did just wonder if you are wearing something else that is applying some micro forces to your avatar, too small to register but enough to trigger the event? Not sure, but it is certain I do not get your results. I hope that helps anyway
  8. Aha! that has indeed got it - I think my replacing some of the transition anims with loops might have been getting me too - now I read the wiki some more it says not to do that for unexpected results. But yes, thank you - putting a non-loop low priority one in there has stopped my arms waving about
  9. I have an attached HUD object that kind of acts with AO intentions, in that it selects an animation from its inventory based on what is happening with the avatars movement, control inputs, and HUD clicks. One thing that (intentionally) happens is that sometimes the avatar gets launched airborne. This is detected with llGetAgentInfo already, using AGENT_IN_AIR, and other stuff happens when this condition occurs. The avatar is not flying in the formal sense, so AGENT_FLYING remains false. My trouble seems to be that despite making fairly rapid llStartAnimation calls (the anim required can change mid-air) once the avatar takes to the air the default 'arms flailing' anim can start up and interfere with my own anims. I have been experimenting with various things from the wiki to prevent it, like specifically doing llStopAnimation for various of the not-on-the-ground default anims, but I can't seem to get the arms flailing to stop. I have tried a set of llSetAnimationOverride too but it seems that once I override one, I have to override them all which I can't really do at the rate it needs to happen. I imagine I will also need to fix the landing anim once I get there, as that is another one that raises its head when the avatar arrives back on the ground. Is there a way to just prevent the default anims from happening?
  10. I have 'visions' of my creations too, though in the end somehow they never look as good as the picture in my head
  11. *pours an optimistic half a glass full into animats drink* I shall miss the event due to RL, which is a shame I love the snowy stuffs but I hope you have a cool trip. Remember to book the ambulance for the ski jumping
  12. If modify you can re-texture it or script it, you just can't move its rig position on your avatar.
  13. Actually the more I think on the no-mod backdrops subject, you can easily compare it widely across the grid. Obvious examples : You can rent land with a house included. The landlord bought it from the creator with copy perms then might rez out 10 of them, and charge for their use. Normal SL practice. You might buy in super decor, furniture, etc and build an exclusive members only club, then charge for group membership for those people to share your build. Normal SL practice. I don't think there is a way to prevent the sharing of visual objects for a fee, being no-mod makes no difference at all.
  14. I have also thought about this but have not tried any experiments to get an answer. From my current project I get the feeling the speed of avatar rotation will be significantly affected by how fast they are moving forwards at the time, assuming a normal avatar chase camera view. To further complicate it, if you are in mouselook the avatar rotation speed can be almost instantaneous, which I have just had to script around to avoid huge rot changes in some of my maths having a negative impact.
  15. If set to no transfer they would not actually be able to re-sell it, by rezzer or otherwise, but perhaps they are doing the equivalent of selling a ticket to use it - like you pay the rezzer to get some time using that backdrop, like renting it for a while. edit : without even thinking on it, I can already see two other ways to charge people to get use of a backdrop, even if no-mod, so I doubt it will fix anything anyway. But then sharing visual type objects once you bought them is kinda how SL works really, though I can see why the creator is upset by someone charging for use.
  16. Most of the stuff I do is modifiable, it's how I would want to receive it so that's how I distribute it. I have never had someone mod an item, screw it up, and complain. After all they can just rez a fresh one and have another go. I have had many chats with people asking "can I do this to it?" which sometimes they can, and sometimes will break it. While there may be some disappointment if it can not bend quite that far, they still have not lost anything. It is stupidly easy to break a scripted item if you mod it and the script relies on linknumbers, but there are ways to have the item learn its own links, or provide a sequence of stopping scripts before modding and such. It just demonstrates the depth to which the creator will go to give their customer real value, and how much their support is appreciated. I find it enjoyable to see what people mod things into. I once had an IM from someone asking where they could get this amazing vehicle they saw, I forget what it was called but it sounded pretty cool. It was not the name of anything I had made though, so I had to point out that maybe it was made from parts of many vehicles. The chassis and drive scripts of it were mine. I was actually quite flattered that someone had gone to the trouble of building themselves an entirely new car, but of all the possible vehicle scripts they could use, they kept mine. Then just the other day I visited someone who had constructed himself an entire power station with boilers and steam engines, all 'powered' by the (modifiable) stock-level scripted pile of coal he got from me with his latest truck trailer. Like, epic modding, or what! Mod Rulez
  17. I think there will always have to be tickboxes to turn the fanciness on and off, it is in the nature of SL being adaptable to the purposes of the residents. If what you like to do is decoration of your virtual home in a beautifully rendered 1024 full of deliciously materialised homewares then sure, turn up all the bells and whistles, shade everything and make it look totally stunning. In a limited draw distance a lot of computers will handle that. It looks fantastic and a lot of people enjoy just that. Similarly if you like to wander a detailed region-sized space on foot, taking in the scenery and chatting with your friends, you might like to have the shadows and such to enhance the feeling of the place. But the ability to have full on materials on absolutely everything visible will need more processing power (= RL $) and you probably won't notice the bulk of those bumps and shinies on the small stuff anyway. If your SL involves multiple region travel, or racing at speed, or hurling yourself down an icy mountain, (or indeed combinations of those at the same time) your rendering requirements are very different. I imagine most of us like to do all these things and more, just in a different order. There is no 'one size fits all'. Regardless of how much the average SL user can spend on hardware, there is no single 'correct' graphics setup for a virtual world as diverse as ours. It saddens me to see someone say they want the low graphics options removed because it does not fit their use of SL. This is an inclusive world, and my varied use of SL is just as valid as anyone else.
  18. I am curious to know what happens to any data recently set if you have a teleport failure. Just yesterday I was adjusting a scripted HUD and forgot to detach / re-attach before teleporting to a location for testing it. The teleport failed requiring a forced log off / re-log. The latest script changes had not been preserved. Would the LSD data be missing from the tele fail, like the script edits?
  19. With the OP's decor, the server rating is most likely to be the one determining the object in-world LI. I doubt many content creators would upload a complex physics model with a decorative item as it would make the object unnecessarily high LI for no benefit, so our chances of halved land impacts by linking decor are alas tragically small
  20. lol yes this catches me out also - when prims and mesh are linked together, if the prim is complex or tortured and not set to 'convex' or 'none' in the physics type shape, the LI can get scary. Like a thousand LI and *poof* "your object has been returned due to exceeding the parcel prim count" or whatever that error says Also it gets messy if you link a sculpt to mesh - the sculpts LI will be unlikely to ever get better by linking to mesh - it almost always goes up and often doubles.
  21. The land impact of a mesh is measured to one decimal place, but is rounded for the purposes of in-world 'prim count'. So sometimes linking meshes together can give an overall lower LI, but can also go the other way. If I have a mesh that is 1.6LI, it will show in-world as rounded up to 2LI. If I have two such objects unlinked, they will be 2LI each = 4LI If I link them together, their total is 3.2LI, which will round down to 3LI, so I have saved 1LI by linking them. However if my objects were 1.4LI each, they would be in-world as 1LI each. If linked they would be 2.8LI total and round up to 3LI for the linked ones, thereby increasing the total instead. When we make a un-tortured prim into a convex hull, its LI changes from 1LI to 0.5LI, which we do not see because of rounding, unless we link it to another similar object then we get the combined rounded benefit. edit : you can get the true LI of an object by editing it, and click the 'more info' link thingy in the edit window.
  22. In your inventory there is a folder called 'Current Outfit' which in it has a list of shortcut links to the things on you. If the jeans are on you either as a mesh attachment, or maybe as a system layer clothing item, they will show there. To remove it just right click it and choose remove or take off depending which one comes up. (There are a couple of things we can't take off - like a skin - you can only replace it wearing another one, but its not so likely that jeans are a skin file). If the jeans are not in that folder, then maybe try a re-log, to see if its just the viewer needing a restart.
  23. Thank you LL and the Moleys for the event it was cool to visit lots of homes with the decorations, and see how twisted and evil some peoples imaginations are And thanks for the mummy bear I was not expecting to be in the 100! Now I would just like to redeem my haul of virtual candies for real ones.....
  24. I have also found random extra repeats of non-loop sounds from llPlaySound. To fix it I call llStopSound once I know the sound is finished, and that seems to do the trick. I have also gone crazy from hearing 2 repeats of all sounds. Then I realised I had an alt online for testing, and I was just getting 2 of everything through the speakers , just not necessarily in sync with each other.
  25. There's a poseball script here in the library : https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Zero_Lag_Poseball The one at the bottom of that page is a teeny bit more up to date. Create a box/ball object, make a new script in it, overwrite/paste in the text and save. Add your anim pose in there with it, and sit on it.
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