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Everything posted by rasterscan

  1. Introducing Senra Avatars... what do you think? Judging by the pictures in this thread, and that includes the male in a dress funny ones, Senra is a huge improvement on the old classics. Will SL be modifying the 'Choose an Avatar' portion of the viewer ? The success of new player retention absolutely depends on new starters landing inworld for the first time automatically set up, and looking good as Senras by default. imho.
  2. Sent. Study line 1 and line 31 of the script and make relevant changes to the price and description - IM inworld if any probs PS its a open source script available on the www by search not a stolen content so dont worry.
  3. hey Mariah box it up and sell the box with the 'demo' left out for folk to see and try. Vendor scripts are plentiful and free i like the one that refunds overpays and underpays if you want to try it i'll pass it on full perm
  4. I saw it on mp from the link in the jira. Then I tried a search for '{AS} Snowflake Princess' and it didn't show in search. Then I tried the full title and it didnt show in search. Then I tried 'Snowflake Princess' as a search. 4 pages of results. Yours not among them. Then I tried refining the price 199 min 199 max. It didn't show. Searching {AS} bought lots up from your store but even with a 199 min/max refine I didnt see the specific item linked in the jira. Sowwy.
  5. Depends what you consider a song of a price to be. There is land for sale at L$0.5 / L$0.6 here and there, but rarely along the waterfronts. Waterfront land always seems more expensive, I guess due to its popularity.
  6. Whilst there's not a horse rezzer at the welcome hub I have seen at least half a dozen newbies on horses and I wonder if there must be a starter avvie that comes with a horse, and yes there is a bike rezzer I've seen quite a few newbies try. There's a brand new SLRR station at the Bellihub with a huge rail bridge to the newest lands and SLRR is well catered for in all the belli lands. As a slrr fan I'm glad it's not fallen by the wayside as the lands develop. More games nearer the landing zone at the welcome hub is a good idea imho.
  7. My methods been hanging there in the social plaza bit, ready to chat but never offer advice as the mentors do that admirably. I do, however, think there should be a way for them to easily get their hands on, let's say, 10$L, and a link to the marketplace
  8. llApplyImpulse(<IMPULSE.0,0,0>,TRUE); Looks wrong. Try llApplyImpulse(IMPULSE,TRUE); or llApplyImpulse(<IMPULSE,0,0>,TRUE); I'm guessing here. Forgive me if it don't help
  9. mesh floors eh. Sometimes nothing beats an old fashioned prim. Speshully on a mesh floor !
  10. Mentors help them out brilliantly but it should be easier still. ('scuse double post)
  11. Good thinking. I hung at the hub long enough now to know newbies really struggle with their initial avatars. Really struggle. Roll on the NUX rollout.
  12. A good looking starter avatar straight out the box is an essential for new user retention imho. Then, when seeing other 'identical twin' avatars, they're going to want to go clothes shopping as fast as they can, rather than drown in issues of alphas and fixing their avvies
  13. Well it worked in my land so that's me stumped for a reason it wont work at a specific location. Hope you get to the bottom of it, Stephano
  14. 512m Adult plot in Villevotte. Sold with top quality animated adult furniture. L$5K. If purchasing, do not return the bits you want to keep ! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Villevotte/89/237/63
  15. 512m Adult plot in Qoga. Sold with top quality animated adult furniture. If purchasing do not return the bits you want to keep ! L$5K http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Qoga/80/113/48
  16. can u paste the url as used in about land > sound ?
  17. 2256 sq m in Tecta - L$35K . Nestled between Protected Linden waterway and Protected Linden Road named Park Way http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Tecta/7/200/21
  18. Is that the NUX Avatar ? Looks amazing. The eyes are gorgeous
  19. Jamie and Blake. Apparently. I think Jamies the female but I didnt check it out yet. Seperate heads, nails, apparently.
  20. I don't suppose you used Firestorms 'backup' feature, Gira ? Avatar > Prefs > Backup & Restore. Highly recommended next time its running the way you like. I direct my backups to a folder I created called 'firestorm backup' but thats optional.
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