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Everything posted by rasterscan

  1. Hi Traders ! When I use slmp > My Marketplace > Merchant Home > Reports > Orders it shows page one only. Clicking 'Next' or '2' hangs for 30 - 40 secs then reshows page 1 again. I cannot track whats selling and what is not as it only shows page 1. Is it me , or a general problem ?
  2. The best of both worlds is a Belli home AND a mainland plot. imho, Each have their own advantages depending on ones tastes or desires on the day.
  3. Folks seem to love their outsize bubble butts so fair point.
  4. "I saw an avatar playing blues guitar, his appearance customized to look like a tall old Black man. Clicking on the user’s account, I realized that in real life he was Charles Bristol, an 87-year-old bluesman" Awesome read thanks. "Some 99 percent of new users would quit, overwhelmed and aggravated, most within their first hour in the virtual world. Those who stayed long enough to learn how to use the software—usually guided by a patient “oldie” community member—found themselves welcomed into an exclusive club." That included me. But the seed was sown and I gave it a second try a year later. Lasted a couple of logins, second go. On my third attempt I got some help in a sandbox. They explained the box on my hand that I had expected to be shoes on my feet needed rezzing to the floor and unpacking to inv. Never looked back since.
  5. I wish the live streams were available in the client as a personal radio station anyone could select instead of the local parcel audio, like a baked in 'Linden Radio'. How about this ? Instead of spamming 50K+ users with the news "Josephina Bloggs is now known as Joseph Bloggs" they pop a URL to the live stream instead.
  6. 20 years and still going strong. Fantastic achievement in this modern play 'n toss away age. Kudos to all concerned, from Phil to the very latest sign up. Here's to at least 20 years more !
  7. It's high time LL made FS the official viewer imho. Put yer hands in yer pocket and do the right thing LL. Then you'll get some mentors.
  8. Yo learned friends. I like using an objects Product Description to input a variable with llGetObjectDesc and using it as a string or a number by conversion. But now I got greedy and want to input three variables from a Product Description like 7:12:31 or similar. I tried to parse that string into 3 elements but my brain turns to spaghetti everytime I tackle llParseString2List. Could some kind soul dummy guide me to a result ? Fankyooo.
  9. are you the creator of the scripts ? also what are the script permissions ? Making them yes transfer no copy no mod might help. Or it might not. Just summat to try until the cleverer bods can help
  10. BOM undewear is the non sticky solution to underwear woes
  11. I fitted a ram pack to my zx81 and the viewer still wont work
  12. What viewer you using ? Probs like this I always reset my av as a 'test character' then start adding the wanted components one by one. The test characters need the advanced menu not sure how you'd get that up I dont recognise the viewer you're using
  13. I cant even buy lindens via chrome anymore. I had to start using a browser called 'Brave'. That works great, not that I'm recommending it. Worth checking out perhaps.
  14. Did it ask you if you want both ? I thought you said it asked if you want App OR Extension. Anyways, Gyazo App is my fave
  15. Thanks Arielle least I know what to watch out for. Is it safe to click that Ignore button ?
  16. I used to love blind jumping but haven't done it for ages. Or map hopping, as I liked to call it.
  17. everything went down lol. no forum, no mp, no sl. Its all back again now though !
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