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Everything posted by BJoyful

  1. Keep trying! Keep Refreshing! You're doing it right but have only missed out on ones which others have abandoned. Good Luck!!
  2. Open your World Map, type in Graff beside Find and click around those Regions until you find one with less than (40) in parenthesis and teleport to it: Good luck!
  3. No, I'm not sure why so many wait there except to enjoy the excitement together ♥ The only way to get a Linden Home is through the Dashboard which will give the LM to you (and keep the LM there if you need it later)
  4. Yes there’s a life preserver to click instead of a mailbox, but done the same way! Good luck!!
  5. No need to log in right away, it will be yours until you abandon it and that can only be done in world, as I understand. Good luck!!!! I already have mine but I’m excited too, lol. WHOOOO!!!
  6. When was Patch’s webcast? Was it recorded or posted anywhere? I do enjoy keeping up with the news and do my best to keep informed of the rules and the covenant I had to agree to in order to receive my Free Linden Home and any pertinent changes made thereto, which LL normally makes every effort to provide in multiple forms of media. That sort of perk would be very pertinent to my enjoyment and time management as some of day in SL is spent on land in a Region which is difficult to access because it is regularly full of batches of very new avatars which I don’t think are all landowners as their number often far exceeds the number of parcels in the Region. I try to review my sources credibility and verify their validity before offering my advice or opinion [for my own protection, as well as] to avoid further complicating an issue. Sometimes rules or laws don’t seem to uphold or reassure an individual’s belief in what they expect to be common sense but those rules and laws are usually for the common good and they deserve to be treated with due respect. Slandering and impersonation aren’t respectful and can incur consequences with far reaching effects so let’s be respectful and careful to verify and clarify!! ...and happily celebrate the excitement and success of the rare birth of our beautiful new SL continent!!
  7. "We are introducing some improvements to how region limits and region entry work: The Region Owner or an Estate Manager can always enter, even when the region is full In effect, the region occupancy limit does not apply to the Region Owner or an Estate Manager for the purposes of entry. Having entered the region, the owner or manager does still increase the count in the region. For example, if there is a region that already has the maximum number of avatars in it, the Region Owner or an Estate Manager would be able to enter, but that would bring the number in the region to 1 over the limit, so 2 would need to leave before the next non owner/manager could enter." And... "Once an avatar is in a region, whether they are Premium or not will not matter; they count the same as anyone else. It doesn't matter what the mix of Premium, Basic, or owner/managers in the region is: they all just each count as one occupant." That is from this Featured News Blog: The Owner of the Regions on Bellissaria is Governor Linden (but I think Governor Linden can go anywhere anytime, no matter how full a Region is), next Premium Members have Priority Access to the full Region then Non Premium Residents but there is no special allowance or consideration for the individual landowners or Group members who reside on those parcels as far as I understand.
  8. It's so nice to read you are really enjoying SL! There are also some Mainland areas which have 2x Prim allowance, but you would first need to pay the purchase price to the seller and then your free 1024 m2 Premium Tier would apply each month thereafter. Two areas I know of with the 2x prim allowance are called Bay City and Horizons. If you get a 1024 m2 in either of these areas you will have 702 prim (land impact) allowance! \🙂/
  9. I don't think any single Premium Account can have 2 of the Free Linden Homes even if they pay for the extra tier, can they?
  10. And even the Premium Member priority access may be moot if everyone trying to get in is a Premium Member!
  11. Happy 5th Rez Day!!! and all my best wishes for good luck in your refresh quest!
  12. I hope it won't last too much longer and that the derendering helps! It must feel like coming home to a Surprise Party of strangers! Complex avatars and some moving water (some waterfalls or splash effects) are the 2 things that I notice really make me lag.
  13. I think quite a few of the East Coast SIMS had lots of traffic today and Dorma (and Graff) was just where a LOT of the Lindens and Moles came over to hang out with the watchers before their lunch break. It was an inspiring experience to see so many gathered of their own volition to see such a rare occurrence and see and chat with all those Lindens and Moles for such a happy surprise celebration! I was out for my daily excursion around Bellissaria hoping to catch a glimpse of the new atoll that appeared last night after I was already in bed and happened to come along at the right time for an impromptu WHOO!! ███▓▒░░.ヽ(ヅ)ノ.░░▒▓███ Hello to the 2nd Batch of new Premium Homes!! I cammed over and got a Pickle on a Stick, LOL
  14. I wouldn't want to be the first to try it but I'll hope to be waving and cheering for the new incarnation of the Wright brothers when they succeed! 🙂/
  15. If this is the same as the one I have it's from FelixvonKotwitz Alter, named "1 Prim Mesh Tree With Changer 10x10x10m Size 10/16 copy/mody" and it's really nice! Please excuse my photo if it looks as odd to you as it does to me as I have Night Shift on my pc so the colours look very strange! But even this large it still is only 1 LI!
  16. I think that HUD may soon require an update! It appears that teleportation has already happened in RL according to Forbes article in July 2017. Here's a headline and snippet: Imagine the valuable experience we are gaining in SL
  17. I LOVE those narrow boats! What a sweet life and still can travel those amazing canals, too! AWESOME!
  18. We really love our LL Houseboat! We keep it unlocked and not orbed (so far) and haven't had any problems with intruders. We have a skybox above for changing clothes, rezzing and building. It's in a packed Region containing 30 Houseboats but our close neighbours are seldom around when we are. My fps has dropped from about 60 when I first arrived down to 25 - 30 fps as more and more Residents add decor but not drastic enough to affect our ability to enjoy the wonderful views and watch the boats going by so we have no intention of currently dropping our place for a less crowded Region, unless fps drops too low to tolerate in the future for some reason. Even if that happens we'll try to derender or block offensive items before we would leave because it's a great spot to watch sailboats. We also have a 4096 Mainland seaside plot on South Corsica where I also get about 25 - 30 fps at ground level and well over 100 fps in the skybox above that land and also over 100 fps in the skybox on Bellissaria. We also have other Estate land and other Mainland parcels and get comparable fps on those, dependant mostly upon the number of complex avatars in the area (in my experience). I've learned a lot about decorating from the amazing pics and advice ppl have shared in these forums and love the big open space in the Houseboat. Mostly when I tour around the Traditional areas I use a wearable bicycle so I can go slow enough to enjoy the beautiful surroundings and houses, but I think I'll always prefer to live on a Houseboat on Bellissaria♥ and visit the traditional houses, roads, paths and community areas for sightseeing.
  19. Yes! These LL Houseboats are quite like the sort in the movie "Sleepless in Seattle". They are really houses on water, which can be moved only on water in RL, but not meant to be driven around. 🙂
  20. I've not seen that post but it would be a really interesting drive! There's quite a few Mainland Continents but not many were connected to each other even by water. I hope they will connect more in the future because I've really enjoyed the new water connections made with the opening of Bellissaria ♥ There's a few of the yavapod vehicles which tour among the existing continents... maybe there will be some new ones on the newly opened waterways. Here's a link to the wiki Waterways (no info yet on the new Bellissaria waterways) in case that helps you in your search: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Waterways
  21. There's waterways which connect Bellissaria to Sansara Continent to the North and Jeogeot Continent to the South and planes (and avatars) can fly along those as well, but no other way I know of. The only long bridges on the Continent are across the river(s) and there's quite a few beautiful ones!
  22. Wow! You do such a professional job! Maybe you could make or sell kits? Like layout helpers? Make a plywood prim 'furniture' and place it with the instructions, lol? Truly I'm so impressed! I guess I'm one of "Those who can't, but wish they could", lol
  23. That looks just gorgeous! I was wondering if you save everything somehow one you've got it just right? Is there a way to save your whole project so you can go back to this once you change to a different model and then decide you want to go back to this one to live in for a while?
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