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Everything posted by BJoyful

  1. They do, but they don't look quite the same as they did before. Here's a thread about some of the differences:
  2. There’s some landmarks you might find enjoyable in the thread I pasted above. I’ve not had time yet to visit them all myself but the ones I have seen are great πŸ˜ƒ
  3. There is a Preview SIM to see all 4 models of each of the 2 styles. Once you are lucky enough to get a Houseboat or a Traditional you can use the mailbox (or life preserver) to select one of 4 styles and you can change as often as you wish. please check your Notifications (bell symbol) at the top of this page and you will find that your complaints have already been addressed and responded to. πŸ™ƒ Read the news and you will know the news!
  4. You are barking at a tree. Calm down, please.
  5. I don't think there is a more fair way to distribute the new homes than is currently in play. If you consider a new product of any sort there are market tests, studies and many times there are improvements before it is generally available to everyone. Everyone did have an equal opportunity to grab one of those new plots. LL did not choose the Premium Members which got them first and they gave everyone ample warning they were on their way and offered a Preview SIM so people could make a well informed choice. Those who read the Blog Feeds section on the Dashboard when they log in or followed the Forums are the ones who happened to get the news first, made their decision to act or wait and the first homes went to the first who followed the news. Those loyal people who login every day and read the news, delivered conveniently right to them got the first chance. Those who don't bother to read the news don't know the news and missed out being in the first allotment is all that happened. So don't despair, come and visit! Be part of witnessing the birth of a new continent and celebrate its success and plan what you'll do with your bit of it when it is your turn! This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate a big success! Everyone is welcome to visit and everyone will have their chance to move in if they choose!
  6. Congratulations!! Party On Mauritsss boat soon! πŸ˜‰
  7. OMGoodness! I think I saw this on an episode of Mayday on Discovery Channel! Hmmm nope, but a good emergency to present in Flight Simulator! πŸ˜‰
  8. Is that open for anyone to visit? I'd love to see that!! If it's open for visitors could you post an LM or pass me one inworld?
  9. Tears up my letter to SL Paranormal Activity investigations department πŸ˜‰
  10. The new 1024 m2 plots have 351 prim allowance and the 512 m2 have 175 (not 117 for quite a while, even though it may still appear as 117 on the website), same as every other mainland parcel as far as I have seen. Bellissaria is the 1st new 1024 Premium plot land... so indeed they will need to finish making an original before they can copy & paste it in other locations on the grid! (It would take me a lot more time to even write this sentence if I had to copy and paste each word or phrase only from other posts!) Please be respectful and encourage good will toward those who are working so hard to make this ORIGINAL the best they can for the benefit of everyone's enjoyment. Visit Bellissaria as it is created and just enjoy the process
  11. I'm really impressed with LL taking only this long as it took Nature 200 million years to get the RL continents in place where they are now! The quality and beauty of Bellissaria is (and will be for those waiting) well worth the months we have watched and waited and speculated about what the SSP was! This relatively small wait is like the week before a 10 year old's birthday and time is relatively a lot slower than the week before the end of summer holidays! Visit the Linden Homes Preview SIM http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Linden Homes Preview/44/200/25 and have a look at the 2 styles (Traditional vs Houseboat) and decide which you'd prefer, then browse the amazing Photos threads and feel free to come and see how hard they have been working! If you're lucky you will see some of the Lindens and Moles working on getting more ready with each plot different and connected to the continent as a whole! SSP is at least 385 separate SIMS placed on contiguous continental land and there is NOTHING else like it!! Enjoy a tour and ask questions and by the time you go through these threads (and keep Refreshing that window) you'll probably be waving at the world from your new Premium home!
  12. I'll try not to break your cover, so I'll just wave discreetly if I spot you sailing by! πŸ˜‰
  13. I think they are pretty close to mine too, but I forgot to LM the place! They do look like they are having a great time!! WOW! Maybe we are neighbours!!
  14. Wow it looks like some have dropped their rocks!! Not my fault, tho!! πŸ˜‰
  15. Be care bumping into these hoodoos! Some of them are holding up rocks!!
  16. Thank you! It's a wearable gacha from {what next} They are so cute!! ☺️
  17. Beautiful video!! I love the music and I want to drive around Bellisseria listening to it, too!!!
  18. I saw no flattened Moles and no police caution tape anywhere so we must all be doing pretty well driving! πŸ˜‰
  19. I spotted a fishing chair today Then as I was passing I wondered what was on the upper deck under a tarp and I've not stopped laughing since!! Brilliant Creators! And a wonderful sense of humour this Houseboat owner has! I'm so thankful I can't smell what attracted the flies to that dumpster!
  20. I loved your driving adventure! I was cycling on one the same roads earlier today!
  21. There is the new Linden Homes Preview SIM: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Linden Homes Preview/44/200/25 It shows all the current models. Each plot has a mailbox and you can choose which style of House you want... so visit them all at the Preview, grab any plot and rez your favourite using the mailbox! (life Preserver for the Houseboat model selection) and anyone can come and visit and explore Bellissaria and see what the current residents are so excited about! There's another thread in this Linden Homes section which has Landmarks and points of interest including Rez Zones so anyone can come and have a good look at all the different areas and to visit, walk, ride, drive, sail, fly and explore. The whole continent is just beautiful and wonderfully planned with connected streets and paths to all sorts of community parks and little surprises! So much to see and so much still to come... looking at the World Map every few days, the Moles are working like crazy and getting more set up every day for the next batch release!
  22. Still enough prims left for rezzing sailboats and maybe something interesting underwater in the future \0/ Maybe my RL aversion to dusting clutter has crossed over into SL !!
  23. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Normandale/195/217/25 Here is Apple Pie (Apple Fall's Open House)
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