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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. I bet @Scylla Rhiadrahad dance balls and a tip jar rezzed out!
  2. Sorry! Flashbacks!! I thought of a new one.. Satire: Ratings based on Generation! Boomers: Asexual, Tinies, and/or Celibate. Gen X: Adult or Bellisseria, Shopping, Creatng, Clubbing Millennials: Hate dating or Always Dating, Shopping, Clubbing Gen Z: Games, Skill Games, Dating, Anime Gen Alpha: Furries, Kids
  3. Mine renders (new but lower iPad), just the app is clearly not finished and major functionality is missing. I'm guessing 4-6 months at least. As @Persephone Emeraldsays, Adult land may hold up fine, too.
  4. Satire: Assign ratings based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs!
  5. The only downside for me personally being, when I go to sell my land for M-rated land, I will take a loss (while usually land like mine breaks even)!
  6. How 'bout them HTTP-IN domains, huh? IYKYK!!
  7. Great solve! Doesn't require setting maturity level of "stuff", etc.
  8. I was disappointed that when I made a "horizontal" (parallel to the ground) mirror a few months ago, it obviously reflected the Sun even though it was indoors, etc. So, I should try it again with any new settings and see if that changed. The use-case I was creating was a mirrored "pool" in a cave.
  9. At least he doesn't show as having a store on the MP. (So it is not self-serving unless one of his Alts or partner has a store.)
  10. So, there will be a Venn-style diagram of sex vs. violence, and we get to choose where we want to be. "I'll take consensual choking with a safe word, no marks, open-fist only." Nope, not about kink at all!
  11. Not one of this probably scope, no! The reality of your answer, which I concur with, doesn't really invalidate much in my long post about the "bigger blunders" involved. IMO. 🙂 I don't have any concerns about "sub-ratings" though..assume they don't affect everyone just for the sake of it. Mobile, "child-presenting" avatars, and anyone that WANTS more granular ratings. Sure, people will freak out about that but ANY change is "sky is falling, LL is evil". Agree? Disagree? To me, restricting Mobile is a bigger D'Oh than adding sub-ratings / ratings granularity changes.
  12. Ah. Well, that makes sense since only Premium Plus users can test Mobile. Not the right place to put an "announcement"!
  13. I don't get how it's "hidden behind a Premium-Plus paywall". A few observations - for the sake of brevity, to me these are "facts": 1) Canny itself is not restricted to Premium Plus. 2) Current Mobile testing is still in "Beta". 3) Since Mobile is in Beta and still not "released", there's no "policy". It is not even accessible to users yet who aren't part of testing. If I agree there's a "policy", and "policy shift", and presumably it's "access to Adult" Regions: it seems more to me that the "Policy" just hasn't been officially announced yet. Where's the "shift"? Mobile doesn't even "exist" unless you're part of testing, except the pretty, exaggerated example videos. Rather, I'd say it's a big "bungle": this was destined to be the policy all along (restriction of access to Adult regions). As such, it doesn't surprise me at all. LL should have just given hints at first, or earlier. Of course, then nobody (or far fewer) would have signed up for Premium Plus "just to see Mobile". (I signed up for Premium Plus earlier, so that wouldn't apply to me.) The "nefarious" and/or "stupid" reasons I can think of for this bungle are: 1) They weren't sure. (Pretty dumb..) Maybe we'd somehow have Mobile with Adult access. I doubt they were that dumb. Unless they spent a lot of efforts looking for loopholes. We can't know. 2) Prevent negative buzz before Mobile got close to testing even. Plus, as a "test app only" ("Test Flight" on iOS, etc.) there was evidently some loophole. So why tell us until they had too? I find this a little evil / ill-intentioned. Bait / switch. 3) Prevent disappointment from resulting in insufficient testing. They were already only letting Premium Plus test Mobile. If they told us "no Adult", then even less would have bothered testing. I see 2 major mistakes: not being up-front about the likelihood of restricted access to Adult regions, and restricting testing to Premium Plus. If they didn't make those mistakes, they probably could have gotten plenty of testing, and overcome the bitter taste of the restricted access (no Adult region access).
  14. That makes more sense, it would be similar to game ratings also: T, etc.
  15. Do you mean users reporting merchants? Or LL running cross-reference reports on purchases vs. reviews? Merchants could give in-world credits (not L$) and LL would never know.
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