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Love Zhaoying

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Everything posted by Love Zhaoying

  1. Your “home” spot / point must be set to Mauve. You can set it to someplace else. *Edit* Then again..
  2. Since vehicles remain rezzed without riders by straddling sim / parcel boundaries (and move back and forth on timer between sim/parcel to prevent auto return): Here is one way LL could “kill” these annoying things: 1) On Linden land only: if an object enters, and no avatar is seated upon it, immediately auto-return. 2) This would also (happily?) kill one of Animat’s sim-crossing fixes.
  3. Ok, the acronym more commonly used is PEBCAK. “Problem exists between chair and keyboard.” *Edit* Your explanation “hatred for users” misses the point of both acronyms: they are not about the programmer, they are about the user. This is often used as a “code” by customer service, help desk, etc. to indicate the USER is unfamiliar with the software. I’m not sure how you got it backwards..I’m guessing long-standing bias and hatred of coders? This made me sad. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/PEBCAK
  4. I don’t understand, so you are saying the “problem” with the “4 commandments” obelisk is (restated) that people who place it on their lands are sometimes hypocrites and don’t practice the 4 commandments which they are preaching? I have to interpret your statement that way, otherwise the fact that people don’t follow the commandments isn’t a “problem” with the obelisk - it’s a problem with the people.
  5. Please define the acronym “PICNIC”, as I and I suspect many others are not familiar with it. If I cried “PICNIC”, I’d expect Yogi Bear and Boo-Boo to come running out of the forest. ?
  6. One reason some of are posting “Today I Learned” (TIL), is because a Linden made a “Today I Learned” post about SL in which he also wrote “TIL” - a lot of us did not know the acronym before that.
  7. Maybe put some mousetraps under there too!
  8. Seen on Forums a lot: “I am leaving the game, you will never hear from me again!”
  9. Didn’t TMP do a lot of ferals, also? Poor furry brothers and sisters!
  10. Turns out it meant “total raid wipe” - HDD wiped completely (on a system with a RAID array).
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