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Rick Nightingale

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Everything posted by Rick Nightingale

  1. Even I, who has clung onto Windows 7 like a sloth to a branch, finally had to downgrade to Windows 10 a few months back. Too much important stuff simply wouldn't run, or I couldn't get updates, any more. The final straw was an odd glitch in the latest FS PBR beta, which was resolved by changing to Windows 10. Windows 10 LTSC seems not too bad so far. Funny though... I bought a new HP PC, with the latest Intel i7 14th gen CPU, 64GB DDR5 RAM and fast NVMe storage. Windows 10 on it takes longer to start up and shut down then my older, earlier gen HP of the same type with Windows 7, a 9yo CPU, early generation SSD and DDR4. Progress, huh?
  2. Elves vanquish another Dwarf enclave. F I G H T
  3. You can just remove all links to an item, without deleting the item itself. (Disclaimer: this is in Firestorm; I've no idea otherwise): In the Replace Inventory Links dialogue box, there is a checkbox to just delete the links. The only 'quick' way I've ever found to just add an item to all outfits is still laboriously manual: a. Copy into the paste buffer the item you want to add. 2. Pick an item, any item, that is in all the outfits; this is so you can use 'Find Links' (not Replace) on it and expand just the outfits folders with minimal contents. Otherwise the inventory window just gets unmanageable. Having 'found links', you can now work down the open folders. iii. In each folder, Paste as Link your new item link. Yes, I've often wished we could script inventory access, but I can only imagine the problems that would cause when someone gets it wrong and wipes out the inventory.
  4. Looks like it is inaccurate. A quick google shows up to 96GB (but uncertain; far more mentions of 64GB). That's more like I would expect. Put at least 32GB in. I see 64 as a minimum for my assorted uses, but that might be overkill just for SL use. Why??? Texture memory.
  5. I'm far from up to date on laptop specs but is that 16GB maximum RAM supported accurate? That is low, and I would say minimal for SL or anything. I wouldn't put in less than 32GB myself. Edit - ha, beaten to it by AmeliaJ08
  6. I've just tried to delete a review; it worked for me. You get a pop-up asking to confirm. Perhaps your browser is not showing the pop-up. I get that on some places, and it's usually because my advert blocker is preventing it, or preventing an 'accept' cookies' popup which stops other pop-ups until you do. So... Try disabling any advert blockers and clearing cookies for the market place website in your browser if you still have problems.
  7. Delete should work (assuming it is your review) followed by writing a new review. I've done it a few times, and people have done it for reviews on my products. If it's not working... I'm stuck, other than to say the MP has had a few issues recently(!) with things being broken, so maybe it's that. Could try raising a support ticket if you're sure.
  8. This is the simplest solution. Log into your website account from a web browser and OK it there. Simple.
  9. That reminds me of something I wanted to do with an expensive formal dinner jacket and trousers I was thinking of buying, but didn't (for reasons that will become clear). It was from a well-known maker who's been recommended on this forum before. The jacket had open and buttoned options. If you ('you' as in anyone reading this) know etiquette, you'll get that it should be opened when seated and buttoned when standing; if I recall correctly it even had the correct button fastened. The jacket had a HUD to switch between the alpha states. Perfect, and exactly what I was looking for, except for the usual issue... It was no-mod and the only way to switch states was to use the HUD. I wanted to script it (like I have other items) so that when I sat, it automatically unbuttoned and vice versa. I contacted the maker's CS (the maker was clear they did not want to be contacted by customers directly), said how much I liked the jacket, and explained what I wanted to achieve. I asked if I could either have a mod version of the fatpack (which was hugely expensive - I only wanted one colour but that would counter the fear of the dreaded tinting to save buying another tint), or at least be told the channel and command to change the state so I could add the commands to a script in my own utility HUD that I wear. I even offered to give them the script I wrote for inclusion with the item, free of charge. The response was not very polite and certainly made sure I never even visited the store again, let alone bought the item. An unfortunately common response I've had over the years from those who knee-jerk to no-mod perms.
  10. Oh... that brings back memories. Not saying anything more than that!
  11. My wife (and I) really miss Elven Elder. Not as prolific a maker as some of the bigger clothing brands, but he made top-quality, Italian inspired (I believe) fashion. Everything was well made with obvious care and attention, and Elven Elder was a very approachable and helpful creator. My wife was really sad the day he announced he was leaving, a year or so ago. (I think she had a bit of a soft spot for him 😍) Edit to add: EE's jeans are in one of the few remaining outfits of my wife's that keep her using the original Lara. Wish we could have them for LX.
  12. ...while imitating nightingales' genteel SONGS.
  13. Nonsense. I'm not in conflict with the TOS - be careful what you accuse. The terms refer to ownership of the assets; it even says IPR. You are confusing ownership of a real-world digital asset (and the 'rights' that accompany that ownership) with 'owning' something within the SL 'world'. I feel it's an attempt to throw off the argument because you cannot satisfactorily justify no-mod perms; your arguments for it almost entirely boil down to "because I want to and I can". I'm not in a battle; I'm discussing something on a forum, as are you. To answer your point though, while LL has chosen to allow the ability to set mod perms, it is those users in SL setting them on products they sell that cause the problem. LL in no way forces or even encourages you to set no-mod on a product. Only sellers choose to do that (or not), taking advantage of an imperfect system to impose their will on others; to have their cake and eat it while the consumers are firmly limited as nothing more than that... consumers of your product. I would say that LL should have made a better system (for both sides of the argument), and still should look at it especially with all the changes being made. They won't; we both know that. Just because you can, doesn't make it right. ------- Why do I even bother having this discussion...? My hope is that others reading it, who might become content creators, will get a clue and make their stuff modifiable for the benefit of us all; themselves included. I've never for a moment thought it would convince anyone already set in their ways to change. And with that... unless anyone says anything particularly interesting or new, I'm out. Again 🤣
  14. You do exactly that, simply by setting no-mod on the product. So, you will only allow the customer to do what you want. They own the product, they bought it, why should you have the right to still behave as if you own it and limit what they can do with it? It comes down to your selfish desires to maintain your ownership of something, while still being able to sell it to others for money. It's a 'have your cake and eat it' situation and in the current system, you get to do exactly that. You keep using that sort of phrase. No-one here has once 'demanded' 'full access' - phrasing it that way is trying to paint those wanting mod perms in a bad light, by making out they are 'demanding' something unacceptable. Mod perms is not 'full access'. It's both. I believe in empowering people and freedom. I find that incompatible with no-mod and being controlled and limited by someone else's views on what I can and cannot do* with things I own, just because they want to and have been given the ability by an imperfect system. *Within limits of reason, like not illegal copying etc., just to forestall that diversionary argument.
  15. Earlier in the thread I mentioned trouble in a group when someone suggested modding their clothing. Just for reference, the two people mostly saying it did not even realise that it was possible to have mod permissions on clothing. They believed what they had been told; that fitted mesh simply could not be modified. They were merely saying how nice it would be if things could be slightly tinted to match other items they had. The whole furore that ensued took them completely by surprise, as did being told by some that is was indeed possible, just was being refused by the maker. I find that sad, and frankly unacceptable, that the no-mod culture amongst many sellers is so strong that there are SL users that are not even aware there is an alternative because of the sellers' propaganda. I've had related experiences in another store group, where on two occasions that I can recall I've helped people mod something, when they did not even know it was possible to do so. That was a store that has always sold their things (clothing, rigged avatar accessories, all sorts of stuff) with mod permissions. Even in that group there were people totally unaware that it was possible to modify their items to their liking without being limited by a HUD.
  16. I first tried to do it when I had only been in SL a couple of years, had just got my first patch of mainland, had never made anything beyond a few prims and I don't think Blender even existed, but already understood how important mod perms were. Not sure there is an average SL user, but I certainly wasn't in any way exceptional.
  17. Well, redistributing (Transfer perms) is a different kettle of cod altogether to mod perms. Regardless of that... Your use is a perfect example of an appropriate use of No-Mod in my view: You're giving it away, not selling a product to customers. I do the same with occasional Christmas gifts and the like. It's your thing; your photo album with your pictures that you are providing; not an album for others to use as theirs.
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