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Rick Nightingale

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Everything posted by Rick Nightingale

  1. The above auto-rezzer and linking are perfect examples. I said earlier that artwork is something I would consider a legitimate use of no-mod though, especially if it really is a one-off. Same as I would argue that real-life artwork should be protected for everyone's benefit. Obviously some scripting in it would be very helpful. How do the coordinates of the items get into the rezzer's setup? Don't you need to drop in a remote script into each item to communicate to the the rezzer's setup script? If so, for someone to set up their own rezzer, with things they've bought, the items need mod perms. Also, how would you get around the 10m-ish rez limit without being able to drop in a receiver and repositioner script? I've made a lot of such systems (I use them to build and texture my own complex builds that I sell, just to put them together after uploading).
  2. My wife's told me she's had an email notice of a IM, from the seller giving her a refund on the purchase price. We would rather have had what we bought (with mod perms); it is a really nice bikini just not quite the right colour which a gentle tinting would have solved. At least she has L$500 back of the L$800. Shame too that we (especially my wife) had to go through the disappointment of the issue. Anyway, it's prompted me to finally start making mesh clothing. I'm already in Aditi testing the bikini bottoms; looking good so far. Maybe I'll start making and selling clothing if I get some practice in. I wonder what permissions I'll give them
  3. Wanda opened Roxanne's regular yearly DIARY.
  4. @Qie Niangao Yes, the penny has dropped and two and two have been put together regarding who the conversation was with. Sometimes I miss the blindingly obvious 🤣
  5. I have a vague recollection of the conversation, but I don't think I knew who it was (or I've forgotten). I'll look out the post out of curiosity. I see what you mean about the adverts; I hadn't spotted the one to the left that says no-mod. I did a quick look around at other adverts, and even the MP store, before buying and a lot said they were mod. So I was even checking it wasn't a mistake before we bought. If the bikini had been on the MP we would have bought it there, just in case because at least there you can leave a review to attract attention if necessary. I hope they don't take the 'cop out' route, he he. We are giving it a day or so before trying again, to give them time to think about it (if they are bothering - perhaps I'm being uncharacteristically optimistic but I do try to give people chance). Not that there's anything we can do other than plead.
  6. Sounds like a full time job. What's the salary? This is probably the sub that you want though: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/forum/312-inworld-employment/
  7. The attitude of (some of) the creators and sellers in SL has been mentioned a few times. Here's a relevant example that happened to us a few hours ago... My wife has been searching for the 'perfect' bikini for LaraX. She wants a specific shade, but so far has found nice bikinis in the wrong colour (and of course no-mod) or bikinis she doesn't like but in the right colour. Finally, today we went shopping and found one that was really nice, and had a colour in the range close enough if it could be tinted just a touch... and it was advertised as mod perms as were other items in the store! So she bought it, and we both felt happy that we had found another maker to support. It was no-mod. She contacted the store's CS, very politely saying what the problem was and asking for help. The quick response was "the advert says it is no-mod". This is the advert: As you can see, "mod" is clearly stated. We immediately sent that picture, along with a polite, "please check the advert" reply. That was several hours ago now, with a couple more follow up messages from my wife. Nothing. No further response from CS. This is about typical of what we have experienced with the majority of sellers over the years, and people wonder why I'm a bit down on the attitude of many and quick to comment, perhaps cuttingly, on it. My wife is out of pocket L$800 (she joined the paid group as well, to start getting store credit that will now never be used). We are both disappointed at yet another supposedly top-tier seller.
  8. Alicia ruminated over some evil URGES.
  9. Karen never objected without some CAUSE.
  10. The funniest thing with that one is detecting where someone is looking, and using the experience for nothing other than telling them off if they cam somewhere they shouldn't. I think it comes as more of a surprise that the system can see where they are looking, especially if it hasn't done anything else and compared to all the more obvious Experience uses. I use it in mine... don't stare too long at the wrong thing! Being able to ask for a glass of single malt without even clicking it is cool though. And yes, you cannot revoke individual permissions in Experience.
  11. Did you write the music, or do you have a contract with the copyright owners to distribute it in the form you plan, or is the recording so old (a bit complex but generally 70 years after first public airing) that it is copyright expired, or is it released as public domain (rare) ? If so, then you can do it. If not, then the legal answer is no and while I can't be bothered reading the TOS right now, I would be amazed if copyright infringing content wasn't mentioned somewhere. Regardless of LL's rules, you certainly could get into real world trouble for it, if someone cared enough to report you. Chances might be slim, or not... I wouldn't risk it but that's me. You might also not be aware that you can't just drop in an MP3 or similar into a prim and have it play... sounds are limited to 10 seconds long, so to play anything longer requires a script to chain together a load of sound chunks (I've written them, they suffer in laggy regions). Sound playback is very basic in SL. The other way is media on a prim (which could link to a streaming service or youtube, if that still works), which suffers from not being audible unless in your direct view (or at least was last time I tried to use it). Or you can override the parcel's sound stream, but only if you own it of course
  12. I don't think there is anything else needs updating since the last public FS release. I'm still using it on some PCs here and other than PBR on the beta, there's no difference for me. Besides, it would mean doing essentially two projects at once if they did that and I think they have their hands more than full with just the PBR one. I've first hand experience of LL's code being broken, but it showing up in Firestorm and them getting the (at least initial) flack, because I was the one pushing it. FS had to put in fixes to override LL's broken code until it got fixes where it should; at the source. I don't blame the FS devs at all for not releasing until they are satisfied with their release. Today's beta brought a couple of new and entertaining bugs; such is coding life.
  13. I was getting ready to say I would prefer it to the CBT I had... now I've very much changed my mind! Rick Nightingale pats his member reassuringly, "don't worry Happy, we're not going to go there."
  14. Google isn't helping me on that one... all I know is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Feel free to point in the direction for a laugh...
  15. The one that makes me laugh is when there are, say three people in a picture and when you look closely, you realise there are only five feet. Or eight. Drawn like one of those optical illusion pictures where it's one thing at one side and something else at the other. AI seems to branch legs into each other at times, where they cross, as if it's tree roots. It gets worse the more people it tries to portray. And as to training it on that quagmire of misinformation, outright nonsense and snark known as Reddit... OMG!
  16. The thread title hardly encourages a good response though, does it? Besides, most of the early posts were helpful and not unfriendly, as much as they can be given zero useful information. I've had help, and irritation, from the FS help group but in the main they usually act well and I've seen them help plenty of people. At the end of the day it's people, often being poorly treated (like the title of this thread) and reacting as people tend to do. Ideal? Of course not; I've worked in CS type roles in places where you just don't respond poorly even when ranted at. They are volunteers though, not paid employees, who hear the same things day after day and probably wish people would at least search the web for two minutes before asking the same question yet again. Given my experience in the role I always try to understand when the first response is the irritated brush off. (and hope they eventually get to know that if it's me asking, there's likely something unusual going on, lol).
  17. Smells, thoroughly awful, nearly killed EDGAR.
  18. Bee's knees Excellent old movie that I remember from childhood (the '74 version)
  19. Our local mobile service has been wholly or partially down at least four times in the last 12 months; once was for two days. Given that I hardly use the mobile, and noticed four outages at times when I turned it on because I needed to use it right then, it could well have been offline a lot more than that. We don't live in the middle of nowhere either; we need a filter to get a clean TV signal because of nearby 5G interference, even though the TV relay transmitter is so close I could almost spit at it. We are soon to lose landlines completely here; as in, the copper wiring that has barely been maintained in 40 years is being replaced with fibre. We are two years past the deadline to have ours replaced and still there's not even news of them thinking about getting around to us before the copper is ripped out, so where that will leave us in 2025 I don't know. So, in a power cut (and we've had several long ones), no landline phones (the old system had generator backup so hard phones still worked) and if the cell service happens to fail at the same time, well... tough. Why does it feel like with every step into the future, we get pushed a step backwards too?
  20. I missed you saying that. I can believe it could be therapeutic for some. I see no reason why an AI couldn't be trained to use the very same techniques that psychologists do; reflective listening, etc., which basically let people sort themselves out in a way. CBT apparently works for most people and is recommended in the UK for every 'mental' issue you can think of (to the point that if you aren't having CBT, you aren't trying to 'get better'). They've done it to me several times, including a computer-based one that wasn't AI but was a program responding to my responses to it. Nope; not for me. None of it touched the sides. However, I have a deep suspicion of AI in general. Too little real control over it, too little understanding of what it is actually 'learning' when it's trained and what it might do if things don't go exactly according to what it 'expects'. And that is being shown repeatedly with Google's AI being the latest to embarrass itself in the news; again. That's sort of my issue too; my only way of understanding social situations is from exact examples... which of course will never really be repeated. But as soon as some little variable in the interaction changes, I'm back to the 'WTF is happening now?' state. It's like learning to pass an exam by memorising the past papers, but you can never actually learn how it works. So if they change so much as a number in the test, I'm left clueless and floundering. Hmm... I might have something in common with AI - what an awful thought 🤣
  21. You know (if you've read some of my recent posts since I decided to 'come out') that I'm autistic. As such I've spent most of my life lonely with no-one to talk to. I would still rather lick wet paint than talk to a bot.
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