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Rick Nightingale

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Everything posted by Rick Nightingale

  1. I often log in several alts on one PC for testing, but I've always avoided logging in the same alt simultaneously on Agni and Aditi. Just in case. although I did once do so accidentally and nothing exploded that I noticed. Sometimes it would be quite useful to do. So, is it safe to do that? Or will my inventory get stolen by aliens or my alt get pulled into a singularity?
  2. Exactly what I thought too. I wouldn't be surprised to see some very big lawsuits from the big IT players against Intel for this, to offset the additional costs of that additional speed they will need to allocate. I feel fortunate that I'm no longer in the IT game right now. Too many virtual server farms with my name on them, lol.
  3. I wonder how much impact this will have on SL's servers? https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/01/02/intel_cpu_design_flaw/ Briefly, a serious exploit has been found in all Intel x86-64 series CPUs since the Pentium. It's unfixable in microcode and needs an OS fix to work around the vulnerability. Potentially average 30% performance hit, worse on applications which make lots of system calls. Like virtualisation! I wonder if Intel will even survive this.
  4. That looks exactly the issue, thank you! (I did search first, but obviously not well enough, lol. I blame the tequila.) ETA: Hmm, except that my hands are playing Bento animations repeatedly, but only for the hands. My main AO is non-Bento. Still likely the same issue though.
  5. Has anyone else seen this issue? I'm not sure if this is server or viewer side, but... From another SL account, logged in on a different PC, I've repeatedly noticed that my left Bento hand sometimes appears fixed in a pose. It is in an uncomfortable-looking fingers splayed straight out position. I've seen it when both accounts are logged in on the same PC too. At first my hands appear to function properly and the animations can be seen, but at some point it goes to the fixed pose and sticks there. Then, the only way to fix it is for me to relog. But bear in mind the below: From my perspective, my hand functions as normal, playing it's various animations. That splayed-out position is not even in my hand's animations. I made the very simple AO myself and used standard animations supplied with the Aesthetic Bento hands. There is nothing wrong on my side - it works perfectly fine. If I wasn't watching from another account in the same room, I would have no idea what was happening in the other viewer. For clarity: The frozen hand is only seen in someone else's viewer. In my viewer, it works normally. I'm using the latest Firestorm. I would like to think it's a problem with my hand or something here because I could fix it. Given what happens though, I can't see how it is.
  6. Thank you for the reply. I think we tried going to Aditi on 26th, so that fits. I was there with my building alt before that but there were no changes to that account, so I would not have noticed if anything updated or not. I'll prod support in a couple of days (after the usual Tue/Wed server stuff) if nothing changes.
  7. Has anything changed recently with updating the Aditi inventory from Agni? I'm not getting updates. I've been away from SL for a year, but was a regular Aditi visitor for testing mesh etc. I remember that inventory updating was working well, after some teething problems in the system. For the last two weeks I've been in and out of Aditi and my inventory has never updated. The same for my wife's account which is actually the one we need updated (to work on things for her new Bento body).
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