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Rick Nightingale

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Everything posted by Rick Nightingale

  1. It's exact meaning also depends on the inflection and context. "That's quite large" might refer to something very big, or not as big as expected or wanted, for example. Thus it's quite useless really in written communication.
  2. It should also be noted that the Geneva Convention is only applicable to a country that has ratified the convention and is currently engaged in an armed conflict. Otherwise it means nowt!
  3. So instead of hot cross buns, they were not cross buns. Perhaps it was just a typo in the order. I wouldn't have bought them though, not because I'm in the least bit religious (I'm more anti-religious) but because I hate the ridiculous, pretend-PC, let's pander to someone else who might be offended but in fact has never even said they are behaviour that has become commonplace.
  4. Deleted - no loss to the thread. Why did I bother to feed the troll at all? I was bored while waiting for a Blender render to finish - don't know why I chose that emoticon other than why not?
  5. This is the profile on one of my female testing alts, who occasionally gets taken out for some freebies at an event:
  6. True; I can't be bothered with most of mine (only the big things) since they should be decreasing if anything. It's a bonus, not a problem for buyers. But then, I don't have hundreds of full-perm mesh items though that others can use in builds, and would have a chain-reaction like effect on totals which might make a bigger difference to prospective buyers. I still tend to think the rental/LI issue could be a source of greater problems. Whatever, as usual in SL we get what we get and just have to deal with it, lol.
  7. I'm purely guessing, but that might have impact on renting if you rent by the LI, if anyone works like that. It might have made mine interesting. Doing it on the mesh calculations to simply(!) change what people have rezzed avoids any complications like that, although clearly introduces a few of its own.
  8. Oh yes, I forgot another use of a couple of alts and my wife's avi when she wasn't around: I used to have them as dancers and household staff (ahem!) when I had a big mansion on the 1/3 region. All programmed, logged in using secondbot, and with an extensive control panel in-world. Those were the days, lol.
  9. I think that's one of the worst things about SL. It's the root of having to buy multiple copies of an item if you want to use them on different alts; I hate that. As far as I'm concerned, *I* bought it, I should be able to use it on any alt I want. Not that it's going to change; sellers (except the few like me) would have a total meltdown. I forgot too that the first few alts I created years ago were also for my land group, because it worked out cheaper to do that than pay extra tier. That brings back memories of owning 1/3 of a region with sailable water on one side and protected land on another. Sold that for ten times what I paid when I got really short of money for a while
  10. Bonus first: Of course it's not 'bad'. It's your SL, enjoy it how you like as long as you don't deliberately hurt others. No judgement here. My alts? Mostly just for testing when I'm building something. Multiple avi animations, or just the convenience of having an alt using the thing instead of 'me'. I do have a couple that I started for RPing, but they never went far because I'm too mean to buy duplicate sets of stuff for different avis. Plus I never really got the time to RP properly; I tend to do things 100% or not at all and I refuse to be an unreliable member of anything. One of them became my store manager, so I don't get bothered with tech support etc. on my main login and can just relax. I think people have occasionally thought my wife's avi is an alt of me, and I must admit I sometimes probably treat it as one. Mostly though that's because she has RL problems now (has for several years), can't use a mouse/keyboard very well, and struggles generally with stuff so I 'take care' of her avi. It's good fun; gives me an excuse to dress her up. A lot of the time we're online, she's just watching and talking (like telling me what to buy!) as I drive both avatars around (I wrote a follower). That might be both on one PC* or sometimes on two (the other PC is too slow really though). Quite funny when I've got her avi in focus and I answer a group thinking I'm on my own, or vice versa. Done that once or twice. Oh well, who cares, lol. Not us. *That's getting harder though. It seems with the last few FS viewer updates, multiple logons have got considerably more prone to crashing. It used to be that I could have four accounts logged in when testing stuff for hours. Now I'm lucky if two survive for half an hour. Pretty sure it's graphics related; probably filling up the VRAM even with 8GB of it.
  11. P.s. please don't use the word 'copybot' like that... one of me pet peeves*. It's always misused. It refers (properly, that is) to a bot account running though a modified viewer and programmed to TP into a region, scan it and grab assets for local saving. *Edit: nearly as bad as the one that I think irritates me the most: silicon versus silicone. That's especially annoying when in a technical forum with supposedly highly qualified people who don't know the difference between an element used to make electronic components and a body modification material and bathroom sealant
  12. Same, if it's a club-type place, or RP, something like that. Mostly because I've simply no interest in interacting with or observing child-like avis or behaviour, and I do find it a bit weird. No offence at all meant to those who do that. Your SL: your choice; and my view of it only applies to me, not you. I just prefer to avoid children and that's my choice
  13. There is a way; I'm going to PM it to you though because it can be exploited to steal animations. Edit: for clarity for everyone reading, it does NOT use any dodgy methods. It's a legit way, just possible to exploit so I'd rather people had to at least figure it out themselves if they want it for nefarious purposes.
  14. Identifying an individual computer is trivial for the viewer software; not by IP address but by the many other unique-ish things it could look at by being actually installed on the computer. It's been discussed before but I can't recall if it was said that it is definitely done, or not, or we don't know. Only LL know that for sure though and only they would have access to the telemetry from the viewer to do so. I'm discounting third-party developers which could technically do the same and send the telemetry elsewhere for logging, because... why bother? Plus the trouble they would be in if someone (like me!) ran wireshark on the traffic or reviewed the code. Matching by IP is neither reliable nor appropriate. That doesn't mean it can't work at times or be misused against the wrong accounts. It should be illegal IMO, and I do mean illegal, not just against some TOS. Can't recall if I've ever mentioned this here, but for several months some time ago I was specifically blocked by Cloudflare's firewall from accessing a good portion of the internet. The reason? My IPv6 address had been matched to a Russian location, completely incorrectly (the servers and addresses were registered in London!), and my entire range (and other people's - my range was just a subset of the blocked range) were then blocked by many websites using Cloudflare's services. Took months to sort out what was happening, why, and get it corrected and I had to do it all myself. Cloudflare didn't give a single hoot and did nothing to help whatsoever. Useless company. So... using IP addresses to 'identify' someone, or even their location, should be illegal!
  15. Dynamic IPs... wait until the Internet finally fully adopts IPv6. One day. Soon. Maybe. Basic privacy with that comes from a PC randomising its 'public' IPv6 address every time it connects. Given the number of available IPv6 addresses, it's unlikely you would ever have the same one twice, or that anyone else would ever get one you've had even if they used your allocation range (like multiple PCs in one house). My own registered allocation block has 1,208,925,819,614,629,174,706,174 addresses! That's a few more than my /28 IPv4 routed subnet (=14 usable IPv4 addresses) that I've clung onto for nearly 20 years.
  16. Yes, a sphere is 0.76 LI Download cost, a cube is 0.05 LI Download. So, use cubes and link into mesh where the mesh's overall LI won't go up with the addition of that, and the 0.5 server cost that every individual object has. (Edited because I said it wrong the first time). If a mesh is costed on its download cost because that is a lot more than the server cost, then it can absorb the 0.5 server cost and tiny amount of download cost from the prim cube without getting bumped up. Can you tell I used to live a very LI-poor life? 🤣 It's little different to the tricks we used to do to squeeze big programs into a few kB of memory, before megabytes and gigabytes were commonplace.
  17. @Bubblesort Triskaidekaphobia The current official viewer does PBR; it's been online since last December I think. Firestorm only has PBR in the beta release of the viewer though; only available through the testing group in-world. That's what I run.
  18. Then the best you can do is link them together. Two equals One. Unfortunately in this One doesn't = None.
  19. You're right, a relog just put them back to normal. Never seen that one before - there's always something going on here, isn't there?! 🤣
  20. Do what I do and link them to mesh. Zero extra LI One part of my build is something like 240LI mostly on download cost for the mesh, but there's something like 200 prims linked into the mesh. The entirety of the cost of those prims is absorbed into the mesh cost, filling up the server cost. I could probably optimize it even more since the linkset distance was increased, but I haven't got around to it yet. I have hit the 255 objects in a linkset limit in places though. Could do with raising that one.
  21. Huh? All my groups that were set to show in my profile, have just gone don't show. I.e. the checkboxes to show them have been unchecked. I didn't do it! I checked an alt and the same has happened there. Also I note that I've been set to 'None' as the active group. LL... what are you up to now? Edit: it could be worse... could have been the other way around. Then people might see that I'm in the secret XXX-FREESEXMONEY-XXX group!
  22. My LI use on my rental from you @Prokofy Neva reduced by about 200; that's about a 9% saving but my build is already well optimised to reduce LI by linking. I'm busy PBRing (that's now a verb) and installing reflection probes Edit to add: Overall I think I'll see a net gain by the time I've finished. I can't imagine I'll need to use up 200LI in the 'improvement' process.
  23. Easy in principle, not in reality. Isn't going to happen. Copyright issues abound! If all your mesh (body, head, shape files... everything!) was available for download as the actual 3D design files, and the license terms for it all allowed such use, it could all be put in Blender and made into a 3D printer compatible file. That's not the case though and the mesh devkits I have for, say, Maitreya certainly don't allow that use. The alternative is a 'special' viewer which would output a 3D file based on all the same mesh information it gets from the SL servers. That is, as far as I am aware, very much against LL's TOS. Similar viewers are called copybot viewers, which, rumour has it, are an effective way to get your account banned. ---- Nice thread though... some fun stuff to read in here that happened either before my time, or while I was hiding under my rock on mainland
  24. Any other owner should be able to make you owner again
  25. I think you can revoke owner role on yourself (even as the group creator) if at least one other member has the owner role. That's not helpful if you didn't make anyone else owner as well though. If you did, perhaps you revoked yourself by accident. Not that I'm saying SL can't mess things up without any help from us 😆
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