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Rick Nightingale

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Everything posted by Rick Nightingale

  1. That's one way LL could police the child avatar issue... grid-roaming, AI police bots! No human intervention (i.e. salary) required. I'm sure there must be some scifi movie that's used the concept, although I can't think of one. I bet it doesn't end well. Oh yes... "You now have five seconds to comply..."
  2. Demons regularly entertain all my NIGHT.
  3. That was yours? Thank you - my FASTer HUD makes a lot of use of that.
  4. Not just for 'games'. All our local services here now practically demand mobile access for everything from ordering medication from the GP and getting hospital appointments, ordering supermarket collections and keeping track of tax and benefits claims. All of them here resolutely resist email, the easy answer for anyone with any digital device. Nope... got to be mobile and if you don't have the app (that lets us track you and share your data)... tough.
  5. I learned to use RLVa for reasons nothing to do with kink, and would never use a viewer without it (or without mouse-only movement control and 6-axis controller). A lot of things on my land are programmed to use RLVa (non-kink-related) and one of my all-time top selling gadgets uses it; I would be lost without that myself (who it was originally made for). A version is attached to me all the time, with every outfit. RLVa allows us to get around some of SL's imposed (not saying that's always a bad thing) programming limitations. The loss of RLVa would kill a lot of the enjoyment of SL for me and, to reiterate, nothing whatsoever to do with kink or even vanilla SLex. That said, at one point a lot of my sales of that were to members of a certain SL club, who liked it so much that the owner asked for a slightly personalized version of the HUD and an in-world vendor so her customers could buy one more quickly. Mind you... I have no idea what they actually used it for. It is just so useful, lol. I'll tell you one funny (to me, anyway) thing I have running on my land that uses a combo of Experience and RLVa... One day I had a griefer pop in, one of those who uses a follower to attach to your head and blast you with noise and lights etc. The silly person must have accepted my Experience though, so rather than just boot the miscreant, it suddenly found itself chained into a small, rocking cage, suspended above a fire, in the depths of hell (a.k.a. my basement). The only way out was to TP out of the region; when he came back (twice)... my system put it straight back into the cage. Eventually it clearly sussed out to revoke the Experience, so then my system just kicked and banned the next time when it couldn't be 'captured'. I watched it all with a big, demonic grin.
  6. In all my time here I had never twigged that you worked on RLVa. I guess I need to pay more attention. Just want to say thank you for the most useful extension in SL 👍
  7. My mostly ten year old non-gaming computer can run the standard release and PBR beta both at a perfectly good framerate. There's something else wrong that's likely not Firestorm's fault.
  8. And yet, what started this latest revival of the thread was the encouragement to set no-mod perms because of the texture UUID issue, which as has been shown is completely pointless and does not in any way protect your texture from thieves. None of the permissions system does for the most part. I most certainly do, I'm not the only one and I'll continue to do everything I can to raise awareness of this and the permissions issues, which have been largely buried by some sellers' constant hammering of 'it can't be modded and you couldn't do it anyway'. Besides, for those who 'don't notice', if they are also thieves, what do they care if they steal a bunch of individual textures or a harder-to-use UV mapped texture? Unfortunately so. That shows you don't really care about the end users' abilities to use their purchase; only about you earnings. (filling in the blank that you mean setting no-mod for the example). There's a big 'depends' on that, and it is of absolutely no relevance to the thread's title anyway. And yet I am supposed to accept it being implied countless times that I am incompetent, potentially a thief and have lesser 'rights' than creators when I say that we should have mod perms. There are many great creators who don't fall into this category (and some I know still set no-mod; I rarely buy from them even if they are friends), but there are also plenty who I do see as exactly "egotistical, entitled, snobby". It has been my experience here and in world many times. If someone cannot read the difference between what I wrote, and denigrating their work, they need to take some basic comprehension lessons or ask for clarification if they do not understand the intent. Or perhaps not latch onto something just to divert the argument and, also as very much usual in these threads, malign those of us wanting mod perms. I really don't follow you there. As to where I am in my 'journey' and making more complex items... Some of the stuff I make is about as complex as it gets in SL (or would if I could be bothered - I have a habit of shelving things once I've solved all the interesting parts). PBR? External server integration with PHP etc.? Highly optimised static mesh from cm to building size? Physical weapons systems with improved physics? Menu-driven, self-reconfiguring mesh objects with delinking and relinking? Rewriting the most commonly used sailing script in SL to improve it significantly? BOM? Rigging Bento mermaid tails (and other things) including doing it without a dev-kit (Aesthetic and originally Lara because of the total misinformation here that the Lara kit is hard to get; it isn't)? Region-wide integrated Experience and RLV systems? Real-time, web-based 'GPS -like' tracking system for sailors with a scrolling, zoomable SL map? ... All check. (Note: not boasting; trying to make the point that you have no idea about my 'journey' and should not make any assumptions. I still have much to learn, as always, especially when it changes on us.) The only thing that holds me back is I'm a useless artist, so texturing takes me ten times longer to get 'acceptable' than it probably takes you to get 'exceptional' (and I don't steal textures!!!) It's part of being autistic; I can design, lead the installation and program a £1,000,000 server and network system to meet given requirements for an international company (literal example) and made my first, fully self-designed and built computer in 1984, but I can't draw a human body much beyond a stick figure or paint a picture even with paint by numbers (dyspraxia). I can do technical design; I'm a trained draughtsman. And it's still irrelevant to the thread, which still has not had any real answer except for niche cases beyond "Because I want to and I can".
  9. Inventiveness doesn't equal a saleable THING.
  10. Can't really do that with Apple kit though. As far as I'm aware, outside of Europe Apple users must use Apple's store to install apps on their iPhones/iPads. The developer thus has to jump through all of Apples hoops and fee structure. There was a recent Eu ruling that Apple must allow apps to be installed from alternative sources, but from a quick look it's not entirely simple for either developers or users. Besides that, the vast majority of potential (or not) users won't even know to look further than the official store. It's not something Apple exactly wants to encourage!
  11. "Your world, your imagination." Pass the fava beans. (For clarity, I edited the quote I quoted )
  12. Being autistic... that sounds very relaxing away from all the people and surrounded by nature. Providing they deliver pizza.
  13. Yep. Often leading to 'rage quitting', which is often only 50% accurate given a day or so.
  14. Get anatomically correctly naked, move my height slider all the way down and run through a G region singing "I'm free, to do what I want, any old time..." I'll soon be back in reality.
  15. Precisely so. If there's something important enough that I might need to know (in this case, barely, if my Dinky Demon really is seen as a child instead of an adult cat) then I'll soon find out on the forum and can look it up if I need to. I guess if everyone took that attitude though... there might be a problem.
  16. It's much quicker just to come here to the forum so see if we need to know about anything 👍
  17. I think social media and the Internet as a whole encourages it! Literally... controversy creates traffic creates advertising revenue. Internet 101.
  18. Oh don't... now I'm picturing that and my jaw hurts from laughing!
  19. Don't know if I entirely agree with the sentiment, but that phrase just made me almost snort my morning coffee over the keyboard! My brain's having a field day picturing that parade right now (and they are clothed, just for the record!) I wish I was an artist; I would draw it for you. Yes... try growing up as an undiagnosed autistic, with religiously fanatic (and outright wrong and stupid) parents, and living in a very rough neighbourhood where it was almost kill or be killed and attending schools with the same type of kids and teachers armed with canes, when you didn't even understand what was going on (literally). I could write you a book on all the ways it was awful and unfair. I wouldn't even say I had a childhood; I have almost no memory of most of it pre-about-15 partly because I've blocked it out so much. It was horrendous, and continued that way into adulthood still as an undiagnosed autistic with no clue what was going on. (I'm sure there are those who would envy my childhood, even so, I'm not trying to make it a competition). My level of bitterness over it, if I let my mind go there, knows no bounds. But you know what...? That's not anyone here's fault and no-one owes me anything; least of all a privately owned company. Life isn't fair; and there are far too many people in the world who make sure it never will be in one way or another. Some of those are the ones who think they are 'entitled' to something, just because. It's a fact of life that countries make laws that make certain things illegal, and sometimes they get it right (if only by chance). This is one of them. A company providing a platform where illegal things can happen needs to protect itself, and everyone else on it, as best it can. That makes things 'unfair' for the rest of us, and as much as I abhor unfairness and wish we could just eradicate (and I really would!) those who are the root causes of unfairness, the reality is we can't. Not easily, not quickly, and not with 100% effectiveness even in a contained environment like SL. I'm the first to argue against 'group' punishments rather than punishing the actual wrongdoers. I've seen far too much of that in life from employers and governments (and sellers on SL who use it as one excuse for no-mod perms, but that's another thread). I hate it and it has cost me a job on one occasion. In this case though, LL has no requirement to allow adults to play as children, or as anything else. Imposing restrictions on what we do here is the only reasonable way to comply with those laws, or at least look like they are trying. It's not a punishment just because we've been allowed to do things less restricted in the past, and are now having to have restrictions placed on what we do on a privately owned platform that has to be seen to be complying with laws. We could argue all day long about whether LL should have done something different, sooner, to address the problem but that's largely pointless. We are where we are. In RL I've been to to nude beaches and used shared bathing and sauna facilities (not often; this is the UK and it's mostly far too cold). I think all the 'thing' around nudity and it being wrong to show too much flesh and certain parts is a bit silly, in itself. I always have, even when I was a kid (maybe it's because my autistic brain works differently; I don't know). In SL though, when it comes to children and given the necessary laws in many countries... I think what's happening is as reasonable as it practically can be, and a minimum of what LL could do. The change potentially hurts those who like to play arguably 'young-looking' adults far more than it hurts child avatars. I really hope LL does use it's common sense when dealing with ARs in such instances.
  20. Selling underwear? Children's knickers? Study TERMS!
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