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Rick Nightingale

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Everything posted by Rick Nightingale

  1. Another What Next fan here... a maker who knows how to do lower LI, use imposters, and makes good stuff. The breakfast / day room: Can't beat a decent single malt (from ISHIKU) - this one's my favourite; can you guess why? And of course, there's always pizza (with rum!)
  2. You are absolutely right @Cristiano Midnight; no-mod is completely anti-consumer. There is little reasonable justification for most items to be no-mod. Greed, control, paranoia, selfishness, ego, ignorance, assuming the customers are either thieves or incompetent... none of those are reasonable but cover most of the reasons. A rare exception is when a NC is used as a 'signed' agreement or similar. I would accept genuine, one-off works of art that the artist wants to preserve as-is in SL as an exception. By the way, a no-mod notecard can be read by a script you can write. I've done that many times to change the animations in furniture for instance, when the maker has been silly and made the NC no-mod in furniture that is mod. Even rigged mesh has no excuse to be no-mod. It can be tinted, retextured (maybe with some effort), have scripts added to change/increase functionality, be linked to other rigged or non-rigged items to save attachment slots, have its animations changed if its animesh, even changed from rigged to animesh* and vice versa. Again, no reasonable excuse for no-mod perms. *Something I did to a set of rigged wings so I could make them animesh and move the attachment position for a smaller avatar. What such sellers seem incapable of realising is that they would make more money if they made their stuff modifiable. There's a big (pun not intended) reason that the Aesthetic body is still my favourite after all these years; it's had mod perms from the start and being able to rez it out and modify it is golden. Edit just to clarify that I don't include scripts in the above. Those are often proprietary, and obviously easily stolen, so need to be no mod.
  3. Duck! Randomly occurring, parachuting skydivers! D U C K S
  4. Wow - a Beetlejuice reference. I'm impressed! Beetlejuice...
  5. I'm wondering which no doubt regular forum member is running the alt that made the OP... someone's pulling our legs 🤣
  6. If nothing else, you are suggesting one of the things I hate most in life, and those who do it: punishing people for what a few others do rather than finding a way to deal with the actual wrong doers. Pathetic! You'd get on well in our current government.
  7. Timely introspection relieves excessively disturbed SLEEP.
  8. I've just been thinking how to say the same thing. I could echo your post. That's been my whole experience in life, unfortunately, right up to the present day where our next-door neighbours have run a hate campaign (no exaggeration) against me and my wife for the last 15 years. We never did anything to deserve it, to them or anyone else. Because we don't socialise, all the neighbours ever hear is their lies about us and none of them are the sort to stand up and say anything against the bullies, preferring to side with them rather than risk getting caught in the cross hairs themselves.
  9. On a serious (-ish, as always) note, being autistic perhaps gives me a slightly different take on the topic. Almost everyone I've ever encountered, RL and SL, feels very different to me. Of course, it's me who's very much the different one. Figuring out what other people are actually like is difficult. I miss out on practically all the 'social interaction' part... facial expressions (obviously RL only) are a complete mystery to me, and apparently my own are frequently misinterpreted from what I'm actually thinking, or so I'm told. Verbal/written too though; the way people 'play' with each other with words... I can rarely tell if people love or hate each other. It's why I don't get involved much in the forum. You'll rarely find me being cheeky, using sarcasm, etc, in normal conversation simply because I have no clue if or when it's appropriate and if someone uses such things on me, I'm left completely guessing the intent. I've little to no clue. The few times I have tried to use such things (in a way meant to be friendly), I've mostly got it wrong judging from the reactions so I've learned not to try. Even using a nickname or shortened name for someone baffles me, even when others are using one; I never know if it's appropriate for me to. It might be worth noting that I wasn't diagnosed with autism as a child so I never got any help to learn about it all. Instead I was regularly punished, and caned a good few times, at school for being 'different'. I wasn't badly behaved at all, I just literally had no understanding what was even going on. It's only as a much older adult that I eventually decided there was something wrong with me, after spending a lifetime trying to 'learn' how to be 'normal' and hiding the fact that I was in total confusion all the time. I got good at that last bit, at least. Talk about wearing a mask! I've lived trying to follow a set of instructions for one thing, when I'm something else. The realisation was finally triggered by trying to get a job that I was really excited about, passed all the technical skill tests for first time (which most people, even ones from relevant backgrounds, failed) but eventually failed at during a week-long field exercise on simple, people-related stuff that everyone else just took for granted. Even my inducting officer was confused. I fought with the NHS to see a specialist who easily confirmed autism, but too late for the knowledge to really be of any help to me in life. As to accepting that people are different then, I really have little choice but I always have accepted it, even as a child long before I knew I was mostly the different one. I recall sitting in a church at about nine years old; my parents were obsessively religious and dragged me along (sometimes literally!) until I was old enough to vote with my feet. The minister was going on about 'sexual deviants' and everyone in the 'audience' was making agreeing noises. By that, he meant anyone not 100% heterosexual and presumably only interested in the missionary position. Even as a 9yo back then, brought up in such an environment and not in any way 'sexually different' myself, I thought it was a load of rubbish and that he had no right to decide how others should or shouldn't live. So, I don't just 'accept' that people are different, I fully expect it, and enjoy it... to an extent. I say something like that in my profile; I value variety. That doesn't mean I accept (as in, will associate with) anything or anyone though. If anything, I think there is too much acceptance and tolerance of people's differences when their beliefs and behaviours have seriously detrimental effects on others (who don't deserve it), on society, and on the world as a whole. I don't accept that, and don't want anything to do with such people. The qualifier on it all, of course, is that it is all from my opinion of what is acceptable or not, detrimental or not, or deserving or not. The more I see of people though, especially with what is happening in the world right now and how a lot of people are responding (or not!) to it all, the fewer people I find I can accept. I'll never be a hypocrite. If you live for football (English) and I hate it (I do, for 'reasons'), fine. If you get excited by being hung upside down and pleasured with a giant elephant body part, more power to you. Each to their own. If you're highly opinionated, arrogant, and think you are always right, OK. I might not agree, but that's your character and I'll probably find it more amusing to observe than offensive. But if your way to win is to insult and degrade others rather than win on your merits, that's crossing my line. If you bully others and tell them they should toughen up to take it, screw you. I'll leave the politics out, but there are some that I won't talk to (and think they should be cast into a bottomless pit, quite frankly) because I find their politics so offensive to every decent bone in my body. While I tend to feel the same, it's always the same type of people who end up coming out on top eventually so it wouldn't change a thing in the long run. The human race needs a few more millennia of evolution to get past the 'I'm the most important person on the planet, screw the rest of you', survival of the most psychopathic phase, if we make it that long.
  10. I'd better stay out of it then, being autistic. Except to say...
  11. It has. You have the system body, which is always there, and the Jake body too which right now is using an applier skin. You can hide the system body though. That means either 1. Wearing a full body alpha (there is probably one in the Jake folder) and continuing to use the applier skin on Jake, or 2. (the new way) turn on BOM mode for the Jake body using its HUD and wear a BOM skin. I'm guessing that last bit about turning on BOM using the HUD because I don't use Jake; I'm assuming it works like most in that way. In BOM mode, when you turn on BOM for the Jake body and wear a BOM skin, the system body is automatically hidden, so no need to wear that alpha I mentioned in that case.
  12. Now you're for it. Oops... so am I. Hope they're not as bad as Disney!
  13. My wife, feeling a little foxy today in one of her favourite outfits Me enjoying a single malt with my vixen
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