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Everything posted by LlazarusLlong

  1. Conifer Dada wrote: The attack has been going on for a few hours and I posted about it on here because, as I said, I couldn't get the name of the perpetrator. Just hoping that someone from LL gets to hear bout this so they can take action. Hi Conifer. What exactly did you hope to achieve in posting this sensationalist journalism here in GD? I would have thought this is the last place you would expect to find a Linden - except for Xiola, and I wouldn't expect a PR assistant to be much good in a firefight. Or do you know something we don't?
  2. This is the General Discussions forum. This is the SIngularity website, which would be the appropriate place to address your complaint.
  3. valerie Inshan wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: Dydd da. Nawr, os rhaid i mi ddysgu Cymraeg, gallaf weld amserau drwg iawn i ddod i mi. Okerragoa izan zitekeen, Euskara izan zitekeen!
  4. valerie Inshan wrote: Thank you very much for your remark, Llazarus. I do make a lot of typos. This is one of the many advantages I take from English not being my native language. Je vous souhaite une bonne journée. You write English wonderfully, Val, and I would not criticise you for trivial errors. But I misread your post as "Turdsdays" and I laughed at my own mistake so I thought I would share it. Dydd da.
  5. Or go inworld and IM her, or drop a notecard on her.
  6. valerie Inshan wrote: Don't you just LOVE Tursdays? There's such a smell You appear to have made a typo, Val. I mean that you seem to have omitted a d between the r and the s. That would explain your subsequent observation.
  7. From what I have read here, it sounds like there would be a significant interest in a forum section for those using/learning English as a second language. Are you listening, Xiola? I would also recommend to participants the use of a great free browser plug-in called After The Deadline, which is compatible with the forums rich text editor (at least on my own setup: Firefox and Chrome but not IE) and not only identifies spelling errors, but has an excellent non-Microsoft attitude to grammar and style recommendations
  8. Since Rolig wrote that script, why don't you get in touch with her directly? She may be a Loon, but I understand that she is a very nice and helpful person. Unlike some of the rest of us . . .
  9. Aislin Ceawlin wrote: Reminds me of my efficient Aunt who NEVER washed my Uncles socks (also all black), she simply threw them away and bought new ones! She did the same with the sheets. :matte-motes-bored: FIFY! [Oooh, black sheets!] [Mine are fifty shades of grey.] [As an aside, did you hear about the advertising slogan of the horsefeed merchant with a wide range of product? "Fifty grades of hay!"]
  10. Hoshi Kenin wrote: He is nether wrong nor right. What he is, is a succcessful attention seeking forumite. FIFY! [That's in comparison with the great majority of forumites, who are, by definition, all seeking attention, but generally failing.] [sorry, what did you say your name was?] Hoshi Kenin wrote: As yet, though, he don't have over 3000 posts to this realm of the undead. I have always believed in quality over quantity. Hence my general aversion to prolixity
  11. The lack of response may be something to do with your contravention of the ToS/CG regarding promotion of services in the forums outside the appropriate Commerce/Merchants section. Or it may be that nobody here is particularly interested in encouraging your business idea. Either way, you are wasting your time and that of the GD participants.
  12. Randall Ahren wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: * Nobody seems to know the point of RL, and apparently you can't win at it The point of RL is the same as in SL: make money and mate as much as possible. And then . . . ?
  13. Evangeline Arcadia wrote: :smileylol: So very true...best post I've read for ages:) If SL was really exactly like RL it would have never taken off...... Pamela Galli wrote: I LOLed! Hoshi Kenin wrote: Yawn. One man's meat is another man's poison. Still, it must be reassuring that the expensive humour by-pass operation worked so well, Hoshi. Or is it genetic?
  14. Forget it. If you have any significant rl money or assets the movie company's lawyers will claim them as compensation.
  15. Richtea57 wrote: I shall return later today and make some attempt at at a more thoughtful and in depth reply. Any such response will be reported as inappropriate content in a forum managed by Linden Lab
  16. Derek Torvalar wrote: You would run out of golf balls as you are surrounded on all sides by forest so deep and thick if you walk 20 feet into it you lose your sense of direction and are hopelessly lost. Sounds like every golf course I have ever played.
  17. Richtea57 wrote: I like the undead, I've always found them to be quite a cheerful bunch, (I spend a lot of time with them in my local bookies), they just suffer from bad b.o. FIFY!
  18. That would be the effect of stray neutrinos making it through the ozone layer as a result of solar storms caused by flares on the surface of the sun, and smashing into the xml files in which your shape parameters are held, subtly changing just one or two settings by small percentages. This is also the cause of most typos, and misplacement of threads in GD which should be in Answers, or a Technical forum. I understand Ebbe also blames the phenomenon for the failure of Vizact2000.
  19. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: The knowledge and practical experience held in the memories of many of the folks living in the forums is awesome If only we could find some way to use it for something non-trivial.
  20. jonhnnyroleplay wrote: Your limitations consist of ISP speed, your OS type, amount of RAM, CPU, GPU, and what viewer you are using. My observation is that the principal limitation for those associated with SL lies in the interface between digits and keyboard, controlled (or not) by their wetware RPU.
  21. Charlotte Holmeforth wrote: Anyone can google answers. If people are asking questions in general discussion, they are probably less interested in getting a quick and accurate answer than they are in getting to know people. If someone asks an obvious question, like "do you think it's going to rain?" or "is Second Life laggy today?" most likely they are not interested in the answer. They think you might be fun to chat with, so they gave you an easy opportunity to show it. If you whack them over the head with your umbrella and tell them to google it, you missed the point. However, they found out what they wanted to know and they probably won't be back. If they aren't capable of formulating an interesting original question for discussion - which invites opinion, not a factual response - then I, for one, would be more than happy if they don't return.
  22. I never have a problem with matching socks. I own about twenty pairs of black ones. Those combinatorial mathematics questions which started "You have ten blue socks, 15 red ones and five yellow . . . " always confused me, because they alluded to a ridiculous fictitious world of inefficiency. I mean, when you generally get up for work in winter before the sun has risen, completely hungover, with the bedroom bulb blown, why on earth would you fill your drawers with rainbow coloured socks which will make you look like an idiot, even if you accidentally (p<0.05) managed to select two the same. And black ones don't show the dirt, so can be worn until they have to be thrown away.
  23. Hey, don't worry, Scamp! Hideous is the new attractive.
  24. "A weed is just a flower growing in the wrong place."
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