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Everything posted by LlazarusLlong

  1. Qie Niangao wrote: Oh, if only jargon were the problem! A perfect example, the "invisiprim", which by any other name would stink as foul. "Antivisiprim" describes more precisely how they worked, in the limited and specialized cases where they worked. . I think you have just demonstrated that, in this case, it is precisely the imbecilic jargon which is the problem.
  2. I think that the OP is merely pointing out the overt flaw in contests based on "popularity". To confirm that these produce corrupt and nonsensical results a large proportion of the time one need only look at the recent succession of Presidents of the USA. Of course, very occasionally the truth shines through, which is why you succeed, Pam.
  3. As I said, you should have posted this to the Answers section, where somebody better than you at searching LL's information sources would probably have been able to cut-and-paste you an answer.
  4. jonhnnyroleplay wrote: I hate to tell you this, but Windows is a dead operating system FIFY! Which is a bit unfortunate, since I believe LL has said that Linux won't be supported in SL V2.
  5. It's not English language that's the problem here. It's arcane jargon invented by those who apparently are semi-literate, and have a vested interest in maintaining a position of seeming technical superiority over those who have not scaled the barriers to entry erected by those who feel comfortable with historical errors of misdirection and FUD. Which in a circular way brings us back to the op's complaint.
  6. Phil Deakins wrote: Your premise isn't quite right. For instance, I sometimes correct people who call SL a game Correcting people who call SL a game is like corrrecting those who, correctly and accurately in a particular non-decimal base number system, say 9x6=42. Your underlying premises are entirely different, and just because they are wrong in your eyes does not mean that they are actually wrong. The moral being, don't tell people who are probably cleverer than you that they are wrong, when you are incapable of processing information outside your own restricted imagination.
  7. Pamela Galli wrote: No need to wait, plenty of opportunities to RP preparing, cooking, and serving a wide variety of detailed meals/foods right now. I tried that, but then I had to rp washing up, indigestion, lactose intolerance and obesity, which wasn't much fun.
  8. Hoshi Kenin wrote: Interestingly, the replies to your post that have no problems at all are from residents who have over 7000 posts on this forum between them. Where DO these folk get the time to spend that amount of time in the forums let alone inworld?! Wish I had their dayjobs. Perhaps those who are prolific posters have learned enough from the forums so that their SL parameters are set to optimise their experience, in conjunction with competent and reliable communications and computer setups. Whereas those implicitly suggesting these committed participants "get a life" are frustrated by avoidable problems because their enjoyment of SL is compromised by their ignorance.
  9. Penny Patton wrote: Anyone who has deferred rendering enabled does not see invisiprims. I know nothing about the technical side of SL, nor am in interested in it, but surely the whole point of something called an "invisiprism" is that you can't see it...
  10. I say, my best friend is Korean. Actually, it's my wife's best friend that is Korean. She is very attractive. I don't like her because she wasn't interested in a threesome. My wife, that is.
  11. Why have you asked this question here? Try the Answers section. Someone there will cut and paste the appropriate part of the wiki or whatever that you could have looked up yourself if you'd been really bothered.
  12. You sound a very trustworthy and mature person from your post; I am sure that you will find someone willing to trust you in carrying out a potential money laundering transaction.
  13. Facts? This was an Irish fact. That's like a normal fact, but more interesting. (I presume that you were still tucked tight into your bed by Mommy when these forums were awash with oriental-originated spam.)
  14. Hooray for Danielle Tomorrow who has woken up to the problem!
  15. Well, at least the hidden English forum isn't plagued with overnight chinese spam . . .
  16. Sorry Medhue, we don't talk about the war.
  17. Which login process? There are multiple login entry points to different LL web properties and several independent copies of the validation database. But LL, unsurprisingly, doesn't like you talking about their egregious security weaknesses in public.
  18. dalocogamer wrote: I'm watching tv and was thinking I wanna cook that! It was sauted mushrooms and stake. I presume it was a programme about a vegetarian zombie hunter?
  19. Lots of people in SL believe there is an unwritten rule (probably because they are semi-literate themselves) which states that you should not be mean to idiots with good intentions. But then, who else are you going to make fun of?
  20. Did you know that one of the members of 10cc, who had a string of hits in the 70s (including "I'm Not In Love" which is the only known instance of irony - in its correct sense - being used in a massive number 1) was called Lol Creme. Do you know any other pop star, famous person, or even a foreigner who thinks it completely normal, who shares their name with a common internet acronym? PS Don't even ask what the name of the band refers to...
  21. Derek Torvalar wrote: Finally! After battling -38C temps on Friday my right testicle has successfully re-descended. Not only was it causing considerable distracting discomfort but the resulting left-lean was causing me to inadvertently veer sharply while cornering around the house causing me to clip the corners of walls. Yes, but more importantly, what did you have for breakfast? This thread wants to know. By the way, if you have a recurrence of the "problem" I can recommend an acupuncturist called Wun Hung Lo.
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