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Everything posted by LlazarusLlong

  1. I heard they downgraded the OBR celebrations in sympathy with the Greeks having to drain Lake Ouzo as part of the austerity measures enforced on them by those germanic types who lent them the money to construct the Moussaka Damn in the first place. Next up, the Spaghetti Forest will have to be cut down as it does not contribute to the fight against global warming climate change, and Sicily will be booted out of Italy
  2. As many may have realised (you too, probably, Caity) I am also unwilling to post in these forums with my main, so as not to jeopardise an extensive inventory of free system dinner jackets that don't fit and a negative Linden dollar balance (as a result of group land fee charges and a couple of divorces) as well as a massive database of no longer extant places he was banned from, for example, for pointing out to the owner of a medieval role playing sim that discussion of diet aids was OOC in an environment where almost everybody was close to starvation.
  3. Why, Caity? Your English has always been extremely coherent and cogent. In fact, you are one of the very few who would be able to post in both.
  4. Caitlin Tobias wrote: I just see all this today, as I hardly even dare to look at this forum... Yes, I got apologies from Ebbe on twitter in December, but never a confirmation in the forum as such from the moderator. That incident, and some that happened before that last one, led me to shy away from here and I only go here being not logged in - when pointed out to something that may be interesting, but hardly ever is - and I certainly find it too dangerous to reply at all, knowing there are people out there and here to hit the RIC button 2 seconds after I have hit the 'post' button. Given your experience Caity, thank you for being brave enough to contribute to this discussion.
  5. LaskyaClaren wrote: I would like to take a moment to thank the unsung forum moderator who moved this thread to what is self-evidently its rightful place: the Technology Forum. Bravo, Madam or Sir! Well played! I eagerly await the contributions of those here in this new location. I am quite certain that LSL, for instance, is replete with punning possibilities that will put our earlier, non-technical efforts to shame. A new wind is blowing through the forums, and more threads seem to be finding their way to increasingly appropriate locations - with a little help from those who can read above, below and between the lines. Who knows, your thread might eventually find its way to its true home... ...although I am afraid that the missing pep pet has gone forever.
  6. Speaking personally it had much to do with ludicrous avatar deformation and abusive griefers who had probably set up camp at the entry point months previously.
  7. Pamela Galli wrote: I know that, I told the mods to move them here. I mean the overall organization. Me too. So it seems that if the mods get two requests from as disparate users as yourself and me, they might take notice! Perhaps we should collaborate further . . .
  8. Pamela Galli wrote: I am sure there are selfless people willing to moderate Yes, but like politicians, anybody who wants to be one should be debarred from office. Pamela Galli wrote: some handle Customer Support in Answers for free. Judging by the responses to some questions there (for example, this one) whoever is supposed to be moderating is considerably more liberal than whoever is moderating GD. I must say that I am ASTONISHED at the temerity of those who frequent Answers turning up in GD and offering criticism to those there for giving a hard time to anyone posting naive queries, in the wrong place. Physician, heal thyself - before offering your quack remedies to those who ain't sick.
  9. I would be interested to know if the policy still applies, or has been unilaterally and secretly rescinded, regarding an LL senior management commitment to informing posters when their posts have been removed.
  10. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: KarenMichelle Lane wrote: Now if someone could explain to me why any mention of Dr. W+h+o causes a Invalid Content Pink Storm I could fall to sleep happy.! That's easy. There is no such person. His name is "The Doctor". Oh, and your query should have been posted in Answers. How else can I get the kudos I deserve? KUDOS GRANTED Hmmm, that graphic is strangely reminiscent of something I have seen before . . .
  11. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
  12. Greg, I love your sardonic humour.
  13. Pamela Galli wrote: Seriously, who is in charge here? Well, I am not actually in charge, but my prompting seems to be pretty efficacious at the moment . . .
  14. Well, as you have noticed, the cleanup programme is under way; is there anything else that forumites might consider urgent and beneficial which might be accomplished quickly? Next on the list is the establishment of a BUYERS forum in Commerce.
  15. Derek Torvalar wrote: Well my attempt to alleviate the boredom here was stymied as my thread entitled 'Office Politics Make Strange Bedfellows' was deleted without notification or explanation. Empty gestures and plus ca change etc etc etc. I am absolutely astonished that the Lindens would be so sensitive as to do such a thing via stealth moderation. Since you have had no notification from the moderators, perhaps it was actually a data corruption, and you should repost it.
  16. Pamela Galli wrote: At the very least, volunteer moderators would be a good idea -- no one seems to be managing the forum much now. I am sure there are selfless people willing to moderate -- after all some handle Customer Support in Answers for free. On the contrary, Pam, action IS being taken to move (some) threads to more appropriate places. Take a look at how the threads offering feedback about the forums (like this one) have been moved into Forum Feedback.
  17. Coby Foden wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: So do you (or anyone else) have any further requests for action that Llazarus might use his influential neurolinguistic techniques to effect? Ok, here goes: Under the Commerce Forum category there are only three forums areas. Merchants Discussion area for inworld and Marketplace merchants to exchange business and marketing ideas. Inworld Employment Get an inworld job or hire a Resident. Wanted Are you searching for something you just can't find? Post it here! Where are the buyers going to discuss about their ideas and experiences? There is no other place at present except the General Discussion Forum. :smileywink: How about adding one more under Commerce forum category? Something like: Buyers Discussion area for anything related to inworld and Marketplace purchases and purchasing. I know almost nothing about the Commerce area but this sounds like an excellent idea to me.
  18. irihapeti wrote: LlazarusLlong wrote: (Rights are privileges temporarily and arbitrarily allowed to the weak by the strong.) up until the weak get fed up with it. Then they drag the strong who think like that, down into the mud of the streets. Along with the statues and edifices the strong had created to show off all the power of their awesome It has never happened. When that appears to happen it is because the strong have become weak. And so the circle turns.
  19. Actually, sources close to those in power are suggesting that the forums are going to be simplified considerably, with just TWO elements: the English forum and one called "Everything Else"
  20. Only if it were hidden from the idiots that post stupid threads that should be in other forums - which does not seem to be the case judging from the posts already in the English forum. What we really need is an Intelligent English forum for those who can write English coherently and cogently.
  21. Sassy Romano wrote: Shouldn't this thread be in the English forum? (he probably found it via URL re-writing?) If this thread was in the English forum then nobody would know about the English forum, thus rather destroying its rationale.
  22. Sassy Romano wrote: Llaz...shouldn't this thread be in "Gaming" forum? I made a request to the moderators to move it some time ago. I also suggested that they might want to create a new forum for such enquiries, called "Boring Questions"
  23. I have looked in this limbo for my missing kitty with no luck. I presume she has drifted further downstream...
  24. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: Now if someone could explain to me why any mention of Dr. W+h+o causes a Invalid Content Pink Storm I could fall to sleep happy.! That's easy. There is no such person. His name is "The Doctor". Oh, and your query should have been posted in Answers. How else can I get the kudos I deserve?
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