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Everything posted by LlazarusLlong

  1. Ah, the 80s! Picking up a one-night-stand in a club under Waterloo Station on any night that they weren't playing Duran Duran or Wham! Getting black lipstick slobbered all over my best Adam Ant frilly white dress shirt and listening to Joe Dolce in the back of the cab on the way home to a sixth-floor flat (with no lift) overlooking Battersea Park, with lime green and silver trellis wallpaper. What memories . . .
  2. It's interesting that Ebbe has done nothing to monetarise SL in this manner, given that he has several patents (from his time at several failing organisations that espoused push advertising) for example this one which would allow selected advertisers to push their stuff relevant to users from identified geographical areas (LL wouldn't have to divulge the IP address, just use it - unless Tor or something like it was being used) or this one which would offer the opportunity to meet a salesman inworld . . . [Remember, TPVs are only allowed by LL if they adhere to certain mandated rules - and removing the facility to opt out of the tp screen would be pretty simple to insist upon and enforce.]
  3. Theresa Tennyson wrote: Zsigmond Alcott wrote: Try Fogbound...incredible blues sounds and DJ's that rotate all the time. The folks are friendly too. Yes just dont use gestures and make sure you confrom to act exactly like them and all will be fine. Tell hi to Sa***** & Ya***. If the Freedom of Speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. ~ George Washington ~ Yeah, because George Washington shivered through the winter at Valley Forge for the freedom to hit a button that would spam out "RUUUUUGGGGBBBBAAAA!!!!!" I didn't realise that freedom of speech applied to animals . . .
  4. LLAP Caitlin, Magnus. I admired Mr Spock. Still do.
  5. It's the start of the LL movement to monetise SL . . . [runs off to purchase the slbay.com domain name.]
  6. Richtea57 wrote: Silently disaproved of? You were lucky. Yes to the Monkees revival. if you were to ask me to list my favourite top twenty pop songs, (and I strongle advise against it, because I'd do it), not a single Monkees song would be there, but who can resist turning the car radio up and singing along to I'm A Believer or Pleasant Valley Sunday. I've got a Jam t-shirt in sl. The last one I bought myself in rl has a picture of Columbo on it with his famous phrase ubderneath. The main response it appears to engender when worn is a mixture of disdain and pity. In rl have a dirty raincoat like Columbo. When I wear it my friends call me the baglady. On the subject of top 20s, maybe that would make for another few threads, as I think we'd have to have separate ones for each decade in the latter half of the 20th century, and perhaps make it harder by restricting it to a top 10, or even a Desert Island Disk octuplet. SInce you suggested it, you can select the first decade.
  7. I don't know whether to be ashamed or delighted that your "cultural" references speak to my inner youth - the one that still has a six-pack and hair of a length his mother silently disapproves of. Your search for "Grumpy Old Git" probably brought up multiple references to me and my various sl and rl alts, although it's probably better that you don't pursue that line of research or it will raise all sorts of spectres from the past. I personally think that the standard animations reflect my real life lack of animation; a shambling gait, looking ludicrously like a cross between Nelly the Elephant and Cheeta the Chimp when "running" or, when stationary, an incredulous, arms akimbo, stance reflecting my disdain for the spectacles ranged in front of me - in particular, the females repeatedly scratching their legs must surely be worrying how the crabs have descended that far. I would not worry too much about your ao, since most bar stools have multiple choices, from "Come and get me, sailor" through "My wife doesn't understand me", to "I think I am going to be sick"; just make sure the typing animation option is turned off, unless you wish your avatar to rp a St Vitus Dance or Parkinson's sufferer. Oh, and get the free Ramones tshirt. I wore it most of my first year in SL, then bought myself one in real life, after which strange people started coming up to me in shopping centres, shouting "Let's go!" [i also think it's time for a Monkees revival, don't you?]
  8. I would, if it meant that LL could hire more and better support staff. But not if the extra funds went towards wasted new development effort.
  9. I'll keep it simple for a change. Would you put up with an advertising screen during teleportation on non-premium accounts?
  10. That sounds like my wife who would happily eat broccoli every meal. Even though she still can not spell it correctly.
  11. This all reminds me of a story about a teacher who wants her class to practise vocabulary. She asks the class to put "defence" into a sentence to show its meaning. Most of the class write sentences like "Arsenal's attack may be great, but its defence is abysmal", or "Truth is the only defence against slander", but the one American in the class, on an exchange visit, wrote: "De horse jumped over de fence". Questions about whether defence should be spelled defence or defense rather pale into insignificance . . .
  12. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Well, it could be worse. You guys in the UK could be speaking German. ; ) And you guys speaking French . . .
  13. This really is going better than I could have anticipated! As of this morning, the first 13 threads on the list (I have them sorted by most recent posts) may be categorised as 9 GD relevant, 3 removed elsewhere (thank you, mods) and just 1 inappropriate intruder. I will continue to seek perfection, of course.
  14. This reads like an invitation to paedophiles to post comments. So it's not really surprising that none want to come out of the woodwork, is it?
  15. Madelaine McMasters wrote: And from the looks of it, possibly not where you live either (if I recall correctly), at least not eventually... Notice that my Mac's spellchecker doesn't like your spelling, but the forum spellchecker doesn't mind either spelling. I don't think there's any worry that practised will be thought wrong in your lifetime, so rest easy. Thank you Madelaine! This information is exactly that which I need for my research on "Americans are getting more stupid quicker than the British". Now I have to investigate the reasons, several of which suggest themselves: Americans are congenitally more stupid than the British The American education system encourages stupidity More stupid people write books in America than Britain America has increasing numbers of ESLers who don't know any better American communications media businesses employ more stupid people as sub-editors More Americans are seduced by the argument that language is a living thing so errors are OK Greater alcohol and drug use (and daytime tv programming) in America degrades the brain functioning (Latterly)Proportionately greater use of Apple equipment by Americans encourages a lack of discernment and discrimination I also expect that a large proportion of the errors made by the British shown in the graph are quotations by British authors of the errors made by American authors. It's also heartwarming to note that the trend in Americans in the 21st century is towards correctness, which coincides with my own extensive internet campaign to educate non-British writers. If the improvement continues then Americans will be using English properly well before the end of the century. If you have any further contributions to my work I would be delighted to receive them here. [ By the way, I didn't realise that the Mac had a spellchecker.] [Like 99% of Mac users seem to be ignorant of its existence.]
  16. Whenever I "touch" them they run away screaming . . .
  17. Conifer Dada wrote: By the way, if this thread doesn't count as 'general discussion', I'd like to know what does :) Never suggested otherwise, Conifer.
  18. Conifer Dada wrote: The 'General Discussion' forum is presumably for general discussion of topics related to Second Life rather than real life. :) I don't know if any people these days still have pipes to put things in and smoke them. No, the forum descriptions in the wiki state that every other forum should relate to SL EXCEPT GD. It was mentioned in another thread that should not have been in GD. Perhaps it would be interesting to start a thread in GD about inaccurate presumptions that have come back to bite you on the bum, eh? I think part of the problem with posters bringing inappropriate stuff to GD is that they HAVE been smoking pipes . . . or something.
  19. Richtea57 wrote: I didn't notice the pps, It's Brighton. Though, as I work most Saturdays, I don't go anymore You are Des Lynam and I claim my £50!
  20. See, I told you she was nice. [sorry to dump this on you Rolig, but the OP, despite needing handholding, appeared to have at least done some research to identify possible solutions to her needs rather than just demanding an Answer.]
  21. Qie Niangao wrote: *Hmm. I encountered this in the Tech / General SL Tech Discussion forum, but maybe it moved here from People / General Discussion Yep, I double whammy'd the misplaced query with a mod request for a move as well as a link to the Singularity site.
  22. Richtea57 wrote: Don't worry, I was lying, It was never likely to happen. That's MUCH more like the attitude that will bring fame, fortune and success in these forums. Well, maybe not the fortune.
  23. Theresa Tennyson wrote: He hoped that you'd reply, especially hoping you'd become overly dramatic. Nah, Conifer is too sensible and stable to fall apart under questioning. My enquiry was part of my continuing campaign (have you noticed how many threads are being moved from GD by mods to more appropriate places) to make GD a place where issues are discussed. In this context, I WAS interested in Conifer's rationale for bringing news of a griefer attack to GD (I didn't request that a mod move it somewhere else) and she has implicitly responded to my query, by identifying that LL's abuse reporting mechanisms are inadequate in terms of protocol or efficacy, and she has indicated a degree of concern that it requires the intercession of Lindens, rather than an onwatch inworld moderator - hell, they have an early shift of forum mods to cope with the far eastern spam attacks - or provision of anti-griefing tools to residents, even in a limited fashion. OK, I had to read between the lines of the virtual notecards that Conifer has pointlessly threatened to send, but don't you think that this would have been a good step-off point to discuss whether LL was competent in their reaction to griefing attacks, particularly since terrorists have already identified those responsible for cartoons as being valid targets.
  24. Conifer Dada wrote: Hi Lazarus - I'll hand the question back to you - what exactly did you hope to achieve with your response to my query? Do you always answer questions with questions?
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