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Everything posted by LlazarusLlong

  1. Madelaine McMasters wrote: As for selfies invading the privacy of those posing for them, I welcome your presentation of sufficient legal precedence to make that a concern for the average SL resident. You've painted yourself into a tiny corner, though I do think it's possible that people sharing your view of the world might RIC/AR such images, and that they might be removed. That says less about the rules than about personal sensibilities and the practicalities of thoughtful moderation. Does this mean you are arguing that a PR photo made publicly, voluntarily, available, (of Linden Lab employees, for example, although it could be actors in a TV show) with none specifically identified in RL terms, nor with any association made linking any of the individuals with specific avatars, would be acceptable as forum posting material, as it does not seem to transgress any ToS or CG rule discussed here? [Apart from the bit which says you are not supposed to annoy anyone, which means that I could RIC the majority of posts ever made in the forums, because stupidity annoys me.]
  2. Caitlin Tobias wrote: Oh I dunno, I have been in teleports long enough to watch the complete LOTR Trilogy... Part of the LOTR algorithm: 10 Walk 20 Talk 30 Fight 40 Goto 10 In fact, that's the whole trilogy summarised, which could save those who haven't seen it a lot of wasted time.
  3. DejaHo wrote: If we are not careful we will have the OP creating fork bombs. Actually, in these forums, it is the provider who operates Denial of Service attacks on individuals, rather than the other way around.
  4. Oh, the one for muted avatars suggests that there must be something wrong with the IM system as theirs didn't get through, but to keep trying, as after a dozen or so attempts sometimes it works.
  5. The thread found its way to the right place - with a little help - so no harm, no foul.
  6. I'm homeless. Since some guy told me to, I even carry my bed around with me.
  7. You're in the wrong place. But, hopefully, not for long.
  8. TedStark wrote: Perhaps because at the time that I originally made this thread, I could not find a relevant forum of which to post in. Ignorance then. TedStark wrote: I still can't locate those two forums you mentioned. And continuing incompetence. TedStark wrote: no need to be rude about it. Rude? I asked valid questions. You have now answered them. Apparently to the best of your ability.
  9. Congrats Kelli! You get the Pserendipity Posthumous Award for Nihilistic Realism. It's awarded very seldom. For making the dead spin in their grave. With amusement.
  10. Well, I do live next door to the cemetery. It's the dead centre of town.
  11. Dammit! This is about to turn into a thread that should be in Answers about how to turn off tp screens!
  12. Oh dear, I'm going to have to change the message. Somebody called BusyBody McMasters ("Busy to my friends") has apparently complained to the authorities that I am maligning her.
  13. In another thread the subject cropped up of the message used when you have set yourself as unavailable. I presume that most people don't know you can personalise the message, or don't care, but I wondered whether forumites did change it, informatively, politely, or otherwise. Mine just says ***bleep**** off, I'm ***bleep*** busy.
  14. And you can personalise the "Temporarily Unavailable" message however you like, which can be fun, especially as there is no filter such as used for the forums which would bleepify words such as **, **** and *********************************. I used to use a message saying that I would rather not be disturbed because I was in intimate congress with an avatar used by Michelle Pfeiffer, and was not deterred particularly by the messages asking if we'd like to make it a threesome, but was forced to amend it when Michelle threatened to release the videos of our rl liaison if I didn't stop bringing her name into disrepute. Maybe what we need is a separate thread in GD where people could post the messages they use in such circumstances, or make suggestions for others.
  15. Pussycat Catnap wrote: we'd all have 'OMG WTF' going on everytime we hit the teleport button... Well, not ALL of us...
  16. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: They would need to rewrite the policy. Like, they haven't changed the ToS dramatically in the last year or so anyway regarding intellectual property... And there's always the possibility that SL V2, to protect its revenues (Ebbe hasn't ever said it'll be made available free) will use a proprietary viewer and only allow you to filter ads depending upon your subscription level. [i wouldn't bother asking Ebbe; he'll trot out Peter Grey's response that "nothing has been decided yet".]
  17. May I point out to those who are saying "I would block the ads" or "I wouldn't look at the ads anyway" that Google seems to be doing fairly well financially by taking money off companies and individuals who MUST realise (unless they are just as stupid as their customers) that their ads are extensively blocked and ignored on the general internet
  18. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I should add that I feel that giving someone L$250 entitles me to tease them mercilessly. So far, I've had no complaints. That sounds like buying a prostitute, with light BDSM thrown in. But more cheapskate.
  19. Hoshi Kenin wrote: I simply cannot believe that having been in SL as long as you have you are surprised by this griefer attack? Therefore, I am wondering why on earth you have chosen to post it? Leave the policing of SL to those paid to do so I am sure, though, they would be delighted if you could do so whilst they sip their lattes, but I suspect you lack the tools. I suppose, Hoshi, you would similarly criticise the journalists reporting the most recent beheadings by Islamic State terrorists? I mean, such recurrent atrocities are hardly surprising, and perhaps the West's intelligence forces, sitting in comfy armchairs deep in their various bunker locations, would be more than happy to allow CNN operatives to eliminate the guerillas if their videocams could be equipped with concealed delayed-action death-ray augmentations
  20. Yes, there is. In fact there are lots of useful capabilities, including the ones you describe, which are not available to normal residents. Those who know refer to this as "God Mode". But you have to find a sympathetic and trusting (or mischievous) Linden willing to confer the powers upon you. Or just bribe one. It doesn't take much - LL pay isn't that great, and job security minimal.
  21. They subtitled him differently in Holland, Bobbie. [Hence the phrase, "Dubber Dutch"]
  22. My alt named LlazarusSchlong would have responded in that thread.
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