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Everything posted by Nalytha

  1. Sylvia Wasp wrote: Ah, well,thanks for all the insults and misconceptions. :-) I guess I'm out of here, but ... for the record: - been to the store many times there are no manuals, no FAQ and no actual KittyKats for sale leaving one at the mercy of dodgy third party sellers. - the helpers at the store are sometimes helpful and sometimes not at all (one was quite rude) - the cat isn't dead (why would I kill a kitty?) - the website is unreachable none of the links in the HUD to it work (crucially 'update' doesn't work) - the lack of configuration options is surprising for such an expensive product - the low priority of the animations is just shocking and the kind of thing a Noob would do. They can be over-ridden by standard low priority Linden animations of a level two or three. That's just dumb and makes the whole thing rather useless. Im posting this mostly to alert potential buyers who may search the forum for real experiences with KittyKats before buying and save their money. Thanks for the help from those who posted perhaps *thinking* they were being helpful, ;-) Sylvia The following is based on the assumption that you are reffering to KittyCats. If that is wrong, please disregard. 1. The KittyCats store sells Genesis cats only. All KittyCats come from Genesis cats. Their traits are all Genesis traits and one of the goals for most breeders are to breed out their hidden traits, which allows for the wide array of cats you see on the market today. Cats bred from these Genesis cats (which you buy at the official in game store) are sold on secondary markets, including the marketplace. When you buy official genesis cats, they come with a ton of notecards, which are basically the manual. These cards can also be found in the ingame official store and if you ask in the group, someone would probably send them to you. If you didn't have these free cards, you could also read the manual on their website. 2. I don't know, but I don't think those helpers are paid. So no, there wouldn't be set hours. But whenever I've had a question, I've had it answered super promptly. Now, there are some rules that new players might not be aware of which might lead to the assumption of rude service. For example, it's against the rules to talk about sellers/buyers/prices in the group chat. You also can't link to really anything except the officialy KittyCats website. If you asked a question that would result in something like this, I could see how it might come off as rude. They do this too keep advertising out of group chat. 3. Glad you didn't kill a cat. 4. I have never seen the website down. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post this link, but here is the official website. http://www.kittycats.ws The HUDs and Update scripts are regularly UPDATED. You MUST have the correct version for these to work. If you have an outdated version, you simply go to the in world store and pick up another (free) one. You can find these outside the entrance, to the right of the store in the gazeebo type structure. To the left of the entrance, in a matching structure is some more helpful information. 5. I'm not sure what type of configuration you are thinking it lacks. You can remove all the text above the cats name, if that's what you want. You can set it to various poses instead of it walking around. You can even enter some custom quotes for it to randomly say. 6. Are you referring to instances where, say, you might be cuddling the cat and when you walk, your walk overides the cuddle animation? Nothing is perfect. One has to overwrite the other. I just can't see any way around this. But if you know of a way, please let me know. Same with sitting and the sit overrides not matching the cats. You are looking for people with real experience with KittyCats? Well, I have it and I hope you are able to resolve your issues, because this is one of my favorite features of Second Life. 
  2. There are manuals online and in game for the KittyCats breedables. There is an in game group with helpers. (Though be warned they will probably refer you to the manuals too. But they are very helpful). All of your problems are user error. It's not lindens down the drain. The KittyCats "game" is very well programed. Your cat is never gone. Register on their website and an ID will be stored online for any cat you ever get. When you lose the cat in SL, it's just a matter of filing a ticket with that ID and your cat it usually back in your inventory in less than 24 hours. (Replied to wrong person but you know what I mean)
  3. Some scientists believe, and are actively trying to prove, that we already are living in a virtual reality.
  4. Just some insight from the consumer perspective: As a buyer, I check reviews, especially the negative ones. I look for well thought out criticism and throw out stuff like "THIS SUCZ SO BAD. DONT BUY" Now, once I find a bad review with something that is a valid concern, I look to see if the seller responded because I know that it's uncommon for a buyer to edit their review, even if the problem has been solved. If the seller replies with a reasonable explanation, I'm more likely to buy the item. If the seller replies with no helpful information, I'm less likely to buy. If the seller does not respond at all, I'm even less likely to buy. I don't expect a seller to respond to every bad review (though on a place like this MP, where reviews are often rare, I don't see why they wouldn't). But if I see a few responses at least, my chance of purchasing the item goes up. A bad review is not a death sentence. Most buyers know that a person is more likely to take the time to review something when they don't like it or encounter a problem. It's the frequency and consistancy of the complaint that matter more, and it is modified by the seller's response.
  5. I've been playing online games for over a decade. (Fine, Fine. I will NOT lump Sl in the game genre. I learned my lesson well). Anyways, the point is that it's very common for children to disregard the TOS age rules and very common for parents to not care or even be aware there is an age rule. I started playing online MMOs when I was 13 for example. It's one reason why many game forums are toxic. They are filled with immature, privileged children. I guess the only thing you could do is screenshot conversations that prove a child is playing an avatar that is allowed on adult land and file a report with LL. Otherwise, just ban and move on.
  6. Pamela Galli wrote: Oh good! Yes, being able to edit linked parts is the key to everything. A lot of people don't know how after years here. Be sure to take a copy of the house every time you mod anything, Yes, thank you! Reading those instructions was the difference between me being able to use this beautiful house on my land or not being able to, because I didn't have enough room. If I had only removed the pool, this back area didn't look right over the water so much. I constantly check the view from neighbor's plots. Bringing that back deck in further really helped. But I would have had no idea how to do it without your instructions. Hopefully one day, I will have enough room to keep this beautiful home in it's origional glorious size. 
  7. Pamela Galli wrote: I think it is just your floor is too high. You were right. Thanks! Btw, your link for instructions on linked stuff was sooooo helpful. I had no idea how much this house could be customized. 
  8. I hadn't even noticed. Looks like I lost my baseboard! Heh, I wish I could say the same irl. Less cleaning! 
  9. Thank you Pamela (for the advice and the house!) I had to do a lot of editing to make this house fit on my parcel. It's very possible that I somehow messed up the doors/ windows in that process. Of course, your pictures make them look way better, but I fear I'd do more harm than good if I tried to fix them now.
  10. Update: I remember the house instructions advising to "lock" it in the settings. I had recently edited something, so I double checked to see if I had relocked it. Nope. I hadn't. So I "locked" it and POOF - Door reappeared, fully functional. Can anyone explain what happened?
  11. I agree, it's not the same Second Life that I left either. Maybe partially the same, but it feels much smaller. Smaller in the sense that there is this huge world, but the smaller population is spread more thin across it. It takes time to find some fun stuff to do, especially if you like to socialize. If you are looking to socialize, this might be a good first step: https://secondlife.com/my/community/events/?lang=en-US If you keep up with the forums, some RP groups advertise.
  12. I live in Lionheart, a private estate. I logged in today to find that one of my doors is missing! You can imagine my surprise. When I walk into the empty spot though, I run into something. The entire house is linked. So I clicked edit, select link, and checked the door. No information shows up. I checked the other door. It has info "title: right door," etc. I can move it, etc. The only thing I can think of is the fact that I have a new neighbor who moved in while I logged out. Could he have wandered over and done something? Even if just on accident? Update: I remember the house instructions advising to "lock" it in the settings. I had recently edited something, so I double checked to see if I had relocked it. Nope. I hadn't. So I "locked" it and POOF - Door reappeared, fully functional. Can anyone explain what happened? 
  13. Before resorting to contacting the seller, I was wondering if this is an easy fix. I was wondering if there was a way to remove the smoke animation from my house. The house was all linked together. I read tutorials and was able to successfully unlink items and edit them piece by piece. When I look at this individual link, it had a script that was titled smoke. So I deleted it. You can see there are no scripts in there anymore. But the smoke is still there. Any advice? UPDATE: Thank you for the solution, Rolig! Worked perfectly. 
  14. Greetings, my name is Nalytha. I am currently seeking a roommate. If you have a friend or loved one you would like to bring along, that is fine as well. I live on a private estate with an enforced covenant and a beautiful residential feel. It's a lovely place to call home. However, I bought a house that is a little too big for one person. In addition, I would love to make some friends. About me: - 29 year old married female - Only looking for FRIENDSHIP - I do not RP - In Second Life, I enjoy decorating, exploring, socializing, and KittyCats - In First Life, I enjoy dancing, video games, reading, minimalism - I love video games, especially MMOs. At the moment, a lot of my attention is in World of Warcraft, so if you also play WoW, we can also connect in game. I mainly only log in to raid, but I do have friends there so I spend some time doing other things as well. - My timezone is CST. Who I am looking for: - Female, any age - Seeking only friendship - Has read the About Me and thinks I sound reasonably interesting Your home: - You have a choice of rooms. One is a private room downstairs, another is two rooms adjoined together upstairs. - Located in a residential sim with a sunset view in the back - I am still working on decorating the home. It might feel a bit sparce at first House Rules: - Decorate within reason, keeping within theme: a nice/peaceful residential home. - Only PG rated furniture - No sex in the house - No breedables (unfortunately it's against the covenant and it will likely be auto returned if you rez one). - You must read and follow the estate covenant http://www.lionheartsl.com/covenant - Your decorating will be contained to your own room unless we reach an agreement otherwise - You can not edit or move anything except what is in your allowed space - Your items will be returned to you and the room will be reposted as available if you are 5 days late on rent Price: - 360/week for 200 prims. We can increase the prim allowance, but we can not decrease it. - It's possible to find cheaper, but the quality of this estate is amazing. The enforced covenant ensures any annoyances get dealt with immediately. You can count on your neighborhood staying in theme. The price per prim is exactly the price I pay per prim. Credit: This beautiful house came from La Galleria. 
  15. You could check out Maven Rentals. I put a skybox there for a bit. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Maven%20Isle/211/109/24
  16. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Tell me a story about him sometime. ;-). He had a leg amputation years prior. Before he was given a fatal diagnosis, they attempted to save him by telling him they should remove his second leg. After the proceedure (and after he was told it was not enough to save him), he asked a nurse, "Wanna dance?"
  17. Pamela Galli wrote: This is what it's like for me reading discussions in the tech/mesh forums. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
  18. Anytime. Glad all the effort you put in to repeatedly say the same thing wasn't any sort of attempt to prove your point.
  19. I like you idea of "wake." I watched my father die, over the course of a week. I had a week to contemplate his life and death (in a way, a gift as I'm sure many wish they could have the same opportunity). You are right. I feel his "wake" in my life, in things I do and think, etc. It is comforting. Much more comforting than "Don't worry. He is super happy in heaven with his loved ones (So, which of his three wives or the four other children that chose to lose contact with him?) . You will see him again.
  20. "If the world (that's the planet Earth) is a game, then SL is a game. If it's not a game, then SL is not a game. Both are environments (worlds) in which people do all sorts of things - including playing games, of course. One is real and one is virtual, but that's all they are." "The platform is exactly identical to the planet Earth, except that it's virtual. Users of Earth have built all manner of things, including games, but the Earth isn't a game." "The much better way of looking at it is that Second Life is just like the planet Earth. Both are worlds in which people can do all sorts of things, one of which is play games. A world is not a game. The Earth is not a game, and Second Life is not a game." "Second Life is a world, just like the Earth." "The Earth if very complaex too, much more complex that SL. And yet the Earth isn't a game. The complexity of a system has no relevance on whether not it is a game." "When I'm in SL, I'm living in SL. I do all sorts of stuff but a generic word would be 'live'. Or to put it another way, the word to describe "the act of manipulating the platform that is Second Life" is the same one you would use to describe the act of manipulatring the platforn that is the world (Earth)." - The Amazing, Always Right When Arguing, Phil
  21. You say you were "under the impression" but you don't seem sure of whether you canceled or downgraded. I recently took a looooong break from SL. I only returned when I noticed my bank had been charged the yearly premium fee. I decided, "eh, why not. I've already paid for it." It was great to log in and see how much that weekly stipend had added up while I was away. Time for a shopping spree! The rule is this: You will be charged monthly/annually until you DEFINITELY cancel your membership. They don't ask you in a year if you want to renew. They renew unless you tell them otherwise. In this sense, it IS an authorized charge. You agreed to an annual/monthly charge when you upgraded your membership. My advice is to downgrade now to save yourself that surprise fee but enjoy your lindens since you have them. I returned, and actually even upgraded an alt to premium as well to enjoy even a larger stipend and more land to purchase tier-free.
  22. I do not fear death, even as an Atheist. What makes me grieve the most is knowing that there is a huge probability that I will die and never know the answers to things like, "How was the universe created?" "Was it created by someone or something?" "Where do loved ones go when they die?" "Why do so many people follow Donald Trump?"
  23. "Our Sun is a second- or third-generation star. All of the rocky and metallic material we stand on, the iron in our blood, the calcium in our teeth, the carbon in our genes were produced billions of years ago in the interior of a red giant star. We are made of star-stuff." I don't know the origin of the universe (or universes?), but I settle with the sentiment of this quote. I know where I came from... a star, the universe. And that's where I shall return. For me, that's more than good enough.
  24. Theresa, you have my admiration. I quit (and will forever do so on these forums with him) once Phil enlightened me to the fact that when he argues, he's always right. I know some people like that. They just aren't worth my time or energy. I'm all for an open discussion. But talking to people like that is like talking to a brick wall.
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