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Everything posted by Nalytha

  1. Alwin Alcott wrote: i am very sorry but you are over 8 yrs in SL and have this question about 2000 L in your account?.. even if i try, i can't take that serious. I'm confused by this post.
  2. Well, I assume I'm usually lumped in with the "forum scolds" and see nothing in this thread out of line, except the OP.
  3. Greetings, my name is Nalytha. I am currently seeking a roommate. If you have a friend or loved one you would like to bring along, that is fine as well. I live on a private estate with an enforced covenant and a beautiful residential feel. It's a lovely place to call home. However, I bought a house that is a little too big for one person. In addition, I would love to make some friends. About me: - 29 year old married female - Only looking for FRIENDSHIP - I do not RP - In Second Life, I enjoy decorating, exploring, socializing, and KittyCats - In First Life, I enjoy dancing, video games, reading, minimalism - I love video games, especially MMOs. At the moment, a lot of my attention is in World of Warcraft, so if you also play WoW, we can also connect in game. I mainly only log in to raid, but I do have friends there so I spend some time doing other things as well. - My timezone is CST. Who I am looking for: - Female, any age - Seeking only friendship - Has read the About Me and thinks I sound reasonably interesting Your home: - You have a choice of rooms. One is a private room downstairs, another is two rooms adjoined together upstairs. - Located in a residential sim with a sunset view in the back - I am still working on decorating the home. It might feel a bit sparce at first House Rules: - Decorate within reason, keeping within theme: a nice/peaceful residential home. - Only PG rated furniture - No sex in the house - No breedables (unfortunately it's against the covenant and it will likely be auto returned if you rez one). - You must read and follow the estate covenant http://www.lionheartsl.com/covenant - Your decorating will be contained to your own room unless we reach an agreement otherwise - You can not edit or move anything except what is in your allowed space - Your items will be returned to you and the room will be reposted as available if you are 5 days late on rent Price: - 360/week for 200 prims. We can increase the prim allowance, but we can not decrease it. - It's possible to find cheaper, but the quality of this estate is amazing. The enforced covenant ensures any annoyances get dealt with immediately. You can count on your neighborhood staying in theme. The price per prim is exactly the price I pay per prim. Credit: This beautiful house came from La Galleria. 
  4. Wow. Amythist took time out of her day to write that not so brief post. I got the sense that she was really trying to help without full knowledge of your proficiency. Basically, she tried to cover all the bases in the hopes that you'd find aid in something, if not everything. If you didn't find anything she said to be of use to you, perhaps you should have just left it at that and waited for other responses instead of assuming she was targeting you with some malicious intent. The only rude person in this thread is you. God help the person who attempts to offer you any other suggestions.
  5. You can abandon your home at any time and pick a new one. Simply right click your land, go to about land, and click abandon. Then go to your dashboard and pick a new home. I'm not sure about new/old. I didn't think they had changed these homes in a long time. Every home has a 117 prim allowance.
  6. Okay, Alwin. Thanks for clearing that up. :matte-motes-wink:
  7. I also made this mistake. There's a small chance if you contact Linden Labs that they might be able to help you. They reduced my tier cost because of my mistake. Also, I've always had to manually downgrade my tier plan as well. It has never automatically gone down when I sold off land.
  8. Alwin Alcott wrote: Rent is only used when you don't directly pay to LL but to another resident. In that case you have NO free 512 sqm. For the sake of avoiding any confusion for a new member, because I know land ownership is very confusing at first, you still have the tier free 512 allowance if you rent instead of purchase mainland. For example, I have a premium account but rent from a private island. I'm free to do whatever I want with that 512 allowance (personally, I flip it to recover some lindens I lose by choosing to rent instead). Land ownership can be confusing at first but very rewarding! Good luck on your journey.
  9. You get 300 lindens weekly, I believe on Tuesdays. You can check by looking at the top right corner of your viewer. That's where you linden balance is. You can also check your account page on the website.
  10. You can abandon your home and you will be allowed to purchase a 512 lot tier free from the mainland. If you are on a budject, you can find extremely cheap lots and then put a skybox in the sky or a skyplatform and then your house on it. I say this because if you are going for super cheap land, you are going to not have a nice view on the ground most likely.
  11. Regardless of whether or not you think this person deserves answers based on him/her being one more reasearcher, I think the topic is interesting and worthy of discussion. Personally, I'm a minimalist in real life and I'm, for the most part, a minimalist in Second Life. I will admit that I'm prone to purchase more items in Second Life, though I have a feeling I don't feel the need to acquire as much as some. It's easy to accumulate in Second Life, but just like in real life, I prefer quality over quantity. I am willing to spend quite a bit on quality and not look twice at most freebies. I spend $20 a month on my home. I do this because I found the perfect place for myself, and it brings me much happiness to log in. People come to Second Life for different reasons. One of my main reasons is my home. I spent months looking for the right neighborhood and the right house. I've had this house up for about two weeks and it is still very empty. For two reasons: 1. The minimalist in me loves and treasures open space. 2. It is VERY hard for me to shop. Before I buy something, I ask myself "Do I LOVE this item. Do I look at it, and it brings me joy?" Two of my favorite items are these: 1. A slideshow in my home of my real life cats, including one that passed away. 2. My in game cats, especially my Unicorn cat, which I believe I spent around L$4,000 on. I would have spent more. The moment I saw this cat, I knew I had to have it. It instantly makes me happy. I log in and see him and am instantly in a better mood. 
  12. I used Yahoo exclusively when I first started using the internet. I remember Google being around, but it wasn't very popular and I remember thinking it couldn't be as good as Yahoo ever. Now I go to Google for searches, read the news, my email, my calendar...
  13. I use the zzz button in firestorm and I don't get any more chats for the rest of the time I'm logged in.
  14. Keep the young jokes coming. I'm turning 30 this year. I can use them
  15. Rhonda Huntress wrote: HAHAHAHAHAHA That in itself is a beautiful anachronism. Google is anachronistic? Wow, I must be getting older. What verb do the hip young kids use to describe looking something up on the web?
  16. Phil Deakins wrote: @Nalytha: You must be a spring chicken then I was born in 86', so I wasn't really into online communication until around 99'ish. Now that I think of it though, I have heard the term bulletin board. Ususally, I've seen it on a forum where it might say there are archives from the previous forum, which is sometimes called a bulletin board.
  17. The more I think on this matter, the more I agree this might be an epic troll post. Now, if you wanted to have a discussion about how you feel furries are unfairly treated, that might be an interesting conversation. But this post doesn't stop there. This post is about forcing land owners to do what you want. Which, isn't really as interesting. Because if I paid $200/month, or really ANY amount of money on owning a venue, that venue would be whatever I wanted it to be. I feel like you should pay $200 a month to run a furry BDSM venue and let everyone in. Lead by example?
  18. I recommend doing a Google search for "How to promote Second Life store." I did so and there were 7,000,000 results. The first page alone rendered a ton of relevant information. Good luck with your store!
  19. I am not sure exactly how much experience you have in Second Life, or more specifically with land ownership. A lot of points have been raised here that I won't waste your time repeating. So I'm going to try to keep this post short (in a thread that is filled with text walls that hurt my eyes). A landowner usually pays real money for their land. I'm not talking something like a meager $10/month. A private island: $600 setup fee, $295/month A homestead: $225 setup fee, $125/month Some do not pay cash. Some put in an initial investment and hopefully make a profit to cover their costs. (I think this is rare). This should hopefully shed some light on the opinion of landowners making the rules for their sims. Do you really expect someone who pays $300 a month to not have the right to make any rule they please (within TOS guidelines). You want free access to a place that someone is paying serious bucks for and then you expect them to follow YOUR rules. That's like being a guest at someone's house and expecting they follow YOUR rules.
  20. What is your price range? Skybox or land? Prim allowance? I live in a really nice area and have encountered no lag. They have a strict covenant and enforce stuff that controls the lag, such as no breedables and they actually check their scripts to see who is violating things. I pay L$1.8/prim. I know there are cheaper places, but I am paying extra for the quality.
  21. Fennet, you never permanantly lose your cats. As long as you sign up on the website, an ID is made for every cat and you can put a ticket in to recover them. I just did this a couple of days ago when I accidentally deleted two very expensive cats. Sign up on the site, and go to the pedigree section. All of your cats are there.
  22. Why do you care what rating people choose to look for in Second Life? I'm almost 30, and I turn of Adult rated search results and refuse to buy Adult rated furniture. My reasons seriously shouldn't be of any concern to anyone but myself. Why do you want to know why this person wants G rated land? It's not like anyone is forcing you to follow suite.
  23. After just a couple minutes of researching, I think I might have found a solution to the AO issue. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/KP-KittyCats-Animation-Overrider/3607652 Update: Yup, this worked fine. Though someone in the KittyCats group also said she just uses a plain unisex walk instead of a complete AO sometimes when she wants to carry the cat around. The same person who made the item above also sells a nifty AO which lets you cuddle up to three cats at a time.. for only L$1
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