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Annie Nova

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Everything posted by Annie Nova

  1. I have a question, I have tried putting in a ticket for a home but the only thing that comes up is account issue, there are no other options, am I doing something wrong or is it a glitch in the system? Cause I REALLY want this house! lol
  2. I have the wardrobe, but haven't gotten around to trying to figure it out, I think it would stress me out even more if and when I try to get a handle on it. lol
  3. When I feel stressed (which is all the time anymore) I love to come into SL and like everyone else, I sort my inventory, adding folders, deleting folders, it calms me because it's mindless and you don't have to be worrying all the time about whether or not, someone is going to tell you, you aren't doing that right. I also love to busy myself around my house and land, moving something from the corner forward to the center or adding a wall here or a bush there. I'm an introvert, so I truly do enjoy my alone time when I'm in SL and by the time it's time for me to return to RL, I find that I am much more calm and focused and I can go back to dealing with all the hassles that RL throws at me.
  4. I love your garden, may I ask where you got it from?
  5. I also don't buy if there is no demo, and I know a lot of others do the same but it's still happening, unless everyone does it, I don't see anything changing. Sad, but that's life.
  6. Thank you! I just checked the pewpew store and they do indeed have the set, 25 LI if anyone is interested. I believe the entire set is around 800L. no eating animations and not a lot of sits but it works for me!
  7. Mercedes, I love the dining table, could you share where you got it from? thanks!
  8. What is meant by "token"? do they take money from your account? Does anyone know?
  9. pretty sure, but when i go inworld i'll recheck it again. I just went inworld and checked it again and i figured out what made it 13 LI I had stretched the ropes to reach a tree branch lol so that made it 13 LI. Duh. and 5 is not bad
  10. I bought this and it's 13 LI, I love nutmeg, but if you have a LI budget this is a bit high
  11. Holy Crow! *wipes the drool off my chin* that's one hot avie!
  12. Boy did you get played, that's over 1,000.00 in RL money and you paid it all up front???? LL will not get involved in this as they consider it resident to resident dispute, BUT, since it is over 1,000.00 they might be able to do something and you could also seek a lawyer's advice on what to do. Word of advice...next time, don't pay all of it upfront. Herein, endth the lesson.
  13. I would use some of them for the region I have but you're right, you can always find something that looks just as good or better with a lower LI.
  14. Thank you Sylvia, I looked them up on MP and yeah they are pricey and very high LI, not a doable for me. 🙂
  15. Good lord, where do you shop??? I have a VERY nice bed that is 7 LI and the animations are great, my kitchen linked together is only 23 LI and yes I also have little things around my newbrooke that make the house lived in. I currently have 18 LI left, and even my backyard is decorated. Check out the link that was posted by Sylvia. You'll be surprised at what you can put in your house for 351 LI.
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