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Quartz Mole

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Everything posted by Quartz Mole

  1. I don't think you necessarily need a grid-wide experience -- users would have to allow the experience on their land, just as they do with AvSitter to make props auto-attach properly, but that's not a big issue, I'd have thought. The alternative would be to host your own MySql database and communicate with it via LSL and php. That's not actually too difficult -- I found some very good instructions here http://www.drnadolny.com/uploads/6/0/0/2/6002231/databases.pdf and there are plenty of sites offering to host php/MySql for free. There's also this, from the old LSL wiki, which might be useful http://lslwiki.digiworldz.com/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=ExamplellHTTPRequest&show_comments=1 But, as I say, I would certainly first consider trying to do it by KVP and asking customers to allow the experience on their land, as do many content creators when they want to make force-attach and force-teleport work. That's the easiest way to do it, I think. The KVP is simple enough -- I'll gladly help here if you need it. I know how to post data to Google Sheets from SL but if it's possible for scripts in SL to read from them directly, I've yet to find a way (and would love to know how to do it, if anyone can help).
  2. The mean average for the new Stilt Homes is fractionally over 25 to a region. I don't have the exact figures to hand for the other themes, but I think you're correct -- other recent themes generally come in at 22--24 on most regions (though far fewer on some of them).
  3. There will be houses there, don't worry!
  4. Though yours are probably tidier than mine.
  5. Generally, big bright things on SSP83X like that are individual components of the house meshes, which we unlink, colour, drag up into the air, and separate from each other to use as reference models while we're working on those aspects of the house scripting that require close attention to which face number is which in each link.
  6. Please try rebooting your router anyway, since that will force a whole new set of connections to SL, which might solve the problem, and if it doesn't, then it really is a case for support -- LDPW want you to be able to enjoy your Linden Home, and if it's a server-side issue, the technical Lindens need to investigate problems on one of our regions so they can fix it.
  7. Yes, the suggestions so far look spot on to me -- cycle the router to see if that fixes any connection issues, and if it's not the connection, then file a ticket and have one of LL's specialists take a look.
  8. I think I prefer #9, which is really very cool if you like that style (which I do, rather more than I like #8, though #8 is certainly going to be amazing by the time it's finished).
  9. Several of us have been working on that as a side project, coordinated by Glowing and Chronos, two of the content creation Moles, who have done an amazing job pulling it all together. I really would urge people to check it out on Saturday night, time zones permitting -- we had a pile-on stress test there today, and it was a blast, literally as well as figuratively -- Garden and I got to blow loads of stuff up, which is always a bonus.
  10. Unless the rules on LI have changed over the last few years, don't mesh items count for their full LI even when set to TEMP_ON_REZ? Regular prim objects count as 0 LI when set to temporary, but mesh ones cost the full freight, I thought, from when they're rezzed until the garbage collector comes for them after about a minute. I ran into this when experience perms were first introduced and I was experimenting with rezzing temp attachments, and discovered that I was constrained by the available LI for the parcel for the split second between the object rezzing in-world and its attaching to the avatar. When I investigated I was told that this was intended to stop precisely the sort of abuse described here. I've just tested it again, while writing this, and as far as I can see, setting mesh objects to TEMP_ON_REZ makes no difference to their LI, which seems to count against the parcel's available LI until they are deleted by the garbage collector. So I am not at all sure that the owners of these temp animesh pets actually derive any benefit from setting them to TEMP_ON_REZ.
  11. It can take a few minutes before it notices you're online -- I don't want to keep pinging the dataserver to check on the online status of all landowners on Bellissaria any more than necessary! If you still don't see it after you've been online for a while, drop me a message inworld to tell me which region it is, and I'll see what's happened.
  12. Next time you log in, you should receive a message from the messaging system directing you to Patch's post.
  13. I wonder if I should give Abnor a script to change the colour of those squares to a new one, the colour values generated at random, every 24 hours.
  14. That's the house controller (the mailbox or life preserver in earlier themes). The numbers are the integer components of the house controller's x and y coordinates, padded with leading 0s if necessary to generate a 6 digit number. There will be an indoor control panel the landowner can use to control access, change the decor, and so on, just as there is in the other themes, once we've finished scripting the houses.
  15. Trying to match the various Westeros Northern accents in Game of Thrones to places in northern England was quite fun. ETA: https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2019/may/10/sicansios-game-of-thrones-accent-stumps-spanish-voice-actors "At a pivotal moment in the battle of Winterfell, Ser Davos Seaworth looked up from the battlements and realised that the airborne dragon division, commanded by Queen Daenerys, hadn’t clocked a vital signal. "The knight duly telegraphed his epiphany to fellow soldiers – and viewers – with a single word. "'Sicansíos!' he exclaimed, in his best dubbed Spanish. Sharper viewers soon realised that something had been lost in hurried translation and that sicansíos was in fact a garbled rendering of the knight’s original, Geordie-accented line: 'She can’t see us!'"
  16. The way a British actor once explained it to me is that Hollywood pay actors a good deal more than do British movie or TV studios or the live theatre, and if you're an established US star, then your status and future earnings depend very much on what your last role was worth, which is why you're more interested in the lead roles, since the bad guys tend to be in the second tier in terms of both the pay scale and of screen time. The result of this is that there are a lot of talented British actors who want to continue their careers in the UK but who are more than happy to go over to Hollywood every few years to make several million dollars as the villain (and often having a blast camping it up to the limits) and then they return to the UK to carry on with what they see as their main jobs in the live theatre or with British production companies. ETA: Is also English -- you might think I'm evil, but I could not possibly comment, any more than I can possibly comment on what really happens on region SSP83X.
  17. If they were talking about The Mayflower, then almost certainly. Otherwise it would depend.
  18. (Inhales deeply...) Erm.. yes... probably.... what was the question again? I feel hungry all of a sudden. Must be getting on for tea time.
  19. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/21193/search?utf8=✓&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=GMA&search[keywords]=carpet
  20. The parcel markers contain a script several hundred lines long and do a great deal more than simply indicate where parcel boundaries are. Solid red ones have been rezzed out on the ground but are not yet activated and registered with the LDPW communications systems. Solid ones of other colours are registered as part of the system but are not yet turned on.
  21. Almost the first thing the Covenant says is so how on earth do they propose that people "work together to increase land values" when none of that land can be sold or transferred? As you suggest, the only people who have any official status in Bellisseria have "Linden" or "Mole" as a last name, and normally the only time we'll inspect something is in response to an AR or a support ticket.
  22. You'd have noticed if it was glitched from the start. Since you were able to use the rezzer successfully before things went wrong, that tells me that, whatever the problem was, it wasn't the original "double houses" bug. If it had been, the original house would never have been removed, so you'd always have had two houses there. Sounds to me as if maybe the old house was simply ghosted. That happens sometimes for no obvious reason -- it's clearly a breakdown in communication between the simulator and the resident's CPU, but what causes it is a mystery, at least to me. Glad Dottie was able to fix it.
  23. We fixed those last week, or I hope we did. If anyone still has a double-rezzed log home, they should be able to remove it simply by rezzing a new house using the house controller. That should remove both old log homes now, before replacing them with a new one. If anyone still has a double-rezzed home after that, please open a support ticket (don't contact me direct this time, please), but I'd be surprised if it's still an issue.
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