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Quartz Mole

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Everything posted by Quartz Mole

  1. The simple way is to inspect the objects when they are rezzed and see if they show as being temp-on-rez. There's no problem with props rezzing when they're needed and being removed when they're not. That's no different from your rezzing it from inventory. It's when the same item is being rezzed and derezzed and rerezzed by script every 20 seconds or so, 24/7, that it becomes an issue.
  2. Thanks. We need the slurls, but since there are forum rules against "naming and shaming" people it might be more prudent to give us the slurls by way of private messages or IMs rather than posting them here. That's what concerned me. A lot depends on the size, number and complexity of the items being temp-rezzed but generally, at least as I recall from when temp rezzers first became popular, they do have a really significant impact on region resources. Re-rezzing a complex object and de-rezzing and re-rezzing it every few seconds or so can cause the simulator performance to take quite a hit, and if there are several of them running on a busy region it's pretty bad news, or can be.
  3. Thanks. I took a look at it earlier and, as you note in another post, the meal had disappeared from the table. There's nothing I could see about the object that suggests to me it's a temp-rezzer, other than one ambiguously-titled script, so I'm not at all sure it's anything other than a standard dining-table set that rezzes props when needed and deletes them on command when they're no longer wanted, and unless I can see it running (or unless I buy a copy myself and read the instructions) I have no way of telling whether there's anything untoward about it. If you have any more concerns about it, please don't hesitate to report it, and it'll be investigated in more depth, but in the meantime I think it might be prudent to remove the slurl from your posts identifying the parcel.
  4. Thanks. I will certainly check that. Last time I played with it (or my alt did, rather) it was to make something that temp attached demo hairs to people, so the fact the demo hair had a very high LI for the moments between rezzing and temp attaching to the customer was a real issue. I did check this with the appropriate people at LL and was told there no plans to change it (though I suppose if there's a conventional prim box set to convex hull as the root and the rest of the item is set to physics shape none, then, at least in theory, that should give it an LI of one).
  5. Simply because the sort of complex mesh objects that people are likely to want to temp rez tend to be pretty expensive in terms of their LI precisely because of their physics and rendering costs.
  6. It's maybe worth pointing out that mesh objects always count against LI, whether they're set to temp-on-rez or not. Temp-rezzing mesh objects is as bad, if not worse, for the simulator than is temp-rezzing prims and sculpties, of course, but people don't seem to realise that they're not even gaining any particular advantage from their selfish and antisocial abuse of this function (originally intended so things like bullets and arrows on combat regions can be used without worrying about LI).
  7. Have you considered Discord? Most RL projects in which I'm involved use that now, precisely because of the issues with Skype you describe, and I find it a lot more reliable.
  8. Ahem. Perhaps not the most tactful request More seriously, if you re-read the covenant, you will see that " Changes cannot be made to roads, paths, plants, trees, rocks and other landscaping. Trees or other objects that overhang into parcels are meant to do so. They cannot be moved or removed." Unless something's actually broken, we're not allowed to change it. If we did, we'd spend all our time landscaping people's parcels and never get any more regions built.
  9. When we first released the Traditional homes and Houseboats, we had touch scripts in all the links that would receive touches to trigger things -- doors, blinds and windows. That's why you could touch the floors to double-click tp around -- there was no script in them. However, as the houses grew more and more complex, it became clear this meant each house would require an unsustainable number of scripts in the child links, so we completely rescripted the system to control all the windows, doors, blinds, and all the tinting and texturing, from a few scripts in the root prim (we had to use several scripts in the root because of script memory limitations). However, this does, of course, mean that one of the scripts in the root prim has to detect touches from every link in the linkset in order to determine which face of which link was touched (and by whom) in order to decide what, if any, response is needed. That's what's happened, and I am sure it was the right design choice, since it greatly decreases unnecessary demands on the simulator. On a related point, the housecontroller (mailbox/preserver/sign) isn't the root prim. It's not part of the house at all. Its main function is to communicate with the house, the owner of the parcel, and several remote servers and relays. The actual root prim is positioned several metres up in the air above the housecontroller -- it could be anywhere so long as it's not on the parcel, but positioning it like that makes positioning the house easier when it arrives from the remote rezzer.
  10. Looks like it's a problem with the region -- I tried just now but I can't tp into Wavebreak either, and I get the same message when I try to fly in. Since I happened to see the message, I'll report the issue but the best way, in general, to deal with such matters is for you to contact support direct -- https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000131009-contact-support
  11. You'll also find a Lake Hali somewhere, if you look.
  12. You'll be disappointed to hear, then, that she lost her seat in parliament on Thursday, when she was defeated in East Dunbartonshire by the SNP candidate, Amy Callaghan Nicola Sturgeon, the leader of the SNP, seemed rather pleased about the result:
  13. Sound advice. It's what I keep on telling @Beth Macbain.
  14. No, no, I'm sure you've got it wrong. The advantage to being a cultist is that when the Great Old Ones return we get eaten first, not last, which is a much better deal than having to share the world with them, waiting for them to feel like a snack, while they remodel things to their liking. Or so I am told.
  15. It's not me waking up that should bother you. It's when Great Cthulhu wakes from his eaons-long slumber you need to worry.
  16. I'm going to suggest to @Patch Linden that he should vary "Soon™" with "When the stars are right" as the answer to certain types of question.
  17. I've never understood the attraction of peanut butter. I bought some once because I was told it was excellent bait for some rat-traps I was laying (it was) and I tried it then, to see what I was offering the critters for their last meal. I found it not unpalatable but I decided that, on balance, I would rather use it for pest-control rather than for snacks.
  18. Not sure what's happening here -- is that peanut butter she (?) is spreading on her hand?
  19. The Victorian parcels are all 1024s, same as the Traditional houses and the Houseboats. And, as with the other themes, the houses' LI doesn't count against the LI available for the parcel.
  20. No, it's for me to hit in order to make an emergency getaway should a flashmob of stalkers and groupies suddenly appear.
  21. I know! I know! And I'll explain, even though it's a bit boring, because it may help give an idea of the kind of things we technical moles sometimes need to worry about. As people following the building process on Bellisseria may know, shortly before regions go live, their names change from SSPsomething to their permanent name, various land settings are changed, and frequently they're moved from one part of the grid to another. After that, I have to go round performing some tests and doing various things to enable the Land team to connect the parcels on the region (all of which have changed their UUIDs as part of the process) to the Land Store. The process is as automated as we can make it, but as Bellisseria has grown, things haven't always scaled as well as we'd have liked, and the number of issues requiring time-consuming manual attention has grown, so I have been tweaking the automated tools and making some back-end changes to make the process run smoothly once again. In order to test the changes, I needed to see how the new tools performed when the Land team switched the positions and settings and, crucially, the names of some SSP regions. That's what "Test Region 1" and so on were for. This isn't a cover story for the nuclear reactors that it's above our pay grade to know whether or not they exist and which we wouldn't be allowed to discuss even if they did, honest.
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