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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. try again later? perhaps you abandoned it 5 times already? You can only change max 5 times, after that you have to wait for 24 hours.
  2. 1. you'r no angels, your humans, selfproclamed angels, god created angels, you'r made of the same dust as all who are here. 2. even if you talk with people who only have their pc and SL...it will still be only that, so you help nothing, only make it worse by pointing them on it, and leave them in a darker hole than before when you log out. 3. everything in SL is roleplay, even your selfproclamed postition as angel is nothing more than a excellent example of roleplay. 4. ... we need someone to help get started....land...L$ ..?.... you registered for sl july 2010 and still need help to get started?...no way ....hard to start believing in such angels.... 5. god blesses eveybody even non believers my conclusion... you will fit perfectly in SL, roleplaying and do the things that aren't possible in real... ánd imagination... endless....
  3. sims who have covenants the don't allow what you say ....ehm why report those? I think it's people who hang there who promote it. You can AR but report the right people and not just the place.
  4. i think it's not a problem but you simply don't know how to handle the attachment. I would recommend you follow some instructional vids about SL and if the problems still appear ask in the support group from the store you bought the shoes, or message the creator. There are so many different kinds of adjustments to make that we can't give a solution to your question, there's not enough information in it.
  5. most likely it will be in your inventory again after relogging. It's sometimes just happening this way, but sl isn't running smoothly for me either at the moment. Sometimes it's also because you try to rezz mesh on mesh...( mesh floor or so) it can help to rezz a wood prim and rezz your stuff on that.
  6. Jennifer Boyle wrote: Wrong. Under U.S. law, the buyer of a copyrighted work has unlimited rights to resell it. Look up "Right of First Sale." sorry to inform you we're not all in the US
  7. if things aren't ok, contact LL by a ticket. There is no NEED to post a review...you can post one...and why you want to post a review? For not getting it ? or not is what you expected?.... Reviews are not meant for failing deleveries. Only for wrong functions or misleading the customer in saying it does things that it dont. Or.... if it's excellent
  8. Yes i agree there is more than just a break of TOS. I never encoutered it but would blink a few times when finding a friend who isn't the same person anymore... There's also the copyright... those are mostly seen as personal agreements, not transferable. So also not by selling a account. The reason i asked if the OP is police... well... seen the amount of people inworld, and the handfull who are so stupid to buy a old account isnt 'worth the time spended on it. I can hardly believe this is happening on a scale we should worry about.
  9. third party sellers are closed per august 1th. You can only buy L$ at the official LL exchange. I don't know what the ATM you visit is, if it's a kind of sponsored gift unit to collect a few linden for being somewhere it's possible still in use. This is not a form of selling but reward for services. Somtimes these promesses are not more than that... and don't function.
  10. the only one who can help you is the store owner. If he/she doesn't reply or help you'r out of possibilities.
  11. you swimsuits are in the standard sizes, but your avatar for sure is not Adjust your shape to the standard sizes what fit closest to the orignal shape, and after that the swimsuits will fit a lot better in combination with the alpha layer. use the notecards in this package to change your shape. Do not use the included shapes. Only changing the lower bodypart sliders is mostly enough. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Standard-Sizing-Package-Updated-Male-Female/2894727
  12. if right you seen when the account closes when you downgraded. Normally it's at the end of the billingperiod or within a few days. But your account will be traceable for long time, nothing really gets deleted. You inventory will go first after about 60/90 days... but can also be there for much longer... your account will be not really deleted, only the access will be disabled. Even after several years you will be able to reactivate the name.... deleting is less permanent than a lot of people think.
  13. Fill in ALL you can, and skip what you assume, stick to facts. File the AR from the right place, sending a snapshot of Lindenplaza won't bring a lot of help when the fact was on the Rodondendron sim. You can add a link in the message. Give details if you think they are needed. And for now as last... don't wait too long for the AR. If it's a week ago it won't get the attention as a new issue. .... just send it again if you encounter the problems again. We, nor anybody else here knows how the secret service of SL works.
  14. i think the only way is by the email and use "forgot avatar name". every time you find a name, change the emailadres for the recovered one and do it again till you get no response anymore. Be sure you don't need the email adress for your found alts to recover more or you have to redo all steps again.
  15. we can do nothing for you sorry. Report it won't help, it's a resident to resident issue. But i know how it feels, had the same a few years ago. But you should remove the name, it's not allowed to mention it.
  16. and your businessplan is?... just informative, because there are no stripclubs yet.... and most are soo profitable...
  17. irihapeti wrote: LL should charge people $US7.92 and then if they (LL) want to pay the EU VAT taxes for their customers on top of that then they can they do....sighs......
  18. Conifer Dada wrote: ....and free to use! depends what your privacy it worth.... FB sells everything you put on it
  19. a one time clear cach and refetch is all whats needed. Whats described above is happening when a rebuild of the cache fails or isn't complete. clear cache, relog in a empty sim and stay there for a long time till the inventory is loaded again. This can take up to more than a half hour...or hour if it's a lot of items.
  20. Amethyst Jetaime wrote VAT is a tax the Europeans impose on them selves. When will the rest of us receive a subsidy from LL toward our taxes? we still have our normal taxes as you .... there is no subsidy ... we pay the same as you. It will mean we can finally do the same as non EU residents without paying 20% more than you. Most likely LL counts on a increase of at least 20% more income to compensate the part they have to pay to the EU tax offices. (if it's ever paid... nobody can check that)
  21. so basicly it's not stolen but you gave it away. Send a ticket to LL or call them. You can't do anything yourself anymore after the pw is changed.
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