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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. sounds to me that you made a new account to hide for someone.... if you keep going to the same places... show the same behaviour.... it wont help ...
  2. it can be me, but when LL states clearly " Add a Credit Card, Add a PayPal account, or Add a Skrill account." why on earth people keep trying adding debit cards and giftcards....
  3. it simply means your graphics can't handle mesh in sl .... post your system info and we might consider trying to help you again.... hope you can read the post this time and follow adivses...
  4. you can't just move a homestead. If it's yours you also have to own a full prim sim, (only than you really own a homestead), so i think you rent one. Rented homesteads can't be moved to another group of sims without permission from the real owner. And he has to send the ticket to move to another location to LL himself. If you don't own that homestead you most likely have no other choice than leave it and start renting another one. Not many other somonwerd will accept a homestead connecting to them if it's not theirs.
  5. start reading manuals... you will find it! It is NO issue, you just don't use the alpha hud. Jomo has not the best adjustable mesh body and alpha... look here for some other reviews http://meshbodyaddicts.com/mesh-body-reviews/mens-bodies/ @ Sassy: designers for male TMP have to sign up by the website http://www.themeshproject.org/application/
  6. mainland land rise/lower is +/- 4, except a very few grandfathered sims, those have larger differences in levels. most private sims have 20 +/- real ocean parcels can not be raised enough to make it dry land. But you always can use prims to simulate land
  7. hey Lilith , just a suggestion.... put some info about yourself and likings in your profile. It's totally empty now excpet for some groups. Give people something to start a talk about ... that often helps...
  8. perhaps i see more because i'm in BL myself, but there's really no place where i go ( RP lands not included), that i don't see others who are registered members. I won't say a majority, but 10 % is no exception.
  9. lol... there are quite a few The Thirst 31,745 Vampires The Rage 4,994 Lycans The Human 75,596 Humans Hybrids 15,284 Hybrids Bloodlines War 20,273 Warriors
  10. as the others already showed and told, it won't be a month....AND .... if it would be a month ..... it would be just that, we are residents as you and can change nothing about that.
  11. i wouldn't count on it to much or put high amounts of money on bets for this.... it's like making windows 3.1 compatible with W10...won't work that well and give very disapointing results
  12. "signing up for something"... this says nothing. It can be totally normal spam and nothing to do with another person. Everybody leaves traces everywhere and that's used by spammers.
  13. yes there is a way, but not without being registered yourself to Bloodllines. It doesn't mean you have to be bitten, or contribute to the game. Just buy the Human Hud, do nothing else, and use it to scan. But you think about BL like it's some kind of disease.... its a GAME in SL. No need at all to know who is member or not. Many, really many, people are once bitten and don't even remember or never played it. So you avoid them?.. Better leave sl than..this is a group nearly half of the total residents. Next to that there are so many other really evil things that people do on SL that vampirism is like play hide and seek. You avoid those people too?... I think it's a little bit weird you want to know who is in a game and who not. You scan or ask people in real too what they do for fun? You'd get some pretty scary answers i'm affraid. Wear the garlic necklace, it's free on the MP, and no vampire of Bloodlines will ever contact you, but the other systems will not be bothered by it. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/The-Garlic-Necklace/6231947 Did you know there are more? Even ones that don't need your permission at all to get you in their game? Huge chance it's already too late...and you'r infected without knowing.
  14. copied form the knowledgebase: LindeX™ Exchange: Billing and Trading Limits Why there are billing and trading limits These limits exist so that we can better accommodate the needs of our Residents while mitigating our fraud risk. Your current billing and trading limits If you're logged in your current limits are highlighted below. How buyer's or seller's fees relate to billing and trading limits The buyer's and seller's fees on the LindeX™ exchange are not related to billing and trading limits, they are fixed and everyone is subject to the same fee schedule. Only the rolling 24 hour and rolling 30 day limits vary. How to request review of your limits You may request a review of your account to increase your limits. Please visit the support system and submit a ticket. Select Billing -> LindeX™ Billing and Trading Limits Review Request We'll review your request and get back to you within 5 business days. What is considered during a typical limits review Typically we are looking at your LindeX™ usage and your payment history. Limits Notes: 24 hour and 30 day limits are computed on a rolling basis. The buy limit summarizes and restricts market and limit buy usage of the LindeX™ exchange. The sell limit summarizes and restricts market and limit sell usage of the LindeX™ exchange. The purchase limit summarizes all US$ billing activity that was not fulfilled from a credit on your US$ account balance. The purchase limit restricts all nonrecurring US$ billing activity that can not be fulfilled from a credit on your US$ account balance. "Days" in the New Resident limits description refers to days since first billing transaction with Linden Lab. Resident Monthly Limits New Residents Level 0 to 1 Days 2 to 7 Days 8 to 27 Days 1 2 Buy L$ US$30 US$100 US$300 US$2,000 US$10,000 Sell L$ US$0 US$0 US$300 US$2,000 US$5,000 Purchase US$250 US$500 US$1,300 US$5,000 US$10,000 Business Owner Limits Level 1 2 3 4 Buy L$ Per 24 Hours US$5,000 US$5,000 US$5,000 US$5,000 Per 30 Days US$5,000 US$5,000 US$5,000 US$5,000 Sell L$ Per 24 Hours US$5,000 US$5,000 US$10,000 US$20,000 Per 30 Days US$5,000 US$20,000 US$80,000 US$320,000 Purchase Per 24 Hours US$10,000 US$10,000 US$10,000 US$10,000 Per 30 Days US$10,000 US$10,000 US$20,000 US$40,000 Enterprise Limits Level 1 2 3 4 Buy L$ Per 24 Hours US$10,000 US$10,000 US$20,000 US$30,000 Per 30 Days US$10,000 US$40,000 US$160,000 US$640,000 Sell L$ Per 24 Hours US$10,000 US$20,000 US$30,000 US$100,000 Per 30 Days US$20,000 US$80,000 US$320,000 US$1,280,000 Purchase Per 24 Hours US$20,000 US$80,000 US$320,000 US$1,280,000 Per 30 Days US$20,000 US$80,000 US$320,000 US$1,280,000 Currency Trader Limits Level 1 2 3 4 Buy L$ Per 24 Hours US$10,000 US$20,000 US$30,000 US$40,000 Per 30 Days US$20,000 US$80,000 US$320,000 US$1,280,000 Sell L$ Per 24 Hours US$10,000 US$20,000 US$30,000 US$40,000 Per 30 Days US$20,000 US$80,000 US$320,000 US$1,280,000 Purchase Per 24 Hours US$5,000 US$5,000 US$5,000 US$5,000 Per 30 Days US$5,000 US$5,000 US$5,000 US$5,000 Billing and Trading Restricted Monthly Limits Buy L$ US$0 Sell L$ US$0 Purchase US$0 Supply Linden's Limits Buy L$ Per 24 Hours US$0 Per 30 Days US$0 Sell L$ Per 24 Hours US$300,000 Per 30 Days US$1,280,000 Purchase Per 24 Hours US$0 Per 30 Days US$0 What to do if the limits listed above don't meet your needs If the limits listed above don't meet your needs please send a limit review request as described above. Include information about your needs. We'll review your request, and if appropriate create additional limits or make adjustments to the existing limits.
  15. if you don't tell what the problem is, nobody will be able to help or advice.... stating nothing helps or nothing works needs a little bit too much guessing to find a solution.
  16. simply look for the exchange rate as your CC or paypal company uses at the moment and you will know the costs, the rates you find on the web may be different to those. the membership fees for SL are here on your accountpage. Compare those to the exchange rate and you will know what you have to pay.
  17. you get billed the moment you push the button. you will pay the same as anybody else, all amounts are recalculated by the one you gave up as billingmethod. Rates may change depending on exchange of $ to pounds. Keep in mind only your membership is wihout VAT. Landholdings will get VAT added.
  18. to start... ALL releases are announced at the startscreen of Firestorm and pop ups are given when you log in when a new version is available.... i'm not sure you can disable that, but in that case it's your own choice not to get this warnings. Your chatfiles are stored on your local machine, you can save that folder and simply paste it back in the new one. (C/users/username/appdata/roaming/firestorm you find all files there per username) If you'r so far behind in updates i doubt it's worth the trouble to save your settings. There are some big changes so renew your settings could be better. You will never loose accounts by updates, assuming you know your names, if not, write them down before updating, you can see them without logging at the dropdown, or in the chatfiles.
  19. the last words most likely.... you'r not able to do anything... LL won't take action unless this is reported often from that owner. These things happen and will be seen as resident to resident dispute. Lesson in this.... don't rent before you spoke to the owner or rental agent.
  20. i think you can find most of the answers here : https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019
  21. yes you can take a Linden home, or go buy mainland yourself and get 512 sqm free of tier fees, Or take a Linden Home..ánd more mainland, but you will get only 512 sqm tier free. At Linden Homes are some restrictions.... no business... no skybox.... not possible to deed to group... not possible to delete house ....and a few more
  22. Qie Niangao wrote: If you can revive your old account, you can most likely turn a profit going Premium. All Premium members get a stipend -- those joining now get L$300 per week, but an "oldbie" account from back in the days of "First Land" can get L$400 or L$500 per week, which works out to more than the cost of membership on the annual plan. this is perhaps a bit confusing. Reactivated accounts get the current stipend of 300L$. Only when you kept the old premium all the time you would get the old stipends. When you went to basic and you take premium again it will be at the current benefits ..512 sqm free or Linden Home, and 300L$ stipend weekly, even if your account is 12 years old it won't make difference
  23. when he can IM you, you didn't block him, but only derender. If you block/mute him he won't be able to contact you. If your hubbie does the same, the fun for him will be over soon.
  24. i think you changed environment settings go to menu bar "world" - "environment settings"- and choose the one you like... i would recomment "default" for start... and than later choose one you like most
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