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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. babyykins wrote: Everywhere I go he goes, telling everyone I am either a guy or gay. People now ignore me, even though I try to convince them that I really am a woman and I am not gay. how can he know where you go all the time?... check if you don't wear a trackerdevice, check if he's on your friendslist witth a alt and has mapping enabled. Block and derender him, it's just two clicks. If people ignore you because they think you are gay.... i'd move from there the moment that happens. They are no friends, and not worth the time to hang out. Who cares what your sexual preference is.
  2. ehm .... click the upload picture button?....
  3. you can go here http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory and find a mobile viewer hat suits your needs Most are for pc/mac, but a few are also for other devices.
  4. you can change your display name only ONCE a week ... so if you want to change it... be patient till that's passed here you find a little more info about this : Display names Your display name is: A name you choose shown to other avatars in the Second Life virtual world. A string of charactersup to 31 characters long that contains at least one alphanumeric character. It can include most Unicode script characters, spaces, and some punctuation. Distinct from the username you use to log in. Not necessarily unique; other avatars may have the same display name as you. You can choose whether or not to show other Residents' display names and usernames inworld. If you choose to view display names or usernames, they appear in the name tags above every avatar and in chat. Allowed characters In addition to letters and numbers, you can use the following characters in your display name: ' (apostrophe) - (hyphen-minus) . (full stop) : (colon) · (middle dot) ֊ ֊ (Armenian hyphen) (Hebrew geresh) ״ (Hebrew gershayim) ་ (Tibetan tsheg) - (hyphen) ’ (right single quotation mark) ‧ (hyphenation point) = (katakana-hiragana double hyphen) · (katakana middle dot) Setting or changing your display name You can change your display name once every seven days, but you can Reset it at any time, which makes it appear as your "classic" Second Life first name and last name, or your username. To set or change your display name: Log into Second Life. In the Second Life Viewer, click Me > Profile... or in the toolbar. Click Edit Profile. Click Display Name. Type the desired display name in the field under New Display Name. Type the name again to confirm. Click Save. To reset your display name to its default (the same as your username) in the Edit Profile page, click Reset. Alternatively, you can set or reset your display name on your profile web page: https://my.secondlife.com/your.user.name Where your.user.name is your username.
  5. it's not that difficult, a manual for clean install and 3 versions of the viewer.... take the one you need. simple machine and only SL...first one simple machine SL ánd/ór Open Sim : ...the second advanced machine that can handle 64b ... third
  6. Alwin Alcott


    my advice is : contact the seller/creator he/she will know what's the problem.
  7. look here http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=GeForce+GTX+760
  8. appliers for faces will not work if you don't own a mesh head. In that case you need a normal skin with appliers for the body ...
  9. as addition to Chinrey: mesh upload cost depends of the weight of the object. The minimum fee is 10L, but can go up a lot higher.
  10. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I do NOT wear horrible old freebie prim avatar attachments!!! ....ehm... ehh...
  11. i'd vote for a restriction for 30 days for all adults sims... not just as option. Often look like they see "adult" as free ticket to scare the hell out of others by running around naked with horrible old freebie prim avatar attachments ...
  12. you don't give enough information ... no mesh no slink... but what than? In this case if you need help wil specific inworld avatar add ons, you better contact the seller or their support group. There are so many avatar add ons. It's nearly impossible to advise for all here. We're also just members as you, LL isn't often here to look at non system issues.
  13. As Rollig already said, you will have to contact support for this. It is possible you missed a email from LL to provide more information before they will proceed the transfer. Perhaps it ended in your spambox? Support can tell you this if you don't find it yourself. Note; if this is the matter and you don't give them the info as requested, they can't proceed the pay out.
  14. welcome to SL your sl ag is displayed in your profile inworld, or he webprofile. You can not change that. It is the day you entered SL, the same as you enter RL... thats your birthdate. In SL we call it Rezdate. There is enough space in your inworld/web profile to let others know what you want to tell, don't give to many details if you like some privacy, SL is no datingagency
  15. what you want ... but keep it real. Have a look at the inworld sales-search and you will see what others do. Full sims aren't that easy to sell i think, it's a pretty high amount of tier fess you will get billed every month. 4 quarter , for exmaple, might go faster, but ... you only need one who want it and it's sold
  16. this means your viewer and the LL servers have a bad connection... or more simple.. this is lag. It's not your viewer. Have a look here : https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-improve-Viewer-performance/ta-p/1316923 or type the word "lag" in the searchbox, you will find several sources of possible solutions.
  17. i bet you didn't read the requirements for your billing info ...real DEBIT cards are NOT accepted, get paypal or skrill, thats easiest for most. Paypal has to be a verified account or it will still not work. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Billing/ta-p/700037#Section_.3
  18. what type of card you try to add?... perhaps try another browser, or try later.
  19. we're just residents here, we can't do anything. If you really need that dollar of your card asap you need to contact support.
  20. i can't give you a answer, but what you could try is go to a horse market and look at the creator of the same as what you look for and contact them.
  21. you could have tried the knowledge base.... but well...your wish is our command... try have a look in your preferences... but if you don't know where to find the cache i totally doubt you ever changed settings there to make your machine handle SL optimal...
  22. you already give the answer yourself if you can't delete it... you can't remove it... but just kidding, did you try clear your inventory cache? if that not helps only LL will be able to give support. You will have to send in a ticket or life chat. But if everything else functions well, i wouldn't be so sure i want them to mess with my inventory.... if something goes wrong the damage might be more than just a empty sticky folder.
  23. great you inform us and share this news....but what's the purpost of the post?....need help? info? or just a arm around you to support you? i would start with clear your cache, not inventory cache, and reboot...
  24. people can not return your objects from your land unless you putted your settings wrong, or your object hangs over other peoples land. For orbs you can look at MP, there are a lot of totally adjustable ones, even for free.
  25. yes they can report you for it.... but i really doubt there wil be taken any action.. As long you don't have explicit sexual intentions LL won't do a lot i think. If a guy with a giant erected ***bleep*** lands on a General sim i would also respond... but just no clothes...take a breath and wait 20 seconds.... Next to that it's of course a little bit strange not to wait a minute before starting to warn you, every user should know it can take a little before clothes rezz.
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