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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. no it happens because prepaids are NOT accepted as payment option. The branding as mastercard or visa doesn't change it into a creditcard... you need a Credit Card verfied Paypal of Skrill
  2. you can post more questions here, but your cool thingie has its'onw forums http://sldev.free.fr/forum/ if a software supplier so openly refuses to comply to the 3rd party policy you shouldn't put questions about it on the forum of LL., and not use it for SL anyway...
  3. the Q & A isn't for solving problems or issues with this objects. you should be with the creator or usergroups. There are so many different bodies around that it's not possible to know solutions for all. We'r just residents as you. Seams will mostly be visible, different parts will reflect light on their own way and be visible. Nothign to do against that than use a good windlightsetting. There is no other solution. or... don't wear it.
  4. why on earth should they explain downtime ?... it's just down and being solved.
  5. i am not sure it has to do with the land where you are, i don't see any restrictions for download mentioned. SL on tablets and phones is very poor, barely usefull to keep up with messages, your phone simply doesn't have the specs for it. What you could try is running sl in a browser ... https://www.brightcanopy.com/ but that's a additional cost of 17 usd monthly for 20 hours of access ... ánd every session... even 5 minutes.. will count as 30 minutes! oftewel... i ben er niet zeker van of het in NL niet te downloaden is. SL is op telefoons en tablets niet al te best, die dingen zijn er niet voor gemaakt en de hardware is niet geschikt voor zo'n zwaar programma als sl. Je kunt proberen het via de browser the spelen, https://www.brightcanopy.com/ het kost 17 dollar per maand voor 20 uur. Per inlog rekenen ze wel zowieso 30 minuten... dus even IM checken is een prijzige zaak.
  6. you did receive it, and not its gone... the owner isn't there, and also the inworld store isn't where it should be ...?.. think you are out of luck. The item shows as transfer on the marketplace, you most likely (99%.) not get a redelivery.
  7. there are two things... one you buy it, and two you want to keep it online. The first can be buying from another resident, or LL. the Second is to pay LL monthly (295 usd)
  8. billing dates are shown on your account summary
  9. @ your update i seriously doubt the original template is meant for use on your local machine. Getting textures out of sl without agreement of the creator is not allowed. Mod means mostly you are allowed to add your own textures, not copy it to your own pc and remake it. I know the program you use... in my opinion it is in the same category as a copybot viewer.
  10. you say you cleared cache, but did you also go to a empty place, no sandbox, to let your inventory build up again?. and cable or wifi?... During the time your inventory loads again you should go for a walk or coffee in rl and do totally nothing. or it will take much longer, with the risk it fails again. What viewer are you on? ... Telling us you will leave SL won't add a lot to us, we're just residents as you are, LL doesn't watch this forums a lot. Next to that it doesn't add something to your question to help it solving.
  11. can be a hick up in the conneciton while downloading so the file is damaged. If you are on wifi try cabled first. Perhaps also can try firestorm if that will run completely.
  12. you indeed need a viewer to enter the world of SL, but i really doubt it will run on a notebook. see here for systemrequirements: https://secondlife.com/support/system-requirements/ same question in this thread in the past : https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/how-do-i-play-second-life-on-my-chromebook/qaq-p/2796108
  13. there are for sure thousends of parcels as you want to rent. Placing the question here won't bring more than a handfull suggestions from a few landlords, the most interesting deals you won't find here. you can use the landsearch option inworld and look for estate rentals. i rented from the Chung estates, Zoha islands, and a few more... here's a list http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Private_estate_management_companies just look around, don't rent first you see, prices may differ from place to place, avoid commercial if you want only to live there... avoid clubs... malls.... and don't pay to much in advance...if a landlord goes down you will loose your land without refunds.
  14. you dont tell us what you did already... so first thing to do is have a look at the abilities you gave to your officers
  15. if Freya's option isn't enabled new search is the only thing to find it again, items are only stored as soon you buy it.
  16. if you give a little more info we could offer more suggestions... what message what viewer system wifi/connected @ Marischa, please dont post your questions in another posters topic, your problem can be totally different, so you won't get a answer or OP won't get the right answers... Use search at the top of this page so see if there are already solutions for your problem.If it's not there, we try our best to give directions to solve it, but keep in mind all people here are just residents, it's not a LL support site. If it's about a message mentioning the friendslist, there are about hundred posts now, solution for that is sending in a support ticket, new postings will keep your problem only longer, and will get the same answer: send in a support ticket
  17. Esmeraldazs wrote: Chic you must be a premuim member for them to fix it so quick for you, I have been trying to log in since 9pm SLT it is now 2:26am SLT and I still can't log in to the account i getting the "Updating Friends list" then the error. I hate that this is going on and i am one of the people that was caught in the mix of this my avatar costed a lot to do everything i wanted to do to her and I do not want to upload that money to my alt just to get her looking excat to my main avatar but if I have to believe me I will but i would rather have this fixed. there are avatars waiting for 2 weeks now... so be a bit patient, every account has to be solved manually so it will take a while. And being premium or not has not much to do with it. They sometimes seem to be quicker because they can use live support, so dont have to wait till a employee manually sets the problem in the row to be solved. and everybody hates it not to be able to log in, you'r no exception or special to want that.. otherwise there wouldn't be hundreds of posts with this problem ...
  18. what payent option do you use? in general only Credit Cards ( no debit or prepaid) skrill and verified paypal are accepted. non verified paypal will also fail.
  19. when you post on several different forums you might get less answers, please keep it at one location, so also the ones who answer can see what's already answered https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Pose-ball-question/m-p/2992608#M218757
  20. might be simply your AO has a higher priority... turn that off or the poseball asks for permission and you don't click the pop up to agree or perhaps something else, but that will be brought in by others i think....
  21. if you use the search you'll see you'r not alone with this. There are many others who already posted this. solution: send in a supportticket with the problem and system info. To be sure not to be redirected to try the official viewer first, download and try that before sending the ticket. ( won't work but you will have the info for LL )
  22. 98% of all MM boards are group only. you will have to wear the actual group tag or it won't count, even when you'r in the group
  23. just adding... it's not more than 5 business days now... 29-12=1 30-12 = 2 31-12= ( some countries also none) 1-1 = none 2-1 = none 3-1 = none 4-1 = 3 5-1 = 4 6-1 = 5
  24. depends a bit what body you want to use, i guess it's for the ni****yth creation. It should be possible to work to it with the sliders, that's pretty versatile in adapting. Perhaps a bit of work, but just use the rgb tool will be the same pain. If it's for slink or adam feel free to send me a IM, ...
  25. create a support ticket here: https://support.secondlife.com/
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