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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. no thats not possible. Only the items with transfer rights are possible to hand over. All others are in use on the particular account, for LL all accounts are seperate entities/persons, "alt" is just a name, there are no double accounts.
  2. get some affiliate vendors... if you can bring that to life you show your capabilities, and skilled creators might get interested.
  3. if it's only your premium you cancelled you can upgrade again at your profile page. If you cancelled total account, you also normally can undo that there, if you don't see a button, send a support ticket.
  4. ehm..to your inventory...perhaps too easy... but do you have L$ on your account?....
  5. of course it has bodyhair..... it's baked on half of all standard skinsin the hud, and if your skincreator makes it too it's easy to apply, or even use the tattoolayer for it...
  6. http://meshbodyaddicts.com/mesh-body-reviews/mens-bodies/adam/
  7. re installing is nearly never solving a problem what occurs inworld .. will make it only worse because you will need to build the cache tottally new. As long your inventory says "fetching"... keep off, do nothing, and see if it gets more items listed. If your connection isn't that well the inventory will keep half loaded or it won't respond to your commands. Try, as suggested wired and let your inventory totally load before you do anything. Go for a walk or cup of coffee...(or two).
  8. keeping your own head makes your look unique, wearing a mesh head, like most others will make you one of the many. Even with different skins you will have the look like hundreds of others. I have the TMP, Jomo, Slink and a few others... the Adam is what i like most. The alpha hud is very versatile, ánd biggest ++++ ... lot of normal sized mesh clothes will fit, or at least good wearable without too many gaps. Of course, as at all bodies, mesh or not, you will have to adjust the shape for that. Another great thing ....omega compatible.
  9. go have a look at MP, there are thousends of items in the range you look for
  10. , I highlighted it ... i emptied my trash. I hardly know what I'm doing, My inventory is so messy and unorganized and somehow, a lot of stuff ended up in my trash. I don't even know how. Any help? This really has put a damper on my experience all in trash is gone after deleting... that's where trash is for ánd asks for being sure before you click empty....(unless you deactivated that warning...but than even more your own choice) If you don't know what you'r doing go read a little on the knowledgebase... go to some, for example, firestorm classes... builders... youtube.... and so on...and go play wiht prims yourself... see what happens ... Messy inventory is caused by a lazy owner put your important things directly in apropriate folders, ánd delete useless stuff. Create subfolders in your clothing, bodyparts, objects....pants in pants, shirts in shirts. .... You have a great reason to start shopping again that will give again some fun to your experience
  11. most avatar textures ( skins, tattoos) aren't mod, creators mostly protect their work. If your skin is mod, you mostly still won't have the skin textures. The owner does not give those out. So you only can mod it with the appearance tool. The same with tattoos. Tattoos are nearly never baked on the skin but additional layers. You can add /change tattoos by simply buying or creating a new one, your skin doesn't have to change for that.
  12. we can't see your wallet we can't see your style we can't see your taste ... perhaps go try them, nearly all have testing pose stands... have a look for some inspiration here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search[layout]=gallery&search[category_id]=622&search[sort]=created_at_desc&search[per_page]=12&search[keywords]=&search[price_low]=&search[price_high]=&search[prim_count_low]=&search[prim_count_high]=&search[copy_permission]=0&search[modify_permission]=0&search[transfer_permission]=0
  13. as most open secrets.... not more than gossip. Even if he would have a account, why would it be revealed?... totall nonsence.....
  14. just linked, and balance isn't enough, it has to be verified, ánd your bank must allow direct transfer. LL doesn't accept it when they have to wait for their money.
  15. ehm... perhaps somebody will have a tip,... but how you think we can solve failing hardware from here? Check all connections... cooling.... Think you really should go to a technician with that machine, before more damage is done and you fry your motherboard and graphics.
  16. if you'r on wifi, go wired. if you'r on a router...check thát firewall...ánd port settings, your pc can be open, but if you'r router is locked you won't get any further.
  17. you would give people a reason to talk if you had some information in your profile... nearly for two years here and a totally blank profile isn't very inviting, you could be the zillionst bot just standing there on a sim to count traffic...
  18. i would think you have a manual /notecard comming with it. Appliers normally are meant for mesh, so if you don't own that, the applier will not be of any use. perhaps best is contact your seller for advise
  19. Alwin Alcott

    Lost account

    you can try to get the name by using the "login/ forgot login information... the name of the acocunt will be send to the email. If you used more accounts on that email, move the ones you know to another emailadress and try it again... when none is found the page will tell you so
  20. as far i know there is no sign up, still too early for a beta
  21. with firestorm my path is : C- users-username(rl)-appdata-roaming-firestorm - username ... than select on chatpartner appdata is often a hidden folder, you will have to enable those in windows.
  22. sales inworld or MP ?... inworld: how's your traffic? MP: is it easely found? ... further down perhaps because newer items are placed?...
  23. it's not only your machine what gives you best performance... also network is very important. With the highest possible machine, but 5 kb connection it will still be crap. Set everything to ultra... if it lags... go lower...
  24. best advertisement is deliver excellent quality and affordable prices... rental boards, spamgroups (adrvertisement groups) is spoiled time... and money. If you have decent things to sell, you can join some sales events, there are lots of people visiting those. for example for males: the mens department, Men only Monthly... there are several for women too...
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