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Everything posted by LilithServil

  1. It's alright! Sometimes I forget that furries, while one of the more common non-human avatars, seem to be greatly outnumbered on the forums. So should I move it back to avatar accessories? That's where I've been listing all of my mods since I first opened shop. I just hope it doesn't get mysteriously flagged again if I do.
  2. Ahh, well I just went and changed my listings to that category. I wish there were more clear cut definitions for the categories, though, as I make furry mods and avatar accessories seems to be the main place to find them (Avatar Accessories -> Furry Accessories). Hopefully moving them to the other category doesn't exclude them from people looking for those...
  3. I'm so confused. What should a modkit for an avatar (appliers and eye textures boxed together) fall under, category-wise? I've been listening them as simply Avatar Accessories since I first opened my shop, but today one of my items got flagged and deactivated for "Incorrect Listing Category". Why...? Did someone flag it for no reason and get it taken down? What do I even do about this, do I just put it back up? The message said something along the lines of "item as not was described" and the listing was deactivated. The last thing I want to do is somehow get in trouble if it keeps getting flagged if I put it back up again. I don't see how it's not as advertised, as I specifically list that it's an avatar mod, have a bunch of pics up with midday lighting on high quality so people can see what they're getting, and a warning that the hair shown in the listing doesn't come with the mod. Help? I want to relist it because I'm quite happy with how the product came out, but I'm worried it'll get flagged again for some reason or another. : / I have multiple recolors of the same modkit still available which I could link if anyone wants to see what I could have done wrong. Edit: After looking at my orders, the item has only been ordered by one person so far several days ago and they left a 5 star review on the item. Did someone flag it for no reason without even purchasing it? I don't really see why someone would do that.
  4. Slapped together a little something for halloween last night while I couldn't sleep. Pleasantly surprised with how it came out!
  5. Weirdly I was in a totally empty sandbox when the problem was happening. I teleported to a different location and now I'm no longer having the issue-- I'm not sure what the issue is, I know I definitely didn't have an Object lying around causing any script issues. Seems to happen again if I go back, so I guess I'll just avoid that sandbox for a while... Shame, I practically live there when I don't have a parcel rented. Still strange an object I don't own/never put down was giving me script errors, revoking permissions doesn't fix anything either. Odd, but avoidable. Thanks for the help, it's almost 6 am and I'm really out of it aha
  6. More specifically.... I can't figure out for the life of me what's causing this. I've tried taking everything off aside from what I physically can't remove aaand: This is driving me crazy. Anyone know what to do about this? It only happens when I try to move any direction (turn left, turn right, move forward/back etc). If I stay still, nothing happens. Crouching or jumping doesn't seem to affect it either.
  7. I've been trying to expand my social horizons, so you could try shooting me an IM if you want to talk. ^^ I like exploring, but can be shy and not too talkative in big crowds unless friends are around. I spend a good chunk of my time making texture mods, hanging out at my house, and chatting with two super close friends (one of which joins me in-world more frequently than the other). My hobbies outside of SL include playing all sorts of video games, drawing, animating, watching movies/anime/cartoons, and so on. I mainly wear furry or feral avatars-- laying that out there since I know some people can be put off by it. I'm very introverted, but have been attempting to find chill people to hang with lately.
  8. I've been poking around for places to hang out to no avail. You could try to shoot me an IM sometime if you'd like! My interests include modding textures, drawing, a plethora of video games, etc! I'm pitifully shy at times however which kinda stunts my social life, so it tends to take me a while to get comfortable. I tend to stumble into sims full of people and just stand silently in a corner unless directly talked at, pffpfppft
  9. Was at Luskwood the other day... Unfortunately it was another one of those "dead zones" full of people who just stand around/idle there. I might try going back sometime to see if there's a different crowd, though. Also tried searching for places and that's mainly why I made this thread. Most places seem either too adult-oriented or completely empty. I've tried joysticks arcade too and sometimes loiter around, but it seems like people just gather there to watch people livestream and not much else, as far as I can tell. Mostly just trying to see if anyone has found any gems that I haven't been able to find with the keywords I'm trying tbh because I'm starting to run out of options.
  10. Already mentioned I'm not interested in "adult"/yiff themed clubs, had bad experiences with em. Either full of silent non-talkers or full of people who get disinterested the moment you say you don't want to bed them, unfortunately, and I've been to a few. I guess there really is nothing with an active population that doesn't have something to do with yiff. x-x
  11. Depends on what you want! I can't model anything, but I can make custom textures for pre-existing stuff (bodies, heads, bento tails, wings etc) for a fee, if you can find body parts that fit your fursona.
  12. Man, I was hoping at least someone would have chimed in by now. I guess there really is nothing...?
  13. Hey there everyone, sorry if this is in the wrong section-- I don't use these forums very much. ^^; Like the title says, I'm looking for some new sims to chill on. I used to hang around one in particular, but stopped going around there for personal reasons. Basically I'm looking for what I had at the old sim I frequented: a regular place to hop on, chat while doing other stuff on the side, etc. Bonus if it's a relatively small but decently active place, as I shy away from large crowds. I already tried looking through the in-world search using several different keywords, but... As I want some place that's furry-friendly, most searches wind up digging up a plethora of kink-themed sims. I don't mind adult rated sims, but sims that revolve around nsfw things are places I tend to stay away from. I want to meet friends, not someone who's talking just for the sole purpose of getting into my pants. A lot of sims I've visited already seem to be pretty dead-- or are full of people idling for hours with no actual talking going on. Anyone know any good spots I should check out? (ahh another thing I should note is that heavily rp influenced sims are a definite no to me, I'm not too big on rp or the "rl should stay in rl" mentality!! I've actually gotten yelled at before for mentioning something I had to do irl once, eep)
  14. Ooh alright, I'll give it a shot. I don't usually go out much unless it's to shop or wander the untamed wilderness of one of the mainland continents with friends, so I never knew the biggest/best places to check out are actually filtered that way. ^^;
  15. Not all mp listings have in-world stores-- I've checked some of the high quality ones already, too. I was just hoping there would be at least one store with a random selection of AOs to try, like how some stores (i.e Furry Fashion, for example) have a giant mishmash of products from different creators.
  16. Being a big fan of mixing and matching animations from AOs, I'm always looking for more animations to buy-- either in a full AO or in separate pieces. Does anyone know of any good places to browse a wide selection of different AOs? I've got nothing in particular on my mind, I just want to look at new animations to use. Only specification is that I'm not really interested in any AOs in the marketplace. It's too difficult to tell the quality of any animations you're getting from static images alone, and no one likes paying anywhere from 300 to 1k L on something that either doesn't look good, doesn't work for what you want, or is too similar to what you have already to actually be used. I want to be able to preview them in-world!
  17. Oh what a pretty snokra! Yeah, that mane has easily become one of my favorite accessories, it's so fluffy and thick but not too obstructive overall. Looks great on your av!
  18. Tol enough to end up needing teleports into buildings every now and then... I just hit my head on the wall if I try to walk in myself, gah
  19. Most of my avatars are smol (as in, smallest possible on the sliders without being disproportionate)! Most are either based off of existing short characters, my own ocs, or myself. Lately tho I've been a big lorge tol. (apologies for the painfully cropped images eugh) Doesn't look too spectacular at first glance, but I spent hours texturing my new snokra body to work with my sergal head. Now I just need to wait for more clothes to become available for it!
  20. This is absolutely driving me crazy. I can't figure out what the problem is and it's still happening. I've tried everything I can think of, trying to mod the tail on a new parcel, modding it while wearing it, modding it while it's dropped, recreating it using an older tail, unlinking, changing the flexibility, relinking, etc. I doubt it's the tail script messing with the flexibility settings because I have other tails that use it. For comparison, here is my jex tail linked to the tail that's not working.  The jex tail is at -500 no problem. The tail I'm trying to mod is stll flopped at 300 for some reason. I made sure there were no scripts in the tail I wanted, set the gravity to -1.200, then directly linked it to the tail above (which contains a script and yet the gravity settings are fine). Tried to put it on just to test things and the tail I want at -1.200 went back to 300. I really don't get it. This is the only tail that does this. I've even tried creating a flexible prim with correctly set gravity and it links up with the scripted prim fine, but if I use this tail it refuses to keep its settings consistent.
  21. Whoa, I didn't know about the new bones, that's awesome. Though I don't see why new bones and attachment points would interfere with prim gravity? Either way the problem is still persisting, I'm still having to manually adjust my tail every time I log in or load up.
  22. I've tried that, even when rezzed on the ground it just defaults back to 300 if I take it back into my inventory or wear it. It is indeed scripted, but I don't think that's the problem. I have 8 other tails with the same script (same version, as far as I've known it hasn't been updated and I just copy+paste my old tails whenever I feel like fiddling with them for a new mod) and I've been able to successfully make their flexibility settings different. This problem just started happening within the last two days and I'm completely stumped.
  23. I don't usually post around here but I'm not sure what's happening, I've never had an issue like this previously. I've been modding a tail and I want it to curve upward. No problem, right? Right. I mod it like so, and it's fine until I either take it off, enter a different region, or log out and back in. This is what's happening: I fix the tail up the way I want it:  See how it's curved? I changed the gravity to -1.200, as seen below:  But then if I take the tail off and put it back on again... This happens. Why?? I've never had an issue like this and it's really bugging me. I keep having to re-adjust my tail back to the gravity I want any time I enter a new area and it has to load again. It's getting super tedious since the tail fluff is split up into 6 parts, too. And yeah, before anyone asks, I'm sure I'm using the same tail each time and not going back to a previously unedited version. I only have this one copy and I rename any newer modded versions so I don't get them mixed up.
  24. By commissions I mean commissions outside of SL; digital art, traditional art, etc. I have threads set up on other sites where I take commissions from time to time and have a wide range of different payment options (generally virtual currency, or premium game currencies if said sites and games allow it). Would adding L to my list of accepted payment forms be allowed, or would I wind up having to accept USD instead to purchase L? Just generally curious, since I know linden payments are perfectly accepted for a variety of inworld interaction or entertainment-based services, but not too sure if payments for services not directly inworld (like a commission for a colored bust of somebody's avatar, for example) are okay too. Edit: For clarification purposes, I want to know if it's okay to do work offworld for linden. I know creators take commissions for inworld creations, but if I were to do something not involving SL at all for someone (like drawing a piece of artwork for them), am I allowed to charge lindens for the service?
  25. One of my friends wants me to help them mod an avatar loosely based off of Jasper from Steven Universe. They're pretty clueless on how to mod things themself so I generally do it, and I know what direction I want to take the look in, but then I realized I hit a roadblock: Her hair. I've been digging through the SL marketplace for a while now and I haven't been able to find anything long enough, thick enough, or wild-looking enough, so I've taken to the forums for suggestions. Here are some pictures of the character for reference. I may just give up and try to piece my own together but I'm already in the process of building something else so it'd be way easier to just buy something similar. 
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