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Everything posted by MrsSeren

  1. I was inspired by the pretty B&W shots but decided to do my version with colour splash and I'm pretty happy my dabble came out.
  2. Just need the Ziggy Stardust make up then your all set! Sorry I <3 Bowie
  3. Grey wet day for boat ride but not feeling blue because it Monday or wet! Yes, puns intended but what can I say other than I love blue!
  4. Awww @BelindaN I'm not out in sense of leaving thread, meant on what been discussed as still gonna post so not leaving you! *smoosh hugs your face!*
  5. Okay; I'm fairly new to this thread but knew Orwar pre here and I met a few and friended some from this thread; if honest I found them nothing but very friendly and easy to talk however I really appreciate the fact that they don't get annoyed I can be quiet as I admit I am an introvert but I do like posting pictures on here and if people like that then it bonus and if they don't then I won't sweat it because I take pictures simply for my enjoyment! I'm outs for now!
  6. Sometimes I like to feel cutie in look but today not so much!
  7. I'm making cookies ready for my host set at 8am SLT; and if you're lucky I might share some with ya'll before I work!
  8. Reminds me of Hermes, funnily his Roman name is my ruling planet however I love this!
  9. Thanks, it just was idea I had and I thought this was good place to share it!
  10. Same photo; 3 different Windlights and not sure which one I love the most.
  11. I will not be tempted by the yummy looking cakes in bakery which I'm going past whilst on my bike ride; LOL!
  12. I tried using Blackdragon but got totally and utterly confused so removed it and shall stick to doing my pictures in Firestorm; they not may be amazing buuut ya know what I have fun regardless and to me that what matters!
  13. I think I stick to my usual Fall look; jumper/hoodie/zip up hoodie with t-shirt, jeans and trainers like so much easier and plus comfy and practical!
  14. My best friend; Angel since I was a week old in SL and they always been by my side and a true friend though our last picture of us was out of date so we did new one yesterday!
  15. I was gonna suggest that next once you shortened it to edit the event post; you're welcome!
  16. Many years I remember telling my ex Cali Dom (jokingly) on voice to shut his gob, I'm from UK, he goes quiet for few seconds then goes babycakes, is it on show? Cue me losing it for 45 minutes of laughter; my real life mom had to physically to take headset to explain what I had said because each time I tried, I would start laughing again and luckily for me; he enjoyed talking to my mom as much as me but once he got told meaning; he saw funny side too!
  17. This photo I'm posting is for photo challenge I'm taking part in and it was how i looked for most of the day though since changed! Theme is mischief and mayhem, has to be taken at certain sim and I stole my friend's last corndog; guess he wasn't happy with me for doing it but I was hungry and his looked so goood!
  18. It could be the length of your post as from what I remember when I did events that I couldn't write too much so hope that helps.
  19. Awww thank you, I just have fun dabbling! <3
  20. I'm exploring Free Spirit Farms, nice thing is if you join their free group you can temporarily rez so I did and decided to take a photo for this thread.
  21. I decided to go paragliding above my place and show off my cute new 2L$ outfit by Pink Cream Pie and thanks @Catrie for colour advice yesterday and totes awesome to talk to you so hugs and love to ya!
  22. Like my fellow UK forumers; 9pm SLT like pass!
  23. FabFree is the one best blogs I know for showcasing freebies.
  24. Just my observation with mesh bodies; us ladies got better boobies!
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